Thursday March 17, 2016

time form type form
03/17/2016 6:01 am8-KTribune Publishing Co - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:02 am8-KDEL TORO SILVER CORP. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 6:03 am8-KCATERPILLAR INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/17/2016 6:05 am8-KNuverra Environmental Solutions, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:14 am10-KMusclePharm Corp - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 6:15 amS-1/ASenseonics Holdings, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/17/2016 6:22 am10-QLvyuan Green Building Material Technology Corp. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 6:26 am8-KSeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:48 am8-KInogen Inc - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 6:50 am8-KLANDS' END, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:50 am8-KMusclePharm Corp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:01 am8-KEndo International plc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:01 am8-KGOODRICH PETROLEUM CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:10 am8-KNeos Therapeutics, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:16 am8-KVoyager Therapeutics, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:28 am8-KMichaels Companies, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:29 am10-KXCel Brands, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 7:31 am8-KELITE PHARMACEUTICALS INC /NV/ - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:32 am10-KBUILD-A-BEAR WORKSHOP INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 7:38 am8-KGREENE COUNTY BANCORP INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 7:51 am8-KStagwell Inc - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:54 am8-KWILLIS TOWERS WATSON PLC - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 8:04 am8-KAdaptimmune Therapeutics PLC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 8:12 am8-KFS KKR Capital Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/17/2016 8:12 am8-KAngie's List, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 8:15 am8-KZoned Properties, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 8:18 am8-KTRINET GROUP, INC. - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing
03/17/2016 8:20 am8-KNoble Corp - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 8:30 am8-KXpresSpa Group, Inc. - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
03/17/2016 8:30 am8-KFifth Street Asset Management Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 8:37 am8-K/ANovus Robotics Inc. - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 8:38 am10-K/ABMC STOCK HOLDINGS, INC. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/17/2016 8:51 am8-KAspect FuturesAccess LLC - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
03/17/2016 8:56 am8-KLeet Technology Inc. - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
03/17/2016 9:00 am8-KC&J Energy Services, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:00 am8-KCMTSU Liquidation, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:01 am10-QTRAILBLAZER RESOURCES INC. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 9:02 am8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:04 am8-KLIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT CORP /CN/ - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:20 am8-KYuMe Inc - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:24 am8-KSunworks, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:35 am10-Q/ASUNRISE REAL ESTATE GROUP INC - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 9:38 am10-QSUNRISE REAL ESTATE GROUP INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 9:42 am10-QSUNRISE REAL ESTATE GROUP INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 9:46 am8-KTIDEWATER INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:52 am8-KNemaura Medical Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:53 am8-KArno Therapeutics, Inc - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:53 am8-KSOUTHERN FIRST BANCSHARES INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 10:02 am8-KCANTEL MEDICAL LLC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 10:16 am8-KGeoVax Labs, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 10:38 am8-K/ACalamos Asset Management, Inc. /DE/ - 8-K/A, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 10:57 am10-KSEVERN BANCORP INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 10:57 am8-KMB FINANCIAL INC /MD - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 11:00 am8-KINSIGNIA SYSTEMS INC/MN - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:03 am8-KFLOWERS FOODS INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:03 am8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Chicago - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
03/17/2016 11:08 am8-KMAXIMUS, INC. - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
03/17/2016 11:11 am8-KM&F BANCORP INC /NC/ - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:21 am8-KViacom Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 11:32 am8-KErin Energy Corp. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:41 am8-KErin Energy Corp. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:42 am8-KAdvanced BioEnergy, LLC - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
03/17/2016 11:45 am8-KSMTC CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:46 am8-KPredictive Oncology Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:47 am8-KSEVCON, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 11:48 am10-KSMTC CORP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 11:49 am8-KMICROPAC INDUSTRIES INC - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:54 am8-KXCel Brands, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 11:58 am10-QPRIME GLOBAL CAPITAL GROUP Inc - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 12:03 pm8-KCLEAN HARBORS INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:06 pm8-KCITY HOLDING CO - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:08 pm10-KPLUMAS BANCORP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 12:11 pm8-KLOGIQ, INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:11 pm8-KFRANKLIN COVEY CO - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 12:19 pm8-KSL INDUSTRIES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:23 pm10-KMichaels Companies, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 12:29 pm8-KU.S. Lithium Corp. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:34 pm8-KSTEEL DYNAMICS INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:44 pm8-KCNH Industrial Capital LLC - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:54 pm8-KELECTRO RENT CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 12:57 pm8-KGRANT PARK FUTURES FUND LIMITED PARTNERSHIP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 1:00 pm8-KASTA FUNDING INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 1:09 pm8-KCrimson Wine Group, Ltd - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 1:23 pm8-KCohen & Co Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 1:23 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 1:27 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Topeka - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 1:27 pm10-QI-WELLNESS MARKETING GROUP INC. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 1:58 pm8-KC & F FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 1:58 pm8-KWhere Food Comes From, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 1:59 pm10-KBANK OF THE JAMES FINANCIAL GROUP INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 2:01 pm8-KHuaizhong Health Group, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 2:07 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Dallas - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:10 pm8-KWILSON BANK HOLDING CO - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:13 pm8-K/AShire plc - 8-K/A, Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:16 pm8-KHELIOS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:16 pm8-KCAPITAL ONE FUNDING, LLC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:24 pm10-QFIRST ASIA HOLDINGS LTD - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 2:28 pm10-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 2:30 pm8-KASSOCIATED MATERIALS, LLC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:33 pm8-KCellectar Biosciences, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:37 pm10-QUrban Barns Foods Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 2:40 pm10-KFixed Income Trust for Prudential Financial, Inc. Notes, Series 2012-1 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 2:43 pm8-KNVR INC - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:43 pm8-KMGC DIAGNOSTICS Corp - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
03/17/2016 2:43 pm10-KFixed Income Trust For Goldman Sachs Subordinated Notes, Series 2011-1 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 2:44 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:53 pm8-KCalifornia Republic Auto Receivables Trust 2016-1 - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:53 pm10-QFEDEX CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 2:56 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
03/17/2016 2:58 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Dallas - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 2:58 pm10-QFEDERAL EXPRESS CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 2:58 pm8-KMEDICUS HOMECARE INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 3:00 pm8-KMAYS J W INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 3:05 pm10-KMobileSmith, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 3:08 pm8-KPAREXEL INTERNATIONAL CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 3:12 pm10-QAMI JAMES BRANDS, INC. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 3:18 pm8-KWheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 3:25 pm8-KCOPART INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 3:26 pm10-KEco-Stim Energy Solutions, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 3:41 pm10-KINTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEMS LTD /WI/ - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 3:47 pm10-QAxis Research & Technologies, Inc. (Delaware) - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 3:51 pm8-KMicrolin Bio, Inc - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 4:01 pm8-KCAPRICOR THERAPEUTICS, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:02 pm8-KParamount Gold Nevada Corp. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:02 pm10-KOXBRIDGE RE HOLDINGS Ltd - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:03 pm8-KManitex International, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:04 pm10-KGlobal Eagle Entertainment Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:05 pm8-KDUPONT FABROS TECHNOLOGY, INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:05 pm10-KEQUITY BANCSHARES INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:05 pm8-KMolecular Templates, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
03/17/2016 4:06 pm8-KSHUTTERFLY INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:06 pm8-KGSE SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/17/2016 4:06 pm8-KADOBE INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:06 pm8-KSunoco LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:06 pm8-KOXBRIDGE RE HOLDINGS Ltd - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:07 pm10-KChromaDex Corp. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:08 pm8-K/AOMNICELL, Inc - 8-K/A, Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:08 pm8-KINDEPENDENT BANK CORP - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 4:08 pm8-KSHOE CARNIVAL INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:09 pm8-K/ABLUCORA, INC. - 8-K/A, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:10 pm8-KTempus Applied Solutions Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:10 pm8-KENNIS, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:10 pm10-KHeritage Global Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:10 pm8-KFG Financial Group, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:10 Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:11 pm8-KACORDA THERAPEUTICS INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 4:11 pm8-KSEACOAST BANKING CORP OF FLORIDA - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:11 pm8-KTitan Machinery Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:11 pm10-KARCA biopharma, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:13 pm10-KFG Financial Group, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:14 pm8-KSteel Connect, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 4:15 pm8-KTHOR INDUSTRIES INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:15 pm8-KMASTEC INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:15 pm8-KTRUSTMARK CORP - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 4:15 pm8-KON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:16 pm8-KMANTECH INTERNATIONAL CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:17 pm8-KCALADRIUS BIOSCIENCES, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:19 pm8-KINDEPENDENT BANK CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:19 pm8-KRTW Retailwinds, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:19 pm8-KCellectar Biosciences, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:20 pm8-KSintx Technologies, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:21 pm8-KPioneer PE Holding LLC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:22 pm8-KRAYONIER ADVANCED MATERIALS INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:22 pm8-KANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:22 pm8-KINLAND REAL ESTATE CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:22 pm8-KOLD POINT FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:23 pm8-KApple Hospitality REIT, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:23 pm8-KFIRST MIDWEST BANCORP INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:24 pm8-KOMNICELL, Inc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:24 pm10-KJ CREW GROUP INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:24 pm8-KJ CREW GROUP INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:26 pm8-KEdwards Lifesciences Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:27 pm8-KCNL LIFESTYLE PROPERTIES INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:27 pm8-KOrthofix Medical Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:27 pm8-KUnited Airlines Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:27 pm8-KGriffin Realty Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:28 pm8-KGERMAN AMERICAN BANCORP, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:29 pm8-KBRINKS CO - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:29 pm8-KECO Integrated Technologies, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:30 pm8-KSEELOS THERAPEUTICS, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:30 pm8-KEQT Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:30 pm8-KEQGP Holdings, LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:30 pm8-KTELEFLEX INC - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:31 pm8-KTORO CO - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
03/17/2016 4:31 pm8-KEQM Midstream Partners, LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:31 pm8-KOCI Partners LP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:31 pm8-KAlpha Natural Resources, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:32 pm8-KWIDEPOINT CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:33 pm8-KTrane Technologies plc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:34 pm8-KTravelport Worldwide LTD - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:34 pm10-KWideOpenWest Finance, LLC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:37 pm8-KOption Care Health, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/17/2016 4:37 pm8-KKura Oncology, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:38 pm8-KOneMain Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:39 pm8-KKKR & Co. Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:39 pm8-KIMAGEWARE SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:40 pm8-KREGENCY CENTERS CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:40 pm8-KPAVmed Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 4:41 pm8-KWideOpenWest Finance, LLC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:41 pm8-KROSETTA STONE INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Cost Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:42 pm10-Q/ACinedigm Corp. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 4:43 pm8-KCATO CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:43 pm8-KARCA biopharma, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:44 pm8-KFluent, Inc. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:45 pm8-KTOTAL SYSTEM SERVICES INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:45 pm10-KKura Oncology, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:45 pm8-KCOMPUTER SCIENCES CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:46 pm8-K/ACOHERENT INC - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/17/2016 4:46 pm10-KEMAGIN CORP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:46 pm10-KVoyager Therapeutics, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:48 pm8-KHollyFrontier Corp - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:48 pm8-KFIVE BELOW, INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:49 pm10-KCHIASMA, INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:50 pm8-KLiberty Global plc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/17/2016 4:50 pm8-KHARVARD BIOSCIENCE INC - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:51 pm8-KCANTALOUPE, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:52 pm8-KBATTALION OIL CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:53 pm8-KAMERICAN CAPITAL, LTD - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 4:53 pm10-K/ALMI AEROSPACE INC - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:54 pm10-KCFN Enterprises Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:55 pm8-KOHIO VALLEY BANC CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:56 pm10-K/AJefferies Financial Group Inc. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/17/2016 4:56 pm8-KNobilis Health Corp. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:57 pm8-KMerriman Holdings, Inc - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 4:58 pm8-KNORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP /DE/ - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 4:58 pm8-KLCI INDUSTRIES - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:00 pm10-KJOINT Corp - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 5:00 pm8-KSANUWAVE Health, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:00 pm8-KAPOLLO EDUCATION GROUP INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 5:02 pm8-KLiberty Global plc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/17/2016 5:03 pm8-KNotis Global, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/17/2016 5:03 pm8-KMICROSOFT CORP - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:03 pm8-KBiostage, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:05 pm8-KOLD PSG WIND-DOWN LTD. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:06 pm8-KWORLD OMNI AUTO RECEIVABLES LLC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:07 pm8-KBlue Earth, Inc. - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing
03/17/2016 5:10 pm8-KEpoxy, Inc. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:10 pm8-KEnergy Transfer LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 5:11 pm8-KKFORCE INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 5:11 pm8-KTERRAFORM GLOBAL, INC. - 8-K, Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement
03/17/2016 5:11 pm8-KCAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES LLC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:13 pm8-KZOOM COMPANIES INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/17/2016 5:13 pm8-KMINERALS TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:14 pm8-KColumbia Pipeline Group, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:15 pm10-KFOOTHILLS EXPLORATION, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 5:16 pm8-KCONDOR HOSPITALITY TRUST, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:16 pm8-KARO Liquidation, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:17 pm8-KFord Credit Auto Lease Trust 2016-A - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:20 pm10-KGAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 5:21 pmS-1/ATRAQER CORP - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/17/2016 5:21 pm8-KAttis Industries Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:21 pm10-KOblong, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 5:24 pm8-K/ATarga Resources Corp. - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:24 pm10-KWARREN RESOURCES INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 5:24 pm8-KANWORTH MORTGAGE ASSET CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:25 pm8-KLong Blockchain Corp. - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:25 pm8-K/AFoundation Healthcare, Inc. - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:26 pm10-KGLOBAL INDUSTRIAL Co - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 5:27 pm10-Q/ABionik Laboratories Corp. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 5:27 pmS-1/AValmie Resources, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/17/2016 5:27 pm10-Q/ABionik Laboratories Corp. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 5:28 pm10-Q/ABionik Laboratories Corp. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
03/17/2016 5:28 pm8-KA. M. Castle & Co. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:28 pm8-KITRON, INC. - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing
03/17/2016 5:28 pm8-KStock Yards Bancorp, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:29 pm8-KMPLX LP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:42 pm8-KEMMIS COMMUNICATIONS CORP - 8-K, Other Events
03/17/2016 5:46 pm10-KSPEEDWAY MOTORSPORTS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 5:57 pm8-KCONSUMER PORTFOLIO SERVICES, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 5:59 pm8-KAmerican Realty Capital Healthcare Trust III, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:01 pm8-KHealthcare Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:02 pm8-KJPMORGAN CHASE & CO - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:08 pm8-KCidara Therapeutics, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:13 pm10-KCidara Therapeutics, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 6:27 pm8-KNEW YORK COMMUNITY BANCORP INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:32 pm8-KAMERICAN RIVER BANKSHARES - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:32 pm8-KLIQUIDMETAL TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:37 pm8-KKINGSTONE COMPANIES, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:47 pm8-KRENASANT CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 6:56 pm8-KDiadexus, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/17/2016 7:03 pm8-KArmco Metals Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:12 pm10-KWorldwide Specialty Chemicals Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 7:24 pm8-KSTAG Industrial, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 7:34 pm8-KYou Han Data Tech Co Ltd. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
03/17/2016 8:02 pm8-KBILL BARRETT CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 8:10 pm10-KNorthStar Real Estate Income II, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/17/2016 8:54 pm8-K/AHydroPhi Technologies Group, Inc. - 8-K/A, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:20 pm8-KACORN ENERGY, INC. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:52 pm8-K/AKura Oncology, Inc. - 8-K/A, Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/17/2016 9:56 pm10-KPROSPER MARKETPLACE, INC - 10-K, Annual Report