Attached files

file filename
EX-10.37 - EXHIBIT 10.37 - CHS INCex-1037reaffirmationperforma.htm
10-K - 10-K - CHS INCchscp10k83117.htm
EX-32.2 - EXHIBIT 32.2 - CHS INCex-32283117.htm
EX-32.1 - EXHIBIT 32.1 - CHS INCex-32183117.htm
EX-31.2 - EXHIBIT 31.2 - CHS INCex-31283117.htm
EX-31.1 - EXHIBIT 31.1 - CHS INCex-31183117.htm
EX-24.1 - EXHIBIT 24.1 - CHS INCex-24183117.htm
EX-21.1 - EXHIBIT 21.1 - CHS INCex-21183117.htm
EX-10.35A - EXHIBIT 10.35A - CHS INCex-1035aamendedandrestated.htm
EX-10.33B - EXHIBIT 10.34B - CHS INCex-1034bamendmentno2salean.htm
EX-10.16 - EXHIBIT 10.16 - CHS INCex-1016chsincsltretentiona.htm
EX-10.13B - EXHIBIT 10.13B - CHS INCex-1013bdeferredcompensation.htm
EX-10.5G - EXHIBIT 10.5G - CHS INCex-105gltiplan2018x2020.htm
EX-10.5F - EXHIBIT 10.5F - CHS INCex-105ftiplan2017x2019app.htm
EX-10.5E - EXHIBIT 10.5E - CHS INCex-105eltiplan2016x2018app.htm
EX-10.5D - EXHIBIT 10.5D - CHS INCex-105dltimasterplandoc2018.htm
EX-10.5C - EXHIBIT 10.5C - CHS INCex-105cltiplan2015x2017app.htm
EX-10.5B - EXHIBIT 10.5B - CHS INCex-105b2017ltimasterplandoc.htm
EX-10.5A - EXHIBIT 10.5A - CHS INCex-105altiplan2014x2016app.htm
EX-10.5 - EXHIBIT 10.5 - CHS INCex-105chslti2016mpd.htm
EX-10.4B - EXHIBIT 10.4B - CHS INCex-104bavpappendixb.htm
EX-10.4A - EXHIBIT 10.4A - CHS INCex-104aavpappendixa.htm
EX-10.4 - EXHIBIT 10.4 - CHS INCex-1042017avpmpd.htm
Exhibit 23.1


We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form S-8 (Nos. 333-154819, 333-177326, and 333-212440) of CHS Inc. of our report dated November 9, 2017 relating to the financial statements and financial statement schedule, which appears in this Form 10-K.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Minneapolis, Minnesota
November 9, 2017