Attached files

file filename
EX-32.1 - EXHIBIT 32.1 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit321tdg2015-09x30.htm
EX-32.2 - EXHIBIT 32.2 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit322tdg2015-09x30.htm
EX-31.1 - EXHIBIT 31.1 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit311tdg2015-09x30.htm
EX-10.52 - EXHIBIT 10.52 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit1052secondamendme.htm
EX-10.53 - EXHIBIT 10.53 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit1053thirdamendmen.htm
EX-10.51 - EXHIBIT 10.51 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit1051firstamendmen.htm
EX-12.1 - EXHIBIT 12.1 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit121ratioofearningst.htm
EX-10.49 - EXHIBIT 10.49 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit1049transdigmsupple.htm
EX-3.115 - EXHIBIT 3.115 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit3115restatedby-laws.htm
EX-4.17 - EXHIBIT 4.17 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit417tdg-thirdsupplem.htm
EX-4.13 - EXHIBIT 4.13 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit413tdg-fourthsupple.htm
EX-4.21 - EXHIBIT 4.21 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit421tdg-thirdsupplem.htm
EX-4.8 - EXHIBIT 4.8 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit48tdg-sixthsuppleme.htm
EX-23.1 - EXHIBIT 23.1 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit231consentofindepen.htm
EX-4.24 - EXHIBIT 4.24 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit424tdg-secondsupple.htm
EX-21.1 - EXHIBIT 21.1 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit211subsidiarylisting.htm
10-K - TDG 2015-09-30 10-K - TransDigm Group INCtdg2015-09x3010k.htm
EX-3.114 - EXHIBIT 3.114 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit3114certofamend.htm
EX-31.2 - EXHIBIT 31.2 - TransDigm Group INCexhibit312tdg2015-09x30.htm
' Exhibit 3.113 ------....--------- -- --. . - --~ .. F I L;E D 1 tn ...... efthe........, cf ... ARTICIBS OP INCORPORATION OF of 1ft. Statt of C1Mon11a 2 PNEUDRAULICS, INC. OCT • 3 1151 :s FRANK M. SOIDAH,._.,at._ 4 KNOW ALL JIIEH BY THESE PRBSBN'l'S: -sa ~~J7tt.t,_.." _§ - 5 ~ 6:: i; v .,...., That 'we~ tbe undersigned, ERIC J. SAVILK, RAYJ.iOND S. Blllft', . ·J it 7 r JR., and LORRA!RE R. BBMVBBIJfti~ bave tbi& day voluntarily aaaoo1ate4 · ~; ~ a[t ourselves together tor the purpose or forming a corporation under tbe . · ~ ... .. I~9 ~ laws ot tbe State ot Cal1torn1a. _ --~ -i .. L::h.o :. ,!- s.: <:; l: .;, ~ -~ 11 jl ABD WB DO HBRBBY CERTIPY: . . i~ ~~ 12f. ~ .. . :. A I: :. ., l:S !' PIRST: '!'hat tbe D8Die ot tbia corporat11)D is f3 • ~ :. . 1:4 ~~ PMBUDRAULICS, DC. 15 !; SBCOJm: 'l'llat tbe purposes ror -.b1ch tbia corporation 1a . ~~ .... . .. ~ 16 \ formed are the tollowiDg: · ; · :· ~ 17 ! '!'bat tbe Pr1arf bua1neaa S n wbicb tbe corporation 111~- :. · 18 ltn1t1al17 to engage 1n 1s tbe b)"draul1c, h;rdrodJilUilca and l!illdlar .· I 19 lsc1enoe, reaearcb, develop~~~tnt, creat1&!1 and manufacture ot bJdr&dl~o, . ;.;_· 20 b~e 8Dd b7DJIIO-•cban1cal dertces, tnatru.enta, obJects dt: ~ } 21 COJIIPonent parts tbereot, 1nclU41Jig tbe right to obtain, leutq, · -.~. 22 license, al3d pay tot" all neceaaar:r tac111tiea~ aervloea, ~ · ·- . ·, 23 ter1ala, equiplent, patent license r1gbte, and other coml0d1t1et, · :~:~ 1·; 24 r1gbta aDd pr1rtlepa, requ1re4 tberet"or, and tbe doing or 81\7 otbe~ '.l ·:· • . ' !1 . · ~ 2ri act, usual, ouet:omarr, or neceaea17, tor tbe eatabl1ab.ent, tulftll.;,. · :.~ 26 •nt, or doiD& ot tbe toregoiDg. -., 27 •'! 'l!bat a4d1\i10D&l J)O!!r& to be exercised by the corporat1~~ · ~ ~ · '.: 28 ares 29 To enoage 111 any and all lawful bue1nesaea allowable gn,.. 30 4er law and to do any and all acta neoeaaaey and ):)X'Opelr' and/or uautl ''tlr;: 31 1n ·the conduct. manage~~ent and/orq.erat1on ot an}· such 'bus1neaaea ao • _ .~ - •• --d in. · .. . :1:: .. -1- . _l<-. . . . · .. - ~ ,IIJ ,· • -~ .. i .,, ~~"" .. ;· -£_.;:,;_~

l; H :j 1 . 2 ~ ·I 3 ij 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 U5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 :n 3Z To purchas~. apply tor, and otherwise aequire 1 sell, trans fer, and ot.herwlse dispose ot, mortgage, and ene umber fran-, chisea, easements, rights, privileges, lecenaes, traie-marks, trade names, patents, inventions, improvements and processes. TO purchase, lease tram others, and otherwise acquire, sel~, I convey, transfer, lease to others, and otherwiae dispose ot, mortgag~. or otherwise encumber, real or personal property. ' I ! To acquire, hold, and sell the shares ot other corporat1~, and negotiate tor the sale, hypothecation, or disposal ot the sa.e; I to borrow and loan 110ney 1n connection with the foregoing purposes with or w1.tbout security therefor; to execute notes, bonds, and all other obligattona tor 110ney borrcnred, property purchases, to obta1n and acquire ~ot1Able instruments or evidence ot debt, or otberwlae acquired bf this corporation, labor done, or services pertol"''D8d tor tbis corporation, or any lawtul purposes, and secure t~e payments ot tbe pr1Dc1pal and. interest ot said notes, bonds, or other oblJ..IIUu;.:a.on•' by mortgage, pledge, hypothecation, deed or trust or otherriae or all property mmed or 'tlb1ch JB&y be acquired by this corporation; aDd generally, to tl"'IDBact and carry on any other business, and to exercise any otber powers .tl1ch •Y be necessary, proper or coaveni ent to be C<U'ried on or exercised 1n connection with going purposes or incidents thereto. ~18 corporation, tro111 t1• totS.., •Y do anyone or more ot tbe acts and tbinss • or carry out any one or .are ot tbe purpoeea tbere1n at tortb, an4 may trensact busi.Deaa 1n tbe State ~ Cal1torm.a, in other States. aDd in tbe D1atr1ct or Co1Wib1a, 1n tbe districts, dependencies, an4 colonies ot the United Statea aa4 ro~~r coODtr1ea. THIRD: That tbe principal ottice tor tbe transaction ot the bua1neaa ot tbia corporation is to ,... · _o.~eated 1n tbe Count7 ot Loa Angeles, State ot Cal1to1"T'' !-. P~TH: That: .. e total nt.IDiber or aharea llh1ch may be ia .. -2-

I I, 1 2 4 sued by ~Ills corporation 1s seven thousand t1ve hundred ( 7 ,500); that the pa.r value or each share 1a Ten ( $10.00) Dollara; that the aggrega~e per value or all shares is Seventy-Five Thousand ( $75,t'tD .r:o) Dollars; that stock shall be divided into two clauea 5 ;1 as rollowa, to wit: 'I 6 li Class "A" common Stock. consisting or one thousand il I 7 !· ( 1,000) shares of the par vAle or 'fen ( $10 .. 00) Dollars each,. I. a r Class 8 B" Com.on Stock, consisting or s1x thousand l l 9 ~ five hundred (6,500) shares or the par value or ten {$10 .. 00) dollars 10 ;_ each • .. ll ·. 1bere shall be no distinction between Class ·~! Common 12 . Stock and Clua •B• C01111110n Stock except that Claes "B" C0111110n Stock 13 ~ shall not be entitled to vote upon an7 question arrecting the manage- 14 i. 11ent or att'aira or tbe corporation, nor shall the bolder& thereof be 1: 15 !! entitled to rece~ve notice or shareholders' JBeetinga, except aa otl!lel~ !. 16 i: nae provided ·:·.y law; the excloaive voting right being vested in tbe ., 11j! holders ~r Cl~s "A• COISOD Stock.. Claaa "A" C011110n Stock and Claaa· 1s\I•BP. Co11110n Stock shall otberwtse enjoy equal dirtdend and """"••D"'"'u"""¥1 •! 19 ll .rtgbts. share and llbaft! al1ke. · 20 PIP'rB: '!bat tbere aball be three {3) 41rectora; tbet tbe 21 nUJllber or Mreotora may be changed or increased by the By-Lan, bll' 22 subJect to statutes lbd.tlllg or sovel'Jl1Dg socb nont1ona; that tbe 2:5 names an4 addresses o-r the peracma wbo are appointed at tb1a 24 act as tbe nrat directors, are ae -rollowa: 25 26 27 28 29 30 KRIC J. SAVIIB RAYIIlJID S. RIJD, JR. 7-.2 w. santa Barbara Drive Cl.aremont. C&l1tom1a 2828 nmbal.l .Avenue POIIOn&., C&lUorn1a ~37 south 8111 Street Loa Angeles, Cal1tortt1a :n SIXTH: '!'bat stock 1eaed b:r th1a :52 . Ject to tbe following provisions; - 3-

l (a) Tbat no shares or stock or this corporat1~n, of 2 any and all classes thereof, shall be 15$ued except upon the arrtrma- 3 t1ve vote or two-thirds { 2/3) or the members of tbe Board of D1rec- 4 tors • • 5 !! (b) That the stockholders or this corporation, bol41ng 6 ~ Class "An Com:aon Stock, shall have a prempt1ve right to purchase all 7 : new 1a&uea ot stock or th1s corporation. f 8 ;. 9 ~ IH WITNESS WHIRBOF, we have hereunto set our hands and ·~ 10 :; aeala tbta lst day ot October, 1956. I· 11 ~ I' 12 !~ 13 ~ I 14 u I; 15 !i 16 jl 171! 1811 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'1 28 29 :50 ~1 32 . - 4-

. ~ .. 1 j 2! ~i :i 5 6• 7 8 9 10 11 12 1~ 14 15 16 1'7 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 2t5 :46 .., 28 29 ~0 31 32 STA~ OP CALIPORNIA County or Los Angeles ON 'riiiS lat day or October, 1956, before rae, a Notary Public, in and tor the County of Los Angeles, State of California, peraonall7 appeared EIUC J. SAVILE, RAYMOND S. HUNT, JR., and LORRAIRE R. IIENVDO'l•ti, known to 11e to be the persons -.bose nam&s are subscribed thereto and named as directors in the within 1nstru- l ! I I I i I ! I .... ·~ ~ .. ·,. \.' ,w < , ·.:..... ~.(.! •. ; .; .'..,_ . ' . ... • \ ..,t, aM == s:=::s: :ve •he:::::t•:=: :::J,:~/ ay seal at 1!'1J ott1ce in the City of r.Oa Angeles, Count)? . \·.T ·_: ot Loa ADgelea, State or Calitorzta, the clay and year in tb1.a certi ficate rtrst above written. =t ft• •• ' .. '0 "' ... ~ .. ) ·"' ··. · .. ··.· ··: ,·· .. \ .... '. ., .. , . ··. ~ : j} '· .~~ 1 : : . . ~ -~ .. .. .. .. -~·· ;~ : -5- ··:·· ;_ ···? .. , . · ·.}