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8-K - FORM 8-K - Takung Art Co., Ltdtm2030968d1_8k.htm

Exhibit 10.1



Service Agreement



Reference No.(合同编号)



This agreement is signed on September 16 2020 between Hong Kong Takung Art Company Limited (“Party A”), a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong SAR accordance to the Laws and Regulations in Hong Kong SAR with its registered address at RM1105,Wing On House,No.62 Mody Road,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong and Fang Mu (“Party B”),


本合同由委托方香港大公文化集团有限公司,一家根据香港特别行政区法令注册成立的有限责任公司,注册地址在香港尖沙嘴么地道 62 号永安中心 1105 室与受托方穆方,于 2020

9 月 日签订。


Terms and conditions 合同条款;

1.Definition 定 义

Unless otherwise stated in this agreement, the following definitions are applied in this agreement


(1).“Party A” means Hong Kong Takung Art Company Limited


(2).,“Party B” means Fang Mu


(3).      “Applicable laws ”means effective laws and regulations in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;


(4).“Agreement” means the agreement signed between Party A and Party B;


(5).“Foreign currency” means any currencies other than Hong Kong Dollars;


(6).      “Service” means the consultancy services mutually agreed between the two Parties and listed in this agreement;



2.Applied Laws and Language 合同的适用法律及使用语言

The agreement is prepared in both English and Chinese. If there is any conflict in the languages, the English version shall prevail..


The definitions, clauses, terms and conditions applied in this agreement are governed by the laws and regulations of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;






3.ServiceScope 服务范畴

Party B has agreed to provide professional consultancy services below to Party A.


-Managing the business operations


-Providing consulting and services to the clients of the company


-Administration and human resources management


-Financial and accounting management



 4. 咨询费用的支付 Payment methods

According to the above defined services, with reference to the treatment of Party B's previous Party A affiliates, the two parties agree that Party B's consulting service fee shall be HKD 40,000 per month, which shall be paid by Party A to Party B's designated bank account on a monthly basis. Party B's expenses for all travel, communications, etc. incurred in providing consulting services are borne by Party A.


服务费为每月 40,000 港币,由委托方按月支付至受托方指定的银行账户内。受托方因提供咨询服务所发生的一切差旅、通讯等费用由委托方承担。

All expenses involved in this contract shall be billed in HKD by bank remittance.

All bank charges are borne by Party A. With the consent of Party B, Party A can also entrust others to pay in the appropriate foreign currency. The exchange rate is calculated at the exchange rate on the date of payment.




5.Effectiveness, Completion, Amendment and Termination of the Agreement


The agreement will be effective at September 16 2020 and will be valid till September 15 2021. It will be renewed automatically upon due date for 1 month if no objection is raised by either of the Parties.

During the renewal period, Party A may terminate this agreement without any notice to Party B and the consultant fee due will be calculated on a pro rata basis.

本合同有效期为 2020 9 月 日起至 2020 12 月 日。如果任何一方均无异议,

本合同将在到期日自动延长 1 個月。


During the period, if either Party would like to amend the terms of the agreement, it shall notify the other Party in writing at least 30 days in advance. Upon mutual agreement, the amended terms will be effective once mutually agreed to and signed.

合同期间,如果任何一方有意修改合同条款,应至少提前 30 个自然日以书面形式告知另一






7.Equitable and Credibility 公正和信用

Both Parties agree to give good efforts to ensure the smooth and proper implementation of this agreement. This agreement is expected to be implemented equitably and no Party will do anything which might harm to the other’s interest.




8.Dispute solving 争议的解决

Both Parties shall give reasonable efforts to resolve any disputes through friendly consultation.


If any disputes are not able to be solved by discussion, either Party can raise to Local Arbitration Commission and both parties shall respect to the judgment made by the Commission. Any fees incurred shall be borne by the losing party.




For and on behalf of Party A(委托方代表)




Signature and chop



For and on behalf of Party B(受托方代表)





Signature and chop