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N AC H U M “ H O MI ” S H A MI R P R E S I D E N T A N D C H I E F E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E R 3 3 R D A N N UA L J . P. M O R G A N H E A LT H C A R E C O N F E R E N C E J A N U A R Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5

SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT 2 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science Certa in statements made dur ing the course o f th is presentat io n may not be purely h istor ica l and conseque nt l y may be forward lo o k ing statements w ith in the meaning o f the Pr ivate Secur i t i es L i t igat ion Reform Act o f 1995, inc ludi n g but not l imite d to statements made regardin g: our partner model and the abi l i ty o f our partners and insta l le d base to dr ive future growth; the abi l i ty o f o ur techno logy to enhance product iv i t y and ef f ic iency; our f inanc ia l pos i t ion and long-term revenue growth; our molecular d iagnost ic bus ines s model , the markets we are target ing, market segmentat io n, expected growth o f such markets , and the abi l i ty o f o ur products to address those markets ; sa les o f our products , thei r technica l capabi l i t i es , and the ant ic ipate d market s i ze and acceptance, demand and regulatory env ironm e nt and approva ls therefor ; our d i rect sa les ef forts ; our system placement s; our system and assay product p ipel i n e and ant ic ipated t imel i n es for regulatory approva ls and market re leases , inc ludi n g for ARIES instrum e ntat io n and assays; market opportuni ty for ARIES and NxTAG RPP product ; funct iona l i t y and benef i t s o f ARIES and NxTAG RPP and compet i t i v e po s i t io n; re imbu rs e me n t t rends; develop me n t and growth o f our PGx strategy , our abi l i ty to dr ive growth thro ugh investm e nt in R&D and focus on operat ing leverage and managing operat ing costs ; our long term f inanc ia l targets ; our key steps and strategies fo r gro wth; o ur st rategic out look and growth p lan for our bus ines s for 2015 and beyond; operat iona l t rends, inc ludi n g those re lated to sa les o f systems, assays , consumables , and roya l ty revenue s; compet i t iv e threats and products o f fered by o ther companies; 2014 revenue guidance; our bus ines s out look, f inanc ia l targets and pro ject ions about revenu es, cash f low, system shipme nt s , expense s and market condit ions , and their ant ic ipate d impact on Luminex for 2015 and beyond; and, any statement s o f the p lans , s t rategie s and object ives o f managemen t for future operat ions. These forward look ing statements speak only as o f the date hereof and are based on our current bel iefs and expectat ions and are subject to known or unknown r i sks and uncerta int i es so me of which are beyond our contro l that could cause actua l resul ts or p lans to d i f fer mater ia l l y and adverse l y f rom those ant ic ipated in the forward look ing statements . Factors that could cause or contr ibute to such d i f ferenc es are deta i le d in our annual , quarter l y , o r o ther f i l ing s w ith the Secur i t ie s and Exchange Commiss ion. We undertake no obl igat io n to update these forward look ing statements . A lso , certa in non-GAAP f inanc ia l measures as def ined by SEC Regulat io n G, may be covered in th is presentat io n. To the extent that any non-GAAP f inanc ia l measures are covered, a presentat io n o f and reconc i l ia t io n to the most d i rect ly comparable GAAP f inanc ia l measures wi l l be inc lude d in th is presentat ion may be ava i lable on our websi te at www. luminexcor in accordance with Regulat ion G.

WHO WE ARE 3 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science  A Foundation Built on Multiplexing - From only one sample, detect and identify up to 500 biological agents - Improves time, cost, and productivity - Distributed by Key Industry Players  Growing Focus on Molecular Diagnostics - Expanding product portfolio with the launch of new, innovative products - Moving downstream into large, adjacent markets - Direct Salesforce Shifting the Company into a Diagnostics Business Partnership Channel Direct Sales Channel Accelerati g the Transf rmation into a Diagnostics Business LMNX

PARTNERSHIP CHANNEL FUNDING GROWTH IN MOLECULAR CHANNEL 4 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science  Stable, Strong & Profitable Partnership Channel - Annualized 2014 Revenue: ~$118M [1] - CAGR [2] - Royalties: 15% - Consumables: 6% - Systems: -3%  Molecular Diagnostics Drives Future Growth - Annualized 2014 Revenue: ~$85M [1] - 3Q14 YTD Growth Rate: 13% [1] For illustration purposes only. Not to be considered guidance. 2014 figures & CAGR ‘s based on annualized 2014 revenue derived from reported 3Q 2014 YTD Revenue [2] 4-year CAGR based on 2014 annualized revenue over 2010 0 50 100 150 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $(M) Systems Consumables Royalties 0 20 40 60 80 100 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $(M) Assays CAGR = 6% [2] CAGR = 27% [2]

Diagnostics – Direct 38% Diagnostics – Partner 35% Research – Partner 27% GROWING EMPHASIS ON DIAGNOSTICS 5 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science YTD 2014 Revenue [1] Research – Partner 40% Diagnostics – Direct 23% Diagnostics – Partner 37% 2010 Revenue Total Diagnostics Contribution 60% 73% Direct Diagnostics Contribution 23% 38% [1] 2014 YTD Revenue as of September 30, 2014

Positioning for Accelerating Growth in Molecular Diagnostics With Launches of ARIES and NxTAG 2015 – YEAR OF TRANSITION 6 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science ATTRACTIVE Markets Leadership position in growing multibillion dollar markets with multiple revenue streams DIFFERENTIATED Technology Solution-based product innovation to Lab customers NEW PRODUCT Launches NxTAG® RPP ARIES® US & EU Launch OPERATIONAL Improvement New leadership streamlining operational functions across business units FINANCIAL Leverage Strong gross margins & Profitability

THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN MULTIPLEX TESTING 7 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science Detect and identify up to 500 biological agents • Save time • Decrease cost • Increase productivity 11,200+ Instruments placed 700+ Assays Developed 65 IVDs Clearances on Luminex Technology 325+ Issued Patents Worldwide More than 22,000 published scientific studies cite Luminex technology and/or partner products

ARIES®: SOLUTION-BASED PRODUCT INNOVATION 8 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science • Contamination and Misdiagnosis • Varying Testing Platforms • Limited Bench Space • Scarcity of Highly Trained Personnel • High Volume of Reports Challenges for Labs ARIES Solution • Sample-to-Answer, Minimizes User Error • Compelling Launch Menu, Rapid Menu Expansion • Minimal Footprint – 15” Bench Space • True Walkaway Automation • Streamlined Reporting

Complete Development ARIES® TIMELINE TO COMMERCIAL LAUNCH Clinical Trials Start 2H14 1Q15E Summer 15E FDA 510(k) Submission/ RUO Launch 4Q15E Target Date for FDA Clearance All 5+ Assays Cleared 2Q16E 9 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science Commercial Launch

Launch Offering Market Opportunity ARIES® INITIAL LAUNCH MENU 10 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science Source: Market Diagnostics International (MDxI); Kalorama 2013 Report on Molecular Diagnostics and internal estimates $1B+ Initial Menu – Infectious Diseases Focus Disease States Addressed Respiratory Gastrointestinal Women’s Health

NXTAG® RPP: STREAMLINES WORKFLOW WITHOUT SACRIFICING THROUGHPUT 11 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science Hands-on Time: 20-25 min Time to Results: < 4 hrs • Comprehensive Multiplex Panel • Minimal Hands-on Time • Rapid Turnaround Time • Outstanding Performance • Closed-tube Workflow • Highly Scalable Throughput

RUO Launch NXTAG® RPP TIMELINE Clinical Trials Start 1Q15E 2Q15E Summer 15E FDA 510(k) Submission 4Q15E Target Date for FDA Clearance 12 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science

A R I E S Full MDx (500) Moderately Complex MDx (1000) Limited MDx (5,000) No MDx Capability (7,000) EXPANDING DOWNSTREAM WITH ARIES Source: Mdxi Market Diagnostics Int’l, Emmes Database (2013): 1,000 U.S. laboratory survey, Scientia Analysis, AHA Registered U.S. Hospitals, CMS CLIA 13 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science Luminex 2015 and Beyond Key Positioning • Access to Attractive, Fast Growing Markets Segments • Simple, Easy to Use Solutions Drive Adoption • Offering Complete Testing Solution: - xTAG® /NxTAG® RPP (High Multiplex) - ARIES® (Real-time PCR) xTAG NxTAG

50 100 150 200 250 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E Total Revenue ($M) CONSISTENT TOP-LINE GROWTH [1] 4-year CAGR based on Mid-point of 2014 guidance range over 2010 [2] 2014 revenue guidance as of 3Q14 earnings call, October 27, 2014 14 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science 2014 Guidance of $225M- $228M [2]

[1] Non-GAAP Operating margin for years 2010-2014 exclude litigation fees, restructuring, severance, and settlement of distributor agreements [2] YTD 2014 figures as of September 30, 2014 STRONG GROSS AND OPERATING MARGINS 15 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 2010 2011 2012 2013 YTD 2014 Non-GAAP Operating Margin [1] [2] Highlights  Industry Leading Gross Margins  Significant Operating Leverage and Profitability  Generating Strong Free Cash Flow  No Debt  Over $96M in Cash and Investments at Sep. 30, 2014 Gross Margin: 68% 68% 70% 67% 69%

MY 90 DAY INITIAL OBSERVATIONS 16 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science Focus On Execution Partnership Challenge Next Generation Sequencing Operational Improvements  Announced on 3Q14 earnings call: “We expect consumable revenue to be under pressure in the near term, as result of temporary inventory management challenges by our largest partner”  Expect this pressure to continue during 2015  Gaining traction within certain Diagnostics applications  Could affect trajectory of our Genetics Assay portfolio, primarily our CF business in high volume accounts  Not expected to impact our Infectious Disease portfolio  Deliver 2014 Guidance  Build 2015 Operating Plan  Launch ARIES® & NxTAG® by End of 4Q15  Shift from a technology based company to a market driven company  Create organizational synergy while leveraging existing resources  Streamline global manufacturing to provide incremental GM leverage

KEY TAKEAWAYS: HOW WE WIN 17 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science • Utilize Brand Recognition and Reputation While Expanding Addressable Market • Offer a Complete Testing Solution • Focus on Execution, Organizational Synergy and Becoming Market Driven • Leverage a Strong Balance Sheet • Growing Emphasis on Diagnostics


[1] Non-GAAP Operating margin for years 2010-2014 exclude litigation fees, restructuring, severance, and settlement of distributor agreements [2] YTD 2014 figures as of September 30, 2014 APPENDIX: NON-GAAP RECONCILIATION 19 | © Copyright 2015 Luminex Corporation | Breakthrough solutions to improve health and advance science 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 2010 2011 2012 2013 YTD 2014 Non-GAAP Operating Margin GAAP Operating Margin Operating Margin [2] [1]