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Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
3Q09 Results Presentation
Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
5 November 2009

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Forward Looking Statements
This presentation contains certain statements that may be deemed to be “forward-looking statements” within the
meaning of the Securities Acts. Forward-looking statements reflect management’s current views with respect to future
events and financial performance and may include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future
events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements, which are other than statements of historical
facts. The forward-looking statements in this presentation are based upon various assumptions, many of which are
based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including without limitation, management's examination of historical operating
trends, data contained in our records and other data available from third parties. Although Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
believes that these assumptions were reasonable when made, because these assumptions are inherently subject to
significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond our control, Eagle
Bulk Shipping Inc. cannot assure you that it will achieve or accomplish these expectations, beliefs or projections.
Important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-
looking statements include the strength of world economies and currencies, general market conditions, including changes
in charterhire rates and vessel values, changes in demand that may affect attitudes of time charterers to scheduled and
unscheduled drydocking, changes in our vessel operating expenses, including dry-docking and insurance costs, or actions
taken by regulatory authorities, ability of our counterparties to perform their obligations under sales agreements, charter
contracts, and other agreements on a timely basis, potential liability from future litigation, domestic and international
political conditions, potential disruption of shipping routes due to accidents and political events or acts by terrorists. Risks
and uncertainties are further described in reports filed by Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc. with the US Securities and Exchange

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
n 3Q 2009 Results
n Company Updates
n Industry View
n Financial Overview
n Conclusion

3Q09 Results

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
3Q 2009 Highlights
n 3Q Net Income of 3.9 million, or $0.06 per share, as adjusted for one-time, non
 -cash charge related to amendment to debt facility
n Net Income without adjustments of $0.5 million, or $0.01 per share
n Net time charter revenue of $41.6 million
n EBITDA1 of $25.0 million
n Fleet Utilization of 99.7%
n Five vessels chartered on rates that are tied to the Baltic Supramax Index
n Established in-house technical capabilities to manage Eagle Bulk vessels and
 third party vessels
1 EBITDA, as defined by our credit agreement, is Net Income plus Interest Expense, Depreciation and Amortization, and Exceptional Items
Steady Cash Flow and Continued Operating Excellence

Company Updates

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Charter Updates
Charter Updates
Fleet Growth Ensures Revenue Stability with Upside Potential
n Cardinal chartered one year at $16,250 per day
n 2010 - Balanced approach with 63% fixed coverage, including:
 n Five vessels placed on charters tied to Baltic Supramax Index
* Commencing Jan-end 2010

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Supramax Newbuildings - Begin to Deliver EBITDA Growth
Supramax Newbuildings - Begin to Deliver EBITDA Growth
* Excluding profit sharing
 Existing Cash, Undrawn Facility and Operating Cash Flow to Fund Newbuildings
 Contracted Revenue: $730 Million*
n Took delivery of the Bittern, which commenced 10 year time charter with minimum contracted
revenue of $62m
n Canary expected to be delivered in 4Q09, with minimum contracted revenue of $61m
n Thrasher expected to be delivered in 4Q09, with minimum contracted revenue of $61m

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Eagle vessels carried 2.3 million tons of cargo in 3Q 2009   MISC. cargoes include eucalyptus chips, phosrock
Supramax Vessels Benefit from Shifts in Commodity Movements
Supramax Vessels Benefit from Shifts in Commodity Movements
69% of Eagle’s 3Q09 Cargoes Were “Capesize and Panamax Cargoes”

Industry View

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Purchasing Managers’ Index
PMI Above 50 Indicates Growing Industrial Production and Raw Materials Demand
Source: various sources
Manufacturing Surveys Indicate a Global Recovery

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Source: BCA Research, PBoC
§ 3Q growth fastest in a year, supported by
 infrastructure investment and record bank
 § 26% MoM rise in new lending in Sep, and a
 record $1.27 trillion in new loans in the first
 nine months
 § Surging auto sales helped industrial
 production to rise 13.9% in September, the
 fastest pace in more than a year
 § Urban fixed-asset investment climbed 33.3
 percent in the first nine months, as the $586
 billion stimulus plan spurred the construction
 of roads and power plants
 § Half of medium and long-term loans in 1H09
 were directed to infrastructure and real estate
Chinese Economy Continues to Show Growth Momentum

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
n China’s growth is resource intensive and
 lacks reserves
 § 43% of global coal consumption vs. 14% of
 the world’s proven coal reserves; 44% of
 global iron ore consumption vs. 9% of the
 world’s proven iron ore reserves
 § September Iron ore imports rebounded
 30% MoM to a record high of 64.6 million
 § China’s crude steel production rose 29% in
 September to 50.71 million metric tons, the
 second-highest on record
Source: BOA ML report, Bloomberg
China Becomes Net Importer of Coal in 2009
China’s Demand for Commodities Remains Strong

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
India’s Power Demand Fuels Coal Trade
India’s Power Demand Fuels Coal Trade
Source: India’s Central Electricity Authority, Clarksons
Indian Coal Imports to be Key Demand Driver for Supramax
n Power generation sector faces huge demand-supply gap for coal
 n Slow capacity addition widening the gap: only 13 GW added in 2007-2008 against the target of
 27 GW
 n Over 40% of Indian population still don’t have access to electricity

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
n Clarkson Research estimated 29% drybulk
 slippage from the beginning of 2009
n Extensive analysis by ABS suggests that through
 2012 almost 1,000 bulk carriers can be
 considered at risk.
n China’s National Development and Reform
 Commission announced in Oct that half the
 orderbook (50m dwt) this year at Chinese
 shipyards would be either cancelled or delayed
n Wang Jinlian, Secretary General of China
 Association of National Shipbuilding Industry, said
 at China Shipbuilding Summit in Oct that more
 than a third of Chinese shipyards would be idled
Orderbook Update - Sub-Panamax Sector Benefits Most from Slippage
Orderbook Update - Sub-Panamax Sector Benefits Most from Slippage
Source: Clarkson, ABS, China’s National Development and Reform Commission
Orderbook Remains a Concern but Actual Deliveries Fall Behind Schedule

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
 About 224 bulkers (9.2 million DWT) have been sold for scrap this year
Scrapping Update
Scrapping Update
Source: Clarkson
About 2500 bulkers (111 million DWT) are over 20 years old

Financial Overview

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
3rd Quarter Earnings

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Balance Sheet


Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
3Q 2009 Summary
3Q 2009 Summary
 n Cash flow stability
 Steady cash flow from fixed charter coverage
 n Upside potential
 Five vessels placed on index-based charters
 Newbuildings begin to deliver EBITDA growth
 n Operating performance
 Continuing superior fleet utilization - 99.7% in 3Q
 n Established in-house technical management
 Eagle Bulk fleet
 Third party vessels
Fleet Growth Continues: 7 Vessels to Deliver by End 1Q10
5 Vessels Chartered with Revenue of $259 M; 2 Vessels Open


Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Current Fleet - 92% Built After 2000
Current Fleet - 92% Built After 2000

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
* The charterer of Sparrow has paid in advance for the duration of the charter an amount equal to the difference between the prevailing daily charter rate and a
new cash market rate per day. This amount has been recorded in Deferred Revenue in the Company’s financial statements and is being recognized into revenue
ratably over the charter period such that the daily charter rate remains effectively the prevailing charter rate per day (accounting rate).
** The charterer of the PEREGRINE has exercised the option to extend the charter period by 11 to 13 months. The rate for the option period is index based with
a minimum daily time charter rate of $10,500 and a profit share which is equal to 50% of the difference between the base rate and the average of the trailing
Baltic Supramax Index for each 30 day hire period.
Charter Updates

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.