Wednesday September 3, 2014

time form type form
09/03/2014 6:03 am8-KIRADIMED CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:12 am8-KVINCE HOLDING CORP. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:24 am8-KSensata Technologies Holding plc - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 6:31 am8-KLILIS ENERGY, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Regulation FD Disclosure
09/03/2014 7:00 am8-KFranklin Financial Network Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:01 am8-KSM Energy Co - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:11 am8-KNAVISTAR INTERNATIONAL CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:12 am8-KDTE ENERGY CO - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:14 am8-KBristow Group Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
09/03/2014 7:30 am8-KSculptor Capital Management, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
09/03/2014 7:42 am8-KWPX ENERGY, INC. - 8-K, Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:44 am8-KADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:44 am8-KPPL Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:45 am8-KHanesbrands Inc. - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:45 am8-KFidelity National Information Services, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:46 am8-KEnable Midstream Partners, LP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:49 am8-KINFINITY PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:50 am8-KPBF Energy Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:50 am8-KCARDINAL FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:51 am8-KG III APPAREL GROUP LTD /DE/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:52 am8-KT-Mobile US, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:53 amS-1/AMEDLEY MANAGEMENT INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 7:54 am8-KNano Magic Holdings Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:55 am8-KEnable Midstream Partners, LP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:56 am8-KYADKIN FINANCIAL Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:57 am8-KEGAIN Corp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:00 am8-KDELTA AIR LINES, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:01 am8-KPUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GAS CO - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:05 am8-KPURE BIOSCIENCE, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:05 am8-KFrontier Communications Parent, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:10 am8-KKraft Foods Group, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:10 am8-KTRANSATLANTIC PETROLEUM LTD. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:14 am8-KPROGRESSIVE GREEN SOLUTIONS, INC. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
09/03/2014 8:14 am8-KTENGION INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:16 am8-KCrown Equity Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:19 am8-KAffinia Group Intermediate Holdings Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 8:30 am8-KMead Johnson Nutrition Co - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:31 am8-KActua Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:31 am8-KMARATHON DIGITAL HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:31 am8-KEncompass Health Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
09/03/2014 8:31 am8-KINTELLINETICS, INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:31 am8-KClearPoint Neuro, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:36 am8-KAMAZON COM INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:38 am8-KSIMON PROPERTY GROUP L P /DE/ - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:39 am8-KOrchid Island Capital, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:40 am8-KPIONEER ENERGY SERVICES CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:42 am8-KAK STEEL HOLDING CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:50 am8-KATWOOD OCEANICS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:53 am8-KOGE ENERGY CORP. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:00 am8-KFedNat Holding Co - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:00 am8-KPROVIDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:01 am8-KSMITH & WESSON BRANDS, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:01 am8-KDEERE & CO - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
09/03/2014 9:01 am8-KDIGITALGLOBE, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:09 am8-KAdynxx, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 9:12 am8-KCINCINNATI FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:14 am8-KTECO ENERGY INC - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:26 am8-KFIRST MIDWEST BANCORP INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:32 am8-KMARRONE BIO INNOVATIONS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:37 am8-KPALATIN TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:44 am8-KAMERICAN NATIONAL BANKSHARES INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:50 am8-KBlue Water Global Group, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:53 am8-KSYNERGETICS USA INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:58 am8-KHALLADOR ENERGY CO - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:00 am8-KFIRST SOUTH BANCORP INC /VA/ - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:00 am10-QCiti Trends Inc - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
09/03/2014 10:08 am8-KConnectOne Bancorp, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:23 am8-KFIRST COMMUNITY CORP /SC/ - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 10:23 am10-QUAN CULTURAL & CREATIVE CO., LTD. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
09/03/2014 10:24 am8-KREPUBLIC AIRWAYS HOLDINGS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:27 am8-KDiamondRock Hospitality Co - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:27 am8-KTEGNA INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:34 am8-KQCR HOLDINGS INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:35 amS-1FRONTERA GROUP INC. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 10:41 am8-KEnable Midstream Partners, LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 10:44 am8-KMinerco, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:47 am8-KAcelity L.P. Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:53 am8-KSincerity Applied Materials Holdings Corp. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
09/03/2014 10:54 am8-KToll Brothers, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 10:59 am8-KEPL OIL & GAS, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 11:20 am8-KSignal Advance Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 11:21 am8-KORMAT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 11:36 am8-KIONIX TECHNOLOGY, INC. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 11:36 am8-KOptionable Inc - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year
09/03/2014 11:37 am10-QVALSPAR CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
09/03/2014 11:48 am8-KHanesbrands Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 12:05 pm8-KINTERVEST BANCSHARES CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 12:06 pm8-KSTRYKER CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 12:13 pm8-KCHERUBIM INTERESTS, INC. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year
09/03/2014 12:15 pm8-KOCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP /DE/ - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
09/03/2014 12:21 pm8-KEVOLUTION PETROLEUM CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 12:25 pm8-KLANDEC CORP \CA\ - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 12:31 pm8-KFSP 50 South Tenth Street Corp - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 12:36 pm8-KTRINITY CAPITAL CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 12:43 pm8-KAxos Financial, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:02 pm8-KALTRIA GROUP, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:02 pm8-KHelmerich & Payne, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:03 pm8-KGeNOsys, Inc. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:15 pm8-KDEFENSE TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL CORP. - 8-K, Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:21 pm8-KCIRRUS LOGIC, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:21 pm8-K/AiWallet Corp - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Changes in Control of Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Change in Shell Company Status Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:22 pm8-KHelmerich & Payne, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 1:25 pm10-KNational Graphite Corp - 10-K, Annual Report
09/03/2014 1:31 pm8-KORION ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:32 pm8-K/ACorvus Gold Inc. - 8-K/A, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 1:32 pmS-1Flagship Global Corp - S-1, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 1:37 pm8-KFCA US LLC - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 1:44 pm10-QPeerLogix, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
09/03/2014 1:48 pm8-KNRG ENERGY, INC. - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 2:18 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:21 pm8-KTIDEWATER INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:26 pm8-KEnergy XXI Ltd - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:38 pm8-KCorvus Gold Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:41 pm8-KUMPQUA HOLDINGS CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:41 pmS-1/ARoyal Bakery Holdings, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 2:42 pm8-KNEAH POWER SYSTEMS, INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:42 pm8-KSLM Student Loan Trust 2003-1 - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:42 pm8-KOxford City Football Club, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:44 pm8-KDynacast International Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:44 pm8-KSLM Student Loan Trust 2003-4 - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:44 pm8-KLode-Star Mining Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:46 pm8-KSLM Student Loan Trust 2003-7 - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:47 pm8-KAltegris QIM Futures Fund, L.P. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
09/03/2014 2:53 pm8-KDynacast International Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 2:53 pm8-KAltegris Winton Futures Fund, L.P. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
09/03/2014 3:07 pm8-KTELEPHONE & DATA SYSTEMS INC /DE/ - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:11 pm8-KCOMPUWARE CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:14 pm8-KCONCIERGE TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 3:18 pm8-KSMOKY MARKET FOODS INC - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:18 pm8-K/ANewpoint Financial Corp - 8-K/A, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Changes in Control of Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:20 pm8-KSCIENTIFIC GAMES CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:34 pm8-KDialogic Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 3:37 pmS-1/AGWG Holdings, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 3:40 pm8-KSouthern Concepts Restaurant Group, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:47 pm8-KEMPIRE DISTRICT ELECTRIC CO - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:50 pm8-KKaspien Holdings Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:53 pm8-KBorderless Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:58 pm8-KSLM Student Loan Trust 2003-11 - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:58 pm8-KSLM STudent Loan Trust 2003-12 - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 3:59 pm8-KSTERICYCLE INC - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:00 pm8-KFORD MOTOR CO - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:00 pm8-KPennantPark Floating Rate Capital Ltd. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:00 pm8-KPENNANTPARK INVESTMENT CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:01 pm8-KLIGHTPATH TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:01 pm8-KSLR Investment Corp. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
09/03/2014 4:01 pm8-KNorthern Power Systems Corp. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:01 pm8-KPEERLESS SYSTEMS CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:03 pm8-KSpok Holdings, Inc - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:04 pm8-KWheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:04 pm8-KLaPorte Bancorp, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 4:04 pm8-KIT TECH PACKAGING, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:05 pm8-KFibrocell Science, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:06 pm8-KCHRISTOPHER & BANKS CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:07 pm8-KCHIMERA INVESTMENT CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:08 pm8-KTRANS ENERGY INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:08 pm8-KSHOE CARNIVAL INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:09 pm8-KITC Holdings Corp. - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 4:10 pm8-KSwisher Hygiene Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:10 pm8-KKindred Biosciences, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
09/03/2014 4:11 pm8-KMABVAX THERAPEUTICS HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:12 pm8-KList Solutions, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:16 pm8-KCHC Group Ltd. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:17 pm8-KBazaarvoice Inc - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:17 pm8-KMERCURY SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:17 pm8-KH&R BLOCK INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:17 pm8-KCORPORATE OFFICE PROPERTIES TRUST - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:18 pmS-1Neff Corp - S-1, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 4:18 pm8-KWisdom Homes of America, Inc. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:20 pm8-KHERSHEY CO - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:21 pm8-KFlexion Therapeutics Inc - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:22 pm8-KNEPHROS INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:23 pm8-KHuron Consulting Group Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:23 pm8-KSurePure, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 4:23 pm8-KENDURANCE SPECIALTY HOLDINGS LTD - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:24 pm8-KMIND TECHNOLOGY, INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:24 pm8-KSummit Healthcare REIT, Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:25 pm8-KTIBCO SOFTWARE INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:26 pm8-KDETERMINE, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:27 pm8-KDNIB UNWIND, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:27 pm8-KPVH CORP. /DE/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:27 pm8-KCVS HEALTH Corp - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:27 pm8-KDIAMOND HILL INVESTMENT GROUP INC - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 4:28 pm8-KBLACKPOLL FLEET INTERNATIONAL, INC. - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
09/03/2014 4:28 pm8-KPUMA BIOTECHNOLOGY, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:28 pm8-KMontage Resources Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:30 pm8-KNuwellis, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:30 pm8-KPROASSURANCE CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:30 pm8-KGRANDPARENTS.COM, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
09/03/2014 4:31 pm8-KHEALTHCARE TRUST OF AMERICA, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:31 pm8-KPEOPLES BANCORP INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:32 pm8-KURSTADT BIDDLE PROPERTIES INC - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:33 pm8-KAeroVironment Inc - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:34 pm10-QFranchise Group, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
09/03/2014 4:34 pm8-KFOX FACTORY HOLDING CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:35 pm8-KSoOum Corp. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:38 pm8-KENVIVIO INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:38 pm8-KVera Bradley, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:40 pm8-KYUM BRANDS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition
09/03/2014 4:40 pm8-KFARMER BROTHERS CO - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:40 pm8-KLSB FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:43 pm8-KPingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant
09/03/2014 4:43 pm8-KFORD MOTOR CREDIT CO LLC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:44 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 4:46 pm8-KITERIS, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:46 pm8-KCOCA-COLA EUROPEAN PARTNERS US, LLC - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 4:47 Group, Inc. - 8-K, Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement
09/03/2014 4:48 pm8-KEF Hutton America, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
09/03/2014 4:48 pm8-K/AGREIF, INC - 8-K/A, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:54 pm8-KCOLUMBIA BANKING SYSTEM, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:55 pm8-KAbbVie Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:55 pm8-K/AA.C. Simmonds & Sons - 8-K/A, Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:56 pmS-1Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 4:58 pm8-KGannett Co., Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:59 pm8-KRiley Exploration Permian, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:59 pm8-KREGENERX BIOPHARMACEUTICALS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 4:59 pmS-1/ACNX Midstream Partners LP - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 5:00 pm8-KPrestige Consumer Healthcare Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:00 pm8-KFirst NBC Bank Holding Co - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 5:00 pm8-KHARROW HEALTH, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
09/03/2014 5:00 pm8-KIDACORP INC - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 5:01 pm8-K3D SYSTEMS CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:01 pm8-KWORLD FUEL SERVICES CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:02 pm8-KFederal-Mogul Holdings LLC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:02 pm8-KGEO GROUP INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:02 pm8-KBunker Hill Mining Corp. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant
09/03/2014 5:03 pm8-KMATRIX SERVICE CO - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:04 pm8-KCAPITAL AUTO RECEIVABLES LLC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:06 pm8-KWASHINGTON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:06 pm10-QAMERICAS CARMART INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
09/03/2014 5:07 pm8-KNEWMONT Corp /DE/ - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant
09/03/2014 5:08 pm8-KFIRST BANCORP /PR/ - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:10 pm8-KHANGER, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:11 pm8-KZILLOW INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:12 pm8-KABM INDUSTRIES INC /DE/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:13 pm8-KKOGETO, INC. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:14 pm8-KQurate Retail, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:15 pm8-K/ABOB EVANS FARMS INC - 8-K/A, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:16 pm8-KJohn Deere Owner Trust 2014-B - 8-K, Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:17 pm8-KXCEL ENERGY INC - 8-K, Other Events
09/03/2014 5:18 pm8-KLIGHTING SCIENCE GROUP CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events
09/03/2014 5:18 pm8-KTRULIA, INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:21 pmS-1/ACivitas Solutions, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 5:21 pm8-KLiberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:22 pm8-KTeledyne Bolt, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:22 pm8-KAVNET INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:24 pm8-KEuramax Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 5:25 pm8-KGenie Energy Ltd. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:26 pm8-KVIDEO DISPLAY CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 5:27 pm8-KBrookdale Senior Living Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:27 pm8-KVICTORY OILFIELD TECH, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:28 pm8-KJohn Deere Owner Trust 2014-B - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:28 pm8-KNext Graphite, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:30 pmS-1ABV CONSULTING, INC. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 5:34 pm8-KAs Seen On TV, Inc. - 8-K, Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:35 pm8-KQVC INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:37 pm8-KEVANS BANCORP INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:37 pm8-KQVC INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:40 pm8-KMETA MATERIALS INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 5:45 pm8-KUBIQUITY, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 5:45 pm8-KHAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement
09/03/2014 5:51 pm10-QAeroVironment Inc - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
09/03/2014 6:00 pm8-KARCH RESOURCES, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:00 pm8-KDARLING INGREDIENTS INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:05 pm8-KUNITED SURGICAL PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:07 pm8-KBrushy Resources, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:10 pm10-KFirst America Resources Corp - 10-K, Annual Report
09/03/2014 6:17 pm8-KLument Finance Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:18 pm10-KITERIS, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
09/03/2014 6:32 pm8-KIRELAND INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:43 pm8-KTEGNA INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:45 pm8-KAMERICAN AIRLINES INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 6:49 pm8-KDreamWorks Animation, LLC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:13 pm8-K/ALIN Media LLC - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 7:25 pm8-KDEL TORO SILVER CORP. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:04 pm8-KALTEVA, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 8:36 pmS-1/ATRHF Co LIMITED, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
09/03/2014 8:38 pm8-KZONZIA MEDIA, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:06 pm8-KINSEEGO CORP. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:23 pm8-KMETROSPACES, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:46 pm8-KClovis Oncology, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:47 pm8-KALERE INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
09/03/2014 9:47 pmS-1MEFGrubHub Inc. - S-1MEF, Registration adding securities to prior Form S-1 registration
09/03/2014 9:50 pm8-KNorwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:53 pm8-KTRICO BANCSHARES / - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:54 pm8-KNCL CORP Ltd. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
09/03/2014 9:55 pm8-KCastle Brands Inc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits