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8-K - COPANO ENERGY, LLC FORM 8-K - Copano Energy, L.L.C.form8-k.htm
EX-99.2 - PRESS RELEASE - Copano Energy, L.L.C.ex99-2.htm
Exhibit 99.1
NAPTP 2012 MLP Investor
May 23 - 24, 2012
This presentation includes “forward-looking statements,” as defined in the federal securities laws. Statements that
address activities or events that Copano believes will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These
statements include, but are not limited to, statements about future producer activity and Copano’s total distributable
cash flow and distribution coverage. These statements are based on management’s experience and perception of
historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors management believes are
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements
include the following risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Copano’s control: the volatility of prices and
market demand for natural gas and natural gas liquids; Copano’s ability to continue to obtain new sources of natural
gas supply and retain its key customers; the impact on volumes and resulting cash flow of technological, economic
and other uncertainties inherent in estimating future production, producers’ ability to drill and successfully complete
and attach new natural gas supplies and the availability of downstream transportation systems and other facilities for
natural gas and NGLs; mechanical failures and other operational risks affecting the performance of Copano’s
processing plants and other facilities, higher construction costs or project delays due to inflation, limited availability of
required resources, or the effects of environmental, legal or other uncertainties; general economic conditions; the
effects of government regulations and policies; and other financial, operational and legal risks and uncertainties
detailed from time to time in Copano’s quarterly and annual reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Copano undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or
future events.
Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Shale
Growth Projects
Business Segment
Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Shale
Growth Projects
Business Segment
Long-term Value of Eagle Ford Strategy Unchanged
Eagle Ford Shale play considered one of the best in North America
  Size, quality and proximity to markets
Copano assets well positioned
  Existing pipes and processing capacity with significant tailgate market access
  New, large-diameter pipelines in service
Created and investing $1 billion in organic projects
  Capital invested at 5x multiple
Executed producer contracts totaling up to 1,000,000 MMBtu/d of committed
  Weighted average term of approximately 10 years
  Committed volumes over the terms of the agreements total approximately 3.3 Tcf of rich
 Eagle Ford Shale gas
Increasing contribution from fee-based cash flows
  Vast majority of our Eagle Ford shale contracts include fixed fees for gathering,
 processing, transportation and fractionation services, and producer volume commitments
 with deficiency payments
 Based on today’s operating environment, we expect to maintain current
 distribution level in the near-term, and our long-term view of distribution
 growth is unchanged
Eagle Ford Shale Processing
We expect combined actual NGL recoveries to remain above or near
contractually fixed recoveries for the balance of the year
  Margins from fixed recovery contract terms are in addition to the fixed fees we collect for our
 midstream services
Houston Central performance
  200 MMcf/d cryo achieving better than designed recoveries since late April
  While lean oil plant has been achieving lower NGL recoveries from richer natural gas, overall
 recoveries at the Houston Central complex (cryo plus lean oil) are ranging from slightly above to
 slightly below weighted-average fixed-recovery contract levels
  Upon completion of new, highly efficient cryo expansion:
-Copano’s margins benefit from upside under fixed-recovery contracts
-Copano retains most of the margin benefit from ethane rejection capability
Third-party plant performance
  Eagle Ford Gathering’s recoveries at third-party plants are above fixed recovery contract levels
  Net impact to Copano of recoveries at third-party plants offsets lower Houston Central recoveries
High NGL content creates near-term liquids-handling constraints but ultimately
results in long-term value for Copano
Houston Central Complex Expansion Projects
New 400 MMcf/d cryogenic expansion expected in service 1Q 2013
  Average recoveries will improve when the new cryogenic expansion comes online
  When Formosa’s new fractionator becomes operational in 2Q 2013, recoveries will
 further improve with access to additional NGL handling capacity
The second 400 MMcf/d cryogenic expansion further enhances recoveries
when placed in service in 2014
  Supported by recently announced producer contract and higher recovery rates
  Lean oil plant will be used for overflow or interruptible volume services
  Expected capital investment of $190 million at a 5x multiple
 - Major capital spending begins 2H 2013
 These expansions will provide Copano 1 Bcf/d of highly efficient
 processing capacity backed by long-term producer commitments
  Key driver to creating long-term unitholder value from rich Eagle Ford Shale play
Long-term Eagle Ford Shale Gas Contracts(1)
Eagle Ford Shale will drive shift to fee-based volumes
(2) Includes substantial, long-term acreage dedication from GeoSouthern in northern Eagle Ford Shale.
Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Shale
Growth Projects
Business Segment
Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Shale
Growth Projects
Business Segment
DK Pipeline Southwest Extension
Further extend DK pipeline by adding
approximately 65 miles of 24” pipeline
southwest into McMullen County
  Provides access to significant new
 Eagle Ford Shale volumes
  Ties additional existing Copano
 gathering systems directly to Houston
 Central complex
  Supported by new, long-term volume
 commitment from Petrohawk Energy
Expect to begin service 2Q 2013
Estimated capital investment of
approximately $120 million
Double Eagle Condensate Pipeline Joint Venture
50/50 JV with Magellan Midstream
  Construct 140-mile condensate gathering
  Utilizes Copano’s existing 14” Copano
 Goebel pipeline and dual-line rights of way
  100,000 Bbls/d of nominal capacity
  Ties into existing and expanded Magellan
 storage and loading docks at the Port of
 Corpus Christi
  Interconnected to local petrochemical plants
 and refineries via Magellan terminal
  Pipeline from Three Rivers to Corpus Christi
 expected to begin service as early as 1Q
 2013; remaining assets 2Q 2013
Executed long-term, fee-based contracts with Talisman and Statoil
Estimated capital investment of approximately $100 million (includes Copano’s net
JV costs and costs to convert Goebel pipeline)
Summary of Eagle Ford Shale Infrastructure
Announced total capital investment of over $930 million
In excess of 1 Bcf/d of pipeline and processing capacity
Greater than 100,000 Bbls/d of fractionation capacity
Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Shale
Growth Projects
Business Segment
Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Shale
Growth Projects
Business Segment
Texas Recent Developments
Saint Jo system - north Barnett Shale
  Plant fully committed under long-term,
 fee-based contracts
  Plant running at or above nameplate
  Treating capacity expansion at Saint Jo
 plant completed March 2012
 - Provides for a maximum of 110 MMcf/d of
 inlet capacity
 - Capital investment of $12 million
 - Increased contract fees for treating
  Southeast extension of Saint Jo
 gathering system
 - Gathering incremental to current processed
 volume at Saint Jo
 - Expect initial service beginning 3Q 2012
 - Capital investment of $12.5 million
 (includes pipe and compression)
Texas Recent Developments
Eagle Ford Shale
  Copano’s total Eagle Ford Shale volumes (including Eagle Ford Gathering volumes)
 averaged approximately 430,000 MMBtu/d in 1Q 2012
Lake Charles plant
  Processed approximately 133,000 MMBtu/d in 1Q 2012
 - Currently running on an opportunistic basis
 - At current pricing, anticipated monthly net gross margin of approximately $500K -
Texas Outlook
Saint Jo system
  Copano’s largest producer continues an active drilling program in the area
  Leasing activity continues
Eagle Ford Shale
  Approximately 240 rigs currently running in the Eagle Ford Shale
  Continue to expect volume increases on both wholly owned and joint venture assets for
 the balance of 2012 and beyond
Expect segment gross margin in 2Q 2012 to be higher by $3 - $5 million
compared to 1Q 2012 due to successful repair of the cryo at Houston Central
and volume growth from the Eagle Ford Shale
Oklahoma Recent Developments
Woodford Shale
  Volumes on the Cyclone Mountain system up in 2Q 2012 from 1Q 2012
  Treating and compression capacity optimization ongoing
Mississippi Lime
  Drilling near Copano infrastructure continues to be active
  Expanding Osage system gathering footprint by installing approximately 34 miles of 8”
 and 12” pipe to provide additional gathering, processing and nitrogen treating services to
 Mississippi Lime producers
Oklahoma Outlook
Rich gas (primarily Hunton dewatering and Mississippi Lime)
  Drilling activity remains steady in 2Q 2012 compared to 1Q 2012
  3 rigs running in the Hunton, 6 rigs in the Mississippi Lime and 10 rigs in other rich gas
  In the Mississippi Lime, volume growth expected as drilling activity increases
Lean gas (primarily Woodford Shale)
  Modest volume increases due to wells drilled in 1Q 2012; however, production should
 decline in the second half of the year due to normal well decline and reduced drilling
  No active rigs
Expect gross margin to be flat to slightly lower in 2Q 2012 compared to 1Q
2012 due to lower commodity prices, partly offset by volume growth in the
Woodford Shale and continued development in the Mississippi Lime
Rocky Mountains Outlook
Drilling and dewatering activity will be driven by commodity prices and
producer economics
  2Q 2012 volumes for Bighorn expected to be lower compared to 1Q 2012
  2Q 2012 volumes for Fort Union expected to be lower compared to 1Q 2012
2Q 2012 Adjusted EBITDA expected to be $3 million higher compared to 1Q
2012, as distribution from Fort Union should include Copano’s share of annual
payments for treating deficiency fees Fort Union earned in 2011
Introduction to Copano
Independent midstream company founded in 1992
  Producer focused
  Entrepreneurial approach
  Focus on long-term accretive growth
  Publicly traded LLC
 - No general partner or incentive distribution rights
 - Tax benefits similar to MLPs, but with corporate governance of a C-corp
Service throughput volumes approximate 2,232,000 MMBtu/d of natural gas(1)
Over 7,000 miles of active pipelines
10 natural gas processing plants with over 1.2 Bcf/d of combined processing
One NGL fractionation facility with total capacity of 44,000 Bbls/d
(1) Based on 1Q 2012 results. Includes unconsolidated affiliates.
Area of Operations
Operating segments
  Rocky Mountains
Copano currently has assets in five
U.S. resource plays
  Eagle Ford Shale
  North Barnett Shale Combo
  Woodford Shale
  Mississippi Lime
  Powder River Basin Niobrara
Liquidity and Capitalization
As of March 31, 2012, total available liquidity approximately $385 million
Shifting Contract Mix
Continued shift towards a more fee-based mix
  Eagle Ford Shale and north Barnett Shale Combo volume growth are key drivers
Contract Mix as a % of Gross Margin
1Q 2010
4Q 2011
1Q 2012
Net hedging
Net commodity
Note: Includes Copano’s share of gross margin from unconsolidated affiliates. Approximate percentages based on Copano internal financial planning models.
Expansion Capital Expenditures
Board approved 2012 expansion capex of approximately $375 million
Hedging Strategy
Continued shift towards a more fee-based contract mix
  Reliance on hedging will decrease as contract mix changes over time
2012 hedged near policy limits for all products except ethane
  Approximately 90% of propane, butane, natural gasoline and condensate exposure
  Approximately 40% of ethane exposure hedged
2013 hedging positions continue to be added
  Between 60% and 80% of butane, natural gasoline and condensate exposure hedged
  Approximately 75% of propane exposure hedged
  No ethane hedges for 2013
Commodity-Related Margin Sensitivities
Matrix reflects 1Q 2012 wellhead and plant inlet volumes, adjusted using
Copano’s 2012 planning model
(1) Consists of Texas and Oklahoma Segment gross margins.
Texas Net Commodity Exposure
Note: See explanation of processing modes in this Appendix.
(1) Source: Copano Energy internal financial planning models. Based on 1Q 2012 daily wellhead/plant inlet volumes.
(2) Fractionation at Houston Central complex permits significant reductions in ethane recoveries in ethane rejection mode. To optimize profitability, plant operations can also be adjusted
 to partial recovery mode.
(3) At the Houston Central complex, pentanes+ may be sold as condensate.
Texas Commodity Price Sensitivities
Texas segment gross margins excluding hedge settlements
  Matrix reflects 1Q 2012 volumes and operating conditions, adjusted using Copano’s
 2012 planning model
Note: Please see this Appendix for definitions of processing modes and additional details.
Oklahoma Net Commodity Exposure
Note: See explanation of processing modes in this Appendix. Values reflect rounding.
(1) Source: Copano Energy internal financial planning models.
(2) Ethane rejection at Paden plant is limited by nitrogen rejection facilities.
(3) Reflects impact of producer delivery point allocations, offset by field condensate collection and stabilization.
Oklahoma Commodity Price Sensitivities
Oklahoma segment gross margins excluding hedge settlements
  Matrix reflects 1Q 2012 volumes, adjusted using Copano’s 2012 planning model
Note: Please see this Appendix for definitions of processing modes and additional details.
Rocky Mountains Sensitivities
1Q 2012 Adjusted EBITDA volume sensitivity (positive or negative impact)
  Bighorn: 10,000 MMBtu/d = $250,000(1)
  Fort Union: 10,000 MMBtu/d = immaterial impact until physical volumes exceed long-term
 contractual volume commitments
 - 1Q 2012 pipeline throughput: 658,874 MMBtu/d
 - 1Q 2012 revenue based on 786,377 MMBtu/d of volume commitments
Note: See this Appendix for reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA. Values reflect rounding.
(1) Impact on Adjusted EBITDA based on Copano’s interest in the unconsolidated affiliate.
Hedging Impact of Commodity Price Sensitivities
Commodity hedging program supplements cash flow in 2012 through 2013
during less favorable commodity price periods
Processing Modes
Full Recovery
Texas and Oklahoma - If the value of
recovered NGLs exceeds the fuel and gas
shrinkage costs of recovering NGLs
Ethane Rejection
Texas and Oklahoma - If the value of ethane
is less than the fuel and shrinkage costs to
recover ethane (in Oklahoma, ethane
rejection at Paden plant is limited by nitrogen
rejection facilities)
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Adjusted EBITDA
  We define adjusted EBITDA as:
 - net income (loss);
 - plus interest and other financing costs, provision for income taxes, depreciation, amortization and impairment expense, non-cash
 amortization expense associated with our commodity derivative instruments, distributions from unconsolidated affiliates, loss on
 refinancing of unsecured debt and equity-based compensation expense;
 - minus equity in earnings (loss) from unconsolidated affiliates and unrealized gains (losses) from commodity risk management
 activities; and
 - plus or minus other miscellaneous non-cash amounts affecting net income (loss) for the period.
  The following table presents a reconciliation of the portion of our EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA attributable to each of our segments to
 the GAAP financial measure of net income (loss).