Attached files

file filename
10-K - 2011 10-K - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.atlasfinancialholdings10k.htm
EX-10.2 - FORM OF ATLAS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.atlasexecutiveemploymentag.htm
EX-3.1B - ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF AMERICAN SERVICE INSURANCE, INC - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.articlesofincorporation-asi.htm
EX-4.1B - BYLAWS OF AMERICAN COUNTRY INSURANCE COMPANY, INC - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.bylaws-americancountryinsu.htm
EX-10.1 - ATLAS FINANCIAL HOLDINGS, INC. STOCK OPTION PLAN - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.atlasstockoptionplan.htm
EX-4.1C - BYLAWS OF AMERICAN SERVICE INSURANCE, INC. - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.bylaws-americanserviceinsu.htm
EX-4.1D - BYLAWS OF AMERICAN INSURANCE ACQUISITION, INC. - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.bylawsofamericaninsurancea.htm
EX-3.4 - CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION AMERICAN INSURANCE ACQUISTION, INC. - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.certofincorporationofameri.htm
EX-10.3 - EMPLOYEE SHARE PURCHASE PLAN DOCUMENT - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.employeesharepurchaseplana.htm
EX-4.3 - SPECIMEN WARRANT AGREEMENT - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.specimenwarrantagreement.htm
EX-4.2 - SPECIMEN COMMON STOCK CERTIFICATE - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.specimencommonstockcertifi.htm
EX-3.1A - MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION ATLAS FINANCIAL HOLDINGS - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.memorandumofassociationofa.htm
EX-10.4 - ATLAS FINANCIAL HOLDINGS DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN DOCUMENT - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.atlasfinancialholdings401k.htm
EX-31.1 - CEO CERTIFICATION RULE 302 - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.certificationofceo311.htm
EX-31.2 - CFO CERTIFICATION RULE 302 - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.certificationofcfo312.htm
EX-32.1 - CEO CERTIFICATION RULE 906 - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.certificationofceo321.htm
EX-23 - CONSENT OF JOHNSON LAMBERT & CO - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.consentofjohnsonlambertcol.htm
EX-32.2 - CFO CERTIFICATION RULE 906 - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.certificationofcfo322.htm
EX-21 - LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.listofsubsidiaries.htm
EX-3.1C - ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF AMERICAN COUNTRY INSURANCE COMPANY, INC - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.articlesofincorporation-acic.htm
EX-14 - ATLAS FINANCIAL HOLDINGS CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS - Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.atlascodeofbusinessconduct.htm


Ontario Securities Commission
British Columbia Securities Commission
Alberta Securities Commission

Dear Sirs and Mesdames:

RE: Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (the "Company")- Notice of Change of Auditor

We have read the Notice of Change of Auditor of the Company dated May 17, 2011 (the "Notice") and are in agreement with the statements contained in the Notice, except that we have no basis to agree or disagree with the statement regarding the Audit Committee approval of nomination of Johnson Lambert & Co. LLP as auditor of the company.

Yours very truly,

/s/KPMG LLP Chicago, Illinois

May 17, 2011