Monday October 26, 2009

time form type form
10/26/2009 6:06 am10-KPowersafe Technology Corp - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 6:09 am8-KCIT GROUP INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 6:09 am8-KVIVUS INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 6:09 am10-Q/ACHINA ELECTRIC MOTOR, INC. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 6:32 am8-KPRIVATEBANCORP, INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 6:34 amS-1/ACITIZENS SOUTH BANKING CORP - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 6:34 am8-KSTAAR SURGICAL CO - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
10/26/2009 6:53 am10-QEQUINIX INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 7:01 am8-KGLEACHER & COMPANY, INC. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 7:14 am8-KRS Legacy Corp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 7:15 am10-QRS Legacy Corp - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 8:06 am8-KVERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 8:12 amS-1LAKELAND FINANCIAL CORP - S-1, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 8:23 am8-KCELLCO PARTNERSHIP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 8:39 am8-KSMART Modular Technologies (WWH), Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 8:39 am8-KROPER TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 8:41 am8-KLAKELAND FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 9:01 am8-KHARROW HEALTH, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 9:13 amS-1SolarWinds, Inc. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 9:15 am8-KGRUBB & ELLIS CO - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 9:28 am8-KVERISIGN INC/CA - 8-K, Other Events
10/26/2009 9:31 am8-KApplied Minerals, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 10:02 amS-1/AMOMENTUM HEALTHCARE SERVICES, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 10:09 am10-KMIKOJO Inc - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 10:29 am8-KGriffin-American Healthcare REIT II, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 10:35 am8-KNEWTEK BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
10/26/2009 11:16 am10-QATLAS AIR WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 11:18 am8-KRockwood Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 11:21 am8-KAuraSource, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
10/26/2009 11:39 am8-KSunburst Holding CORP - 8-K, Other Events
10/26/2009 11:57 am8-KDiversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 12:06 pm8-KCHASE ISSUANCE TRUST - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 12:07 pm10-QLAKELAND FINANCIAL CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 12:45 pm8-KFIRSTCASH, INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 12:57 pm10-QSundance Strategies, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 1:00 pm8-KCullen Agricultural Holding Corp - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 1:06 pm8-KADOBE INC. - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 2:07 pm10-QAMPHENOL CORP /DE/ - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 2:12 pm10-QPPG INDUSTRIES INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 2:19 pm8-KODP Corp - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 2:19 pm10-KWALGREEN CO - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 2:21 pm8-KFAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Bankruptcy or Receivership Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 2:58 pm8-KTLC VISION CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 3:02 pm10-QLENNOX INTERNATIONAL INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 3:05 pm8-KHEALTHCARE TRUST OF AMERICA, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure
10/26/2009 3:38 pm8-KAGA Medical Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 3:50 pm8-KNelnet Student Loan Trust 2009-2 - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 3:52 pm8-K/ACITIZENS REPUBLIC BANCORP, INC. - 8-K/A, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/26/2009 3:53 pm8-KP F CHANGS CHINA BISTRO INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:00 pm10-KFuse Medical, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 4:01 pm8-KState Auto Financial CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:05 pm8-KHOVNANIAN ENTERPRISES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:07 pm10-QASSOCIATED MATERIALS, LLC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 4:12 pm10-QDOLLAR THRIFTY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 4:13 pm8-KFLEX LTD. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:19 pm8-KZORAN CORP \DE\ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:21 pm10-QWINN DIXIE STORES INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 4:25 pm8-KEnergy Transfer Operating, L.P. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:26 pm8-KCEPHALON INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:28 pm8-KCapitol Acquisition Corp - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:31 pm10-QPOTLATCHDELTIC CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 4:32 pm8-KSTATE STREET CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/26/2009 4:33 pm10-QDUPONT E I DE NEMOURS & CO - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 4:33 pm8-KPolaris Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
10/26/2009 4:41 pm10-KROBBINS & MYERS, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 4:42 pm10-K/ANewHydrogen, Inc. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/26/2009 4:44 pm8-KSCIENTIFIC GAMES CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:45 pm8-KNEW YORK MORTGAGE TRUST INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:49 pm10-K/AZYGO CORP - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/26/2009 4:49 pm10-K/ACANDELA CORP /DE/ - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/26/2009 4:51 pm8-KMatson, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:52 pm8-KKennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:52 pm8-KCornerstone Building Brands, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Changes in Control of Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics Regulation FD Disclosure
10/26/2009 4:54 pm8-KASSOCIATED MATERIALS, LLC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:56 pm8-KFRANKLIN ELECTRIC CO INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:57 pm8-KIBASIS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 4:58 pm8-KDime Community Bancshares, Inc. /NY/ - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Results of Operations and Financial Condition Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:02 pm10-KSCHULMAN A INC - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 5:03 pm8-KUS BANCORP \DE\ - 8-K, Other Events
10/26/2009 5:05 pm10-QINSULET CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 5:05 pmS-1/AFortinet, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 5:07 pmS-1/ACLOUD PEAK ENERGY INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 5:09 pm8-KStagwell Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:13 pm10-QFERRO CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 5:14 pm8-KHERCULES OFFSHORE, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:15 pm10-KSolar Energy Initiatives, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 5:16 pm8-KFOREST CITY ENTERPRISES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:17 pm8-KGEORESOURCES INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:18 pm8-KBRIGHAM EXPLORATION CO - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:19 pm10-QHEXCEL CORP /DE/ - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 5:22 pm8-KTERRA INDUSTRIES INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:23 pm8-KREINSURANCE GROUP OF AMERICA INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:24 pm8-KNew Leaf Brands, Inc. - 8-K, Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:25 pm8-KRETAIL OPPORTUNITY INVESTMENTS CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Change in Shell Company Status Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 5:26 pmS-1/Arue21, inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 5:27 pm10-KAUTOZONE INC - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 5:29 pm10-QBARD C R INC /NJ/ - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 5:29 pmS-1SOUPMAN, INC. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 5:31 pm8-KACTIONVIEW INTERNATIONAL INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Changes in Control of Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/26/2009 5:57 pm10-QDELTA AIR LINES, INC. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 6:13 pm8-KEncompass Health Corp - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 6:32 pm8-KTrimol Group Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 6:40 pm8-KPLASMATECH, INC. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant
10/26/2009 6:47 pm8-KBROADVISION INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 7:01 pm10-KSmartMetric, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
10/26/2009 7:14 pm10-QPRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 8:09 pm8-KORBITAL SCIENCES CORP /DE/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 8:16 pm8-KTTEC Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
10/26/2009 8:21 pmS-1/AVicapsys Life Sciences, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/26/2009 8:41 pm8-KComplete Production Services, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/26/2009 9:30 pm10-QSino-American Net Media Corp - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 9:34 pm10-QGreenrock Ventures, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/26/2009 9:35 pm10-QWinrock International, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report