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                                 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION

                                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                              FORM 10-Q

                          QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                               OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For Quarterly Period Ended                                                      Commission File No.
    September 30, 2002                                                                   0-2040
- ----------------------                                                          ---------------

                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION
                       (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

     INDIANA                                                                 35-1038443
     -------                                                                 ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of                                (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

818 Chamber of Commerce Building
320 N. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana                                                                     46204
- --------------------------------------------------                                        -----
(Address of principal executive offices)                                               (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (317) 639-5292

Indicate by check mark  whether the  registrant:  (1) has filed all reports  required to be filed by
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months,  and (2)
has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

         Yes     X                  No ______

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of common stock, as of the
latest practicable date.

     Class                                                         Outstanding at November 13, 2002
     -----                                                         --------------------------------
Common Stock, $1.00 par value                                                    393,735


                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION

                                           FORM 10-Q INDEX

PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                                  PAGE

Balance Sheets - September 30, 2002 and March 31, 2002.............................................3

Statements of Income - Three months ended September 30, 2002 and 2001..............................4

Statements of Income - Six months ended September 30, 2002 and 2001................................5

Statements of Cash Flows - Six months ended September 30, 2002 and 2001 ...........................6

Notes to Financial Statements - September 30, 2002...............................................7-9

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
   Results of Operations   ....................................................................10-12

PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION.......................................................................13



                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION
                                           BALANCE SHEETS

                                SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 AND MARCH 31, 2002

                                                           At September 30, 2002    At March 31, 2002
                                                              (unaudited)           -----------------

Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents............................           $  546,537             $1,359,417
    Interest and other receivables.......................                  215                    797
    Note receivable......................................                   --                 40,000
                                                                 -------------          -------------
         Total current assets............................              546,752              1,400,214

Research investment......................................              950,000                200,000
                                                                 -------------          -------------
         Total assets....................................        $   1,496,752           $  1,600,214
                                                                 =============           ============

                                LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable & other.............................            $  41,582               $ 40,024
    Federal & state taxes payable........................                  519                    449
    Research investment funding..........................              100,000                100,000
                                                                 -------------          -------------
         Total current liabilities.......................              142,101                140,473

Long term liabilities:
    Research investment funding..........................               25,000                 75,000
                                                                 -------------          -------------
         Total liabilities...............................              167,101                215,473
                                                                 -------------          -------------

Shareholders' equity:
    Common stock, par value $1, 4,000,000 authorized,
       393,735 issued and outstanding at the respective
       dates.............................................              393,735                393,735
    Additional paid-in capital...........................              377,252                377,252
    Retained earnings....................................              558,664                613,754
                                                                 -------------          -------------
    Total shareholders' equity...........................            1,329,651              1,384,741
                                                                 -------------          -------------
         Total liabilities and shareholders' equity......         $  1,496,752             $1,600,214
                                                                  ============          =============


                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION
                                     SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 AND 2001

                                                                       For the Six Months Ended
                                                              September 30, 2002       September 30, 2001
                                                              ------------------       ------------------
    Interest and dividends...............................         $      2,109               $   11,493
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Total revenues...........................................                2,109                   11,493

Operating costs and expenses:
    General and administrative...........................               19,018                   24,632
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Total operating expenses.................................               19,018                   24,632

Income (loss) before tax provision.......................             (16,909)                 (13,139)
    Provision for income taxes...........................                  25                      105
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Net income (loss)........................................          $  (16,934)              $  (13,244)
                                                                 =============            =============

Per share data:
    Weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
                                                                       393,735                  393,735
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Primary earnings per share:
    Income (loss) per share..............................          $    (0.04)              $    (0.03)
                                                                 =============            =============


                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION
                                     SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 AND 2001

                                                                       For the Six Months Ended
                                                              September 30, 2002       September 30, 2001
                                                              ------------------       ------------------
    Interest and dividends...............................         $      6,283               $   26,751
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Total revenues...........................................                6,283                   26,751

Operating costs and expenses:
    General and administrative...........................               61,303                   43,623
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Total operating expenses.................................               61,303                   43,623

Income (loss) before tax provision.......................             (55,020)                 (16,872)
    Provision for income taxes...........................                  70                      296
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Net income (loss)........................................          $  (55,090)              $  (17,168)
                                                                 =============            =============

Per share data:
    Weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
                                                                       393,735                  393,735
                                                                 -------------            -------------
Primary earnings per share:
    Income (loss) per share..............................          $    (0.14)              $    (0.04)
                                                                 =============            =============


                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION
                                     SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 AND 2001

                                                                    For the Six Months Ended
                                                           September 30, 2002       September 30, 2001
                                                           ------------------       ------------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income (loss)                                                  $(55,090)             $(17,168)
Adjustments to reconcile net income to
   Net cash from operating activities

(Increase) Decrease in current assets:
Interest and other receivables                                       40,582                 1,948
Prepaid items                                                            --                 9,649

(Decrease) Increase in current liabilities:
Accounts payable                                                      1,558                 1,500
Income taxes payable                                                     70                (7,871)
                                                              -------------          -------------
   Net cash from operating activities                               (12,880)              (11,942)

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Research investment                                             (750,000)                   --
                                                              -------------          -------------
   Net cash from investing activities                              (750,000)                   --

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Research investment funding                                      (50,000)                   --
                                                              -------------          -------------
   Net cash from financing activities                               (50,000)                   --

Net (decrease) increase in cash and
cash equivalents                                                   (812,880)              (11,942)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning                              1,359,417             1,479,010
                                                              -------------          -------------
Cash and cash equivalents, ending                              $    546,537          $  1,467,068
                                                              =============          =============

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow
   Cash paid for income taxes                                            --                    --
   Cash paid for interest expense                                        --                    --


                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION
                                  NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         SEPTEMBER 30, 2002


     The accompanying unaudited financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting  principles for interim financial information and the instructions for Form 10-Q
and Article 10 of  Regulation  S-X.  Accordingly,  they do not include  all of the  information  and
footnotes required for generally accepted accounting  principles for complete financial  statements.
In the opinion of management,  all adjustments  (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered
necessary for a fair presentation have been included.  Operating results for the three month and six
month periods ending  September 30, 2002 are not  necessarily  indicative of the results that may be
expected for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003. For further information,  refer to the financial
statements and footnotes thereto included in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2002.


     The 2001  financial  statements  have been  reclassified,  where  necessary,  to conform to the
presentation of the 2002 financial statements.


     Primary  earnings per share are computed using the weighted  average number of shares of common
stock and common  stock  equivalents  outstanding  under the  treasury  stock  method.  Common stock
equivalents  include all common stock  options and warrants  outstanding  during each of the periods


     On March 19, 1997, the Board of Directors of the Company  declared a dividend  distribution  of
514,191 shares of common stock, $.01 par value (the "Shares") of Paragon Acquisition  Company,  Inc.
("Paragon"),  and 514,191  non-transferable  rights (the  "Subscription  Right") to purchase two (2)
additional  Shares of  Paragon.  Paragon's  business  purpose is to seek to acquire or merge with an
operating business,  and thereafter to operate as a publicly-traded  company.  The Company purchased
the Paragon  shares on March 6, 1997, for $5,141,  or $.01 per share,  and  distributed  one Paragon
share and one  subscription  right for each share of the Company's  common stock owned or subject to
exercisable  options and warrants as of March 21, 1997 (the "Record Date").  Neither the Company nor
Paragon received any cash or other proceeds from the  distribution,  and the Company's  stockholders
did not make any payment for the share and  subscription  rights.  The distribution to the Company's
stockholders was made by the Company for the purpose of providing the Company's stockholders with an
equity interest in Paragon without such stockholders  being required to contribute any cash or other
capital in exchange for such equity interest.

     On March 21, 1997,  the Securities and Exchange  Commission  declared  effective a Registration
Statement on Form S-1 filed by Paragon,  registering  the  Distribution  of Shares and  Subscription
Rights  to  the  Company's  stockholders.  The  cost  of  organizing  Paragon  and  registering  the
distribution have been borne by the founders of Paragon.


     Paragon is an independent publicly-owned  corporation.  However, because Paragon did not have a
specific  operating  business at the time of the  distribution,  the  distribution of the shares was
conducted in accordance with Rule 419 promulgated  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
"Securities  Act"). As a result,  the shares,  subscription  rights,  and any shares  issueable upon
exercise of subscription rights, were put into escrow. While held in escrow, the shares could not be
traded or transferred.

     In April and June,  2001,  Paragon's  Board of Directors  voted to discontinue the search for a
Target  Business,  withdraw its S-1  Registration  Statement  and  dissolve as soon as  possible.  A
Post-Effective  Amendment  terminating the Registration  Statement and de-registering the securities
described  therein was filed with the SEC on June 22, 2001. The dissolution of Paragon was completed
effective June 29, 2001. As a result,  subscription  rights held by the Company's  stockholders have
been effectively cancelled.


     On February 23, 2000, the Company  conducted a real estate auction and entered into  definitive
sales and purchase  agreements with seven  non-affiliated  individual  purchasers to sell all of the
land owned by the Company. The real estate was sold at auction for an aggregate gross sales price of
$567,500.  At closing,  an aggregate  $13,225 price  reduction  was made due to acreage  corrections
revealed  by the survey  delivered  at closing  and due to  deletion  from the sale  property  of an
electrical  substation not owned by the Company.  All sales were closed as of June 14, 2000, and net
proceeds of $506,510 were  delivered to the Company as of that date. In the fiscal year ending March
31, 2001, the Company was subject to tax on the net gain, after related selling  expenses,  from the
sale that exceeds the existing net operating losses of approximately  $375,000,  plus any additional
net operating losses incurred in fiscal year 2001.

     The Company devoted the property to farming  activities under a cash lease method. The property
was leased to farmers  who were  directly  responsible  for the  operation  thereof and who paid the
Company a rental fee  covering a ten-month  period of use of the  property.  The  Company  generally
received these rental payments at the beginning of the planting season.  The Company was responsible
for real estate taxes,  insurance,  and minor expenses.  As a result of the sale of the property and
termination  of the farm tenant  agreement  prior to the calendar  year 2000  planting  season,  the
Company did not realize any farm rental income in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001.


     The Company has entered into a Research  Funding  Agreement with New York University  School of
Medicine,  New York,  New York,  under  which the  Company  will  provide  funding  for the  further
development of certain NYU medical discoveries and technology,  in return for which the Company will
be  entitled to receive  license  fees from the future  commercial  uses of such  discoveries.  Such
technology  is subject to pending NYU patent  applications  and  generally  relates to  treatment of
certain  prostate  enlargements and prostate  cancers.  Under the Research  Funding  Agreement,  the
Company has agreed to provide  research funding of $25,000 for each of eight calendar  quarters,  in
exchange for which the Company would be entitled to receive 1.5% of future license revenues from the
sale, license or other  commercialization  of the patents.  The first payment was made in connection
with the execution of the Research Funding Agreement in January, 2002. The Company has the option to
provide additional funds for up to three additional years of development,  in exchange for which the
Company's  share of  license  revenue  from the  patents  would  increase  to a  maximum  of  3.75%.
Development  and  commercialization  of the patents are highly  speculative  and subject to numerous
scientific,  financial, practical and commercial uncertainties.  There can be no assurances that the
Company will receive any license revenues as a result of its investment.



     The Company has entered into a joint venture agreement under which it will provide  development
funding to a newly-formed private limited liability company, T3 Therapeutics,  LLC (the "Development
Company") for specified drug treatment protocols for thyroid and cardiovascular  disease in exchange
for an equity interest in the Development  Company.  Such treatments are in early stage  development
and involve the use of novel formulations of hormones, delivered in controlled release formulations.
Funding  provided  by the  Company  will be used for the  purpose of  financing  development  of new
formulations of such hormones,  and to conduct animal and human clinical  trials.  Research has been
initiated by the Development  Company,  which has been founded by physicians at a major metropolitan
New York City area hospital. The agreement calls for the Company to acquire,  subject to adjustment,
a 12.5%  ownership  stake in the  Development  Company,  in exchange for its  commitment  to provide
development  funding of $750,000,  for use over an  approximately  two-year  period.  The  agreement
provides for a follow-on  investment of an additional  $750,000 if certain  preliminary  FDA testing
approvals are secured with a corresponding  increase in the Company's  ownership stake to 25% of the
Development  Company. If the product is licensed by Development Company to a pharmaceutical  partner
the Company would be entitled to a portion of Development Company's resulting royalties and progress
payments.  The amount of ownership to be received by the Company is subject to adjustment based upon
(i) ownership and license  arrangements  that the Development  Company makes with  laboratories that
provide research and formulation expertise and products, (ii) development or licensing transactions,
or (iii)  other  sources of  financing.  The  Company  loaned  the  Development  Company  $40,000 in
connection with entering the letter of intent relating to the joint venture  agreement;  the $40,000
note was  cancelled  and has  been  credited  toward  the  Company's  initial  $750,000  investment.
Development and  commercialization  of the treatment  protocols is highly speculative and subject to
numerous scientific, practical, financial and commercial uncertainties.


                                 THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION



     Please see "Note G--T3  Therapeutics" in the Notes to the Financial  Statement  contained under
Item 1 of this Form 10-Q for a description of a research funding  agreement the Company entered into
during the six months ended September 30, 2002.

RESULTS OF  OPERATIONS  -- Three months ended  September  30, 2002 as compared to three months ended
                           September 30, 2001.

     Interest and dividend income decreased to $2,109 for the three months ended September 30, 2002,
from $11,493 for the three months ended  September  30, 2001, a decrease of $9,384,  or 81.6%.  This
decrease is a result of lower cash balances during the period due to the investment of a significant
amount of the Company's cash in the T3  Therapeutics  joint venture and in the NYU Research  Funding
Agreement, as well as due to lower rates of interest earned on invested funds.

     General and administrative expenses decreased $5,614, or 22.8%, to $19,018 for the three months
ended  September 30, 2002 from $24,633 for the three months ended  September 30, 2001. This decrease
is primarily the result of reduced annual meeting expenses and related  professional fees due to the
timing of the annual meeting of shareholders. The following table provides further detail on general
and administrative expenses:

                                         THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,

                                                                       2002             2001
                                                                       ----             ----
Executive compensation, management fees, salaries and employee
     benefits..................................................     $ 5,143            $ 4,145
Office rent and company operations.............................       4,765              3,588
Stock transfer services, proxy, annual meeting and SEC report
     compliance................................................       1,610              2,752
Professional fees (accounting & legal).........................       7,500             14,148
                                                                      -----             ------
                  Total........................................     $19,018            $24,633
                                                                    =======            =======

     As a result of the above items,  the Company had a loss of $16,909  before  provision of income
taxes in the three  months  ended  September  30,  2002,  as  compared  to a loss of $13,139  before
provision of income taxes in the three months ended September 30, 2001.

     Indiana  gross tax of $25 was  provided for in the three  months  ended  September  30, 2002 as
compared  to Indiana  gross tax of $105 in the three  months  ended June 30,  2001.  No federal  tax
provision is applicable in the three month periods ended September 30, 2002 and 2001.

RESULTS OF OPERATIONS - Six months ended September 30, 2002 as compared to September 30, 2001.

     Interest and dividend  income  decreased to $6,283 for the six months ended September 30, 2002,
from $26,751 for the six months ended  September  30,  2001, a decrease of $20,468,  or 76.5%.  This
decrease is a result of lower cash balances during the period due to the investment of a significant
amount of the Company's cash in the T3  Therapeutics  joint venture and in the NYU Research  Funding
Agreement. Cash and cash equivalents decreased $812,880, or 60.0%, to $546,357 at September 30, 2002
from $1,359,417 at March 31, 2002, primarily as a result of the research funding investments.


     General and administrative  expenses increased $17,680, or 40.5%, to $61,303 for the six months
ended  September 30, 2002 from $43,623 for the six months ended September 30, 2001. This increase is
primarily the result of increased  legal fees incurred during the negotiation of the T3 Therapeutics
joint venture. The following table provides further detail on general and administrative expenses:

                                   SIX MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,

                                                                        2002                  2001
                                                                        ----                  ----

Executive compensation, management fees, salaries and employee
     benefits..................................................      $ 8,829               $ 8,444
Office rent and company operations.............................        8,857                 7,291
Stock transfer services, proxy, annual meeting and SEC report
     compliance................................................        3,117                 5,758
Professional fees (accounting & legal).........................       40,500                22,130
                                                                      ------                ------
                  Total........................................      $61,303               $43,623
                                                                     =======               =======

     As a result of the above items,  the Company had a loss of $55,020 before  provision for income
taxes in the six months ended September 30, 2002, as compared to a loss of $17,168 before  provision
for income taxes in the six months ended September 30, 2001.

     Indiana  gross tax of $70 was  provided  for in the six  months  ended  September  30,  2002 as
compared to Indiana  gross tax of $296 in the six months ended  September  30, 2001.  No federal tax
provision is applicable in the six month periods ended September 30, 2002 and 2001.


     At September 30, 2002, the Company had net working  capital of $404,651,  substantially  all of
which was in cash and money market funds. The Company believes it has sufficient  capital  resources
to  continue  its  current  business.  In the event the  follow-on  investment  of  $750,000  in the
Development Company is required to be made following preliminary FDA approval,  the Company may need
to raise  additional  funds to meet its  obligation,  either  through  borrowings or the issuance of
additional equity interests in the Company.

     The  Company  may  require  the use of its  assets for a purchase  or  partial  payment  for an
acquisition or in connection with another business opportunity.  In addition,  the Company may incur
debt of an  undetermined  amount to effect an  acquisition  or in connection  with another  business
opportunity.  It may also issue its  securities in connection  with an acquisition or other business

     The Company  does not have a formal  arrangement  with any bank or financial  institution  with
respect to the availability of financing in the future.



     This Form 10-Q contains  statements  which are not historical  facts,  but are  forward-looking
statements which are subject to risks,  uncertainties  and unforeseen  factors that could affect the
Company's ability to accomplish its strategic objectives with respect to acquisitions and developing
new business  opportunities,  as well as its  operations  and actual  results.  All  forward-looking
statements contained herein reflect Management's  analysis only as of the date of the filing of this
Form 10-Q. Except as may be required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly revise
these  forward-looking  statements  to reflect  events or  circumstances  that arise  after the date
hereof.  In addition to the disclosures  contained  herein,  readers should  carefully review risks,
uncertainties  and other factors  contained in other  documents which the Company files from time to
time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These factors include, but are not limited to:

o      the ability to successfully complete development and commercialization of products, including
       the cost, timing, scope and results of pre-clinical and clinical testing;
o      the ability to successfully  complete  product  research and further  development,  including
       animal, pre-clinical and clinical studies;
o      the ability of the developers to manage  multiple late stage clinical trials for a variety of
       product candidates;
o      significant  uncertainties and requirements to attain government  testing and sales approvals
       and licenses;
o      the volume and profitability of product sales;
o      changes in existing and  potential  relationships  with  financing,  corporate or  laboratory
o      the cost,  delivery  and quality of  clinical  and  commercial  grade  materials  supplied by
       contract manufacturers or laboratories;
o      the timing, cost and uncertainty of obtaining regulatory approvals;
o      the  ability  to obtain  substantial  additional  funding  or to enter  into  development  or
       licensing arrangements with well-funded partners or licensees;
o      the ability to attract  manufacturing,  sales,  distribution and marketing partners and other
       strategic alliances;
o      the ability to develop and commercialize products before competitors; and
o      the dependence on certain founders and key management members of the developer, or physicians
       with expertise in the field.


There has been no material  change in the  Company's  exposure to market risk since the  information
disclosed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002.


         (a) Evaluation of Disclosure  Controls and Procedures.  The Company's Chairman of the Board
and President and Treasurer have evaluated the  effectiveness of the Company's  disclosure  controls
and  procedures  (as such term is defined in Rules  13a-14(c)  and  15d-14(c)  under the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")) as of a date within 90 days prior to the
filing date of this quarterly  report (the  "Evaluation  Date").  Based upon such  evaluation,  such
officers have concluded  that, as of the  Evaluation  Date,  the Company's  disclosure  controls and
procedures are effective in alerting them on a timely basis to material  information relating to the
Company required to be included in the Company's reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act.


         (b)  Changes  in  Internal  Controls.  Since the  Evaluation  Date,  there has not been any
significant  changes in the Company's internal controls or in other factors that could significantly
affect such controls.


        ITEM 1.        LEGAL PROCEEDING - Not Applicable


        ITEM 3.        DEFAULTS UPON SENIOR SECURITIES - Not Applicable


        ITEM 5.        OTHER INFORMATION - Not Applicable


        ITEM  6(A)  EXHIBITS  -  99.1  -  Certificate  of  Chief  Executive  Officer  under  Section
                                          906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

                                99.2  -   Certificate  of  Chief  Financial  Officer  under  Section
                                          906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

        ITEM 6(B)  REPORTS  ON FORM 8-K - No  reports  on Form 8-K were  filed  during  the three
                                          months ended September 30, 2002.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                        THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY CORPORATION


                                                        /s/Daniel L. Nir
Date:  November 13, 2002                                Daniel L. Nir
                                                        President and Treasurer
                                                        (Chief Financial Officer)

Date:  November 13, 2002                                /s/Jack C. Brown
                                                        Jack C. Brown


         I, Joel M. Greenblatt, certify that:

         1. I have  reviewed  this  quarterly  report  on  Form  10-Q  of The  St.  Lawrence  Seaway

         2. Based on my knowledge,  this quarterly report does not contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make the  statements  made, in light of
the  circumstances  under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period
covered by this quarterly report;

         3.  Based on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and other  financial  information
included in this quarterly report,  fairly present in all material respects the financial condition,
results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this
quarterly report;

         4. The registrant's  other  certifying  officers and I are responsible for establishing and
maintaining  disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14)
for the registrant and have:

            a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material  information
relating to the registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries,  is made known to us by others
within  those  entities,  particularly  during the period in which  this  quarterly  report is being

            b) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as
of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation  Date");


            c) presented in this quarterly  report our conclusions  about the  effectiveness  of the
disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

         5. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers and I have  disclosed,  based on our most
recent  evaluation,  to the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

            a) all significant  deficiencies  in the design or operation of internal  controls which
could adversely affect the registrant's ability to record,  process,  summarize and report financial
data and have identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls;

            b) any fraud,  whether or not material,  that involves management or other employees who
have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and

         6. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this quarterly report
whether  there  were  significant  changes  in  internal  controls  or in other  factors  that could
significantly  affect  internal  controls  subsequent  to the  date of our most  recent  evaluation,
including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: November 13, 2002

                                                                       By:   /s/ Joel M. Greenblatt
                                                                             Joel M. Greetblatt
                                                                             Chairman of the Board

         I, Daniel L. Nir, certify that:

         1. I have  reviewed  this  quarterly  report  on  Form  10-Q  of The  St.  Lawrence  Seaway

         2. Based on my knowledge,  this quarterly report does not contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make the  statements  made, in light of
the  circumstances  under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period
covered by this quarterly report;

         3.  Based on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and other  financial  information
included in this quarterly report,  fairly present in all material respects the financial condition,
results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this
quarterly report;

         4. The registrant's  other  certifying  officers and I are responsible for establishing and
maintaining  disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14)
for the registrant and have:

            a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material  information
relating to the registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries,  is made known to us by others
within  those  entities,  particularly  during the period in which  this  quarterly  report is being

            b) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as
of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation  Date");


            c) presented in this quarterly  report our conclusions  about the  effectiveness  of the
disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

         5. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers and I have  disclosed,  based on our most
recent  evaluation,  to the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

            a) all significant  deficiencies  in the design or operation of internal  controls which
could adversely affect the registrant's ability to record,  process,  summarize and report financial
data and have identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls;

            b) any fraud,  whether or not material,  that involves management or other employees who
have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and

         6. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this quarterly report
whether  there  were  significant  changes  in  internal  controls  or in other  factors  that could
significantly  affect  internal  controls  subsequent  to the  date of our most  recent  evaluation,
including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date:  November 13, 2002

                                                              By: /s/ Daniel L. Nir
                                                                  Daniel L. Nir
                                                                  President and Treasurer
