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Washington, D.C. 20549


/X/ Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003
/ / Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the Transition period from to
---------- -----------
Commission File No. 0-1764

(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
Colorado 83-0178547

(State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization) Identification No.)

P.O. Box 2713 82602
Casper, Wyoming
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:

(307) 265-7912
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Name of each exchange
Title of each class on which registered
------------------- ---------------------
None ----

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

Common Stock, 4 cent par value
(Title of Class)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period
that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes X. No .

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be
contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form
10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. /X/

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes / / No /X/

Based upon the bid prices of the common stock on January 31, 2003 of
$0.001 per share, the aggregate market value of the voting stock held on
that date by non-affiliates of the registrant was $7,677.

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's
classes of common stock, as of December 31, 2003: 4 cent par value -



Item 1. Business.
- ------- ---------

Discontinuance of Operations

The Company's uranium mining and milling activities were
discontinued in 1982 as a result of the depressed market price for
uranium concentrate. In 1984 the Company began reclamation of its
milling site, as required by federal and state law. In 1988, the Company
decommissioned its uranium mill and began reclamation of the mill site.

In 1990 the Company shifted its efforts from uranium, for which the
market price remained depressed, to the new and developing industry of
byproduct material disposal for various uranium ore processors. The
Company fulfilled several such disposal contracts between 1990 and 1993.

After extensive marketing efforts, it became apparent that the
byproduct disposal business would not produce revenues adequate to
sustain the Company's operations unless it raised adequate capital for
expanding the byproduct disposal business into a large commercial
byproduct disposal operation. The Company's efforts in 1992 and 1993 to
raise additional capital from investors were not successful. Starting in
1993, the Company advertised its mining properties for sale to raise
funds for development of the commercial disposal operation through a sale
of its principal asset, the Peach mining properties.

The Company's efforts to sell its mining properties in 1993 and
early 1994 were not successful. While potential purchasers continued to
express interest through early 1994, the Company did not receive any
offer greater than the amount of the debt due to Cycle Resource
Investment Corporation (CRIC) that was secured by a mortgage against the
properties. Inability to sell the mining properties, lack of capital,
and lack of revenues from both its uranium properties and its byproduct
disposal business deprived the Company of operating capital. The mining
properties were the only major asset of the Company, and selling them to
raise working capital was the Company's only remaining means to stay in
business. The Company determined to discontinue business operations
during May 1994, to liquidate its miscellaneous property, and to pay its
current liabilities and other expenses associated with an orderly closing
of business operations. Because of the Company's continuing liabilities
for cost overruns that may be incurred by the state of Wyoming in
reclaiming the Company's mining site, the Company has no plans to pursue
other business activities.

Marketability of Common Stock

Effective May 9, 1994, the Company's common stock was delisted and
removed from the NASDAQ Small Cap Market. There is no regular trading


market for the Company's common stock. Isolated trades may occur on the
electronic bulletin board.

Development of Business Before Discontinuance in 1994

American Nuclear Corporation, the Company, was incorporated in 1955
as one of the first uranium exploration companies formed after the
commercial importance of uranium as a source of energy and fuel was
realized. The Company acquired uranium mining properties by locating
mining claims and purchasing other mining claims.

Uranium Mining for Atomic Energy Commission and Others

Starting in 1959 the Company was engaged, with its partner, Federal
Resources Corporation, in mining and milling uranium concentrates in the
Gas Hills area in central Wyoming for sale to the U.S. Atomic Energy
Commission and various utilities that supply electricity. The mining was
conducted by open pit surface mining. The mill was also operated on a
custom basis to mill uranium ores for other uranium producers. The
Atomic Energy Commission discontinued purchases in 1971 when its
inventory goals and strategic plans were met and a United States uranium
industry had been created. The partnership continued to operate its mill
for producing its own properties and custom milling of uranium ores for
other producers for sales to commercial users.

Expansion of Uranium Industry in the 1970's

The modern uranium industry was shaped in the 1970s in response to
growth in nuclear power generation by utilities. The embargoes of
imports of foreign oil in the early 1970s caused an energy crisis in the
United States and resulted in increased construction of nuclear power
plants and plans for more plants. Demand for uranium increased
significantly from spot prices for short-term deliveries of less than $10
per pound of uranium concentrate in 1971 to more than $40 per pound by

Tennessee Valley Authority Agreements

In 1972 the Company entered into an arrangement with the Tennessee
Valley Authority (TVA), an agency wholly owned by the United States, for
the joint acquisition of uranium properties to be produced for use by TVA
to fuel its nuclear power plants. In 1973 Federal American Partners
leased its mining properties to TVA. From 1979 through 1982, the
partnership mined its properties and milled its ores for TVA. In the
late 1970's annual production reached a level of 1.2 million pounds of
uranium concentrates per year. TVA discontinued the operations in 1982
because world-wide production of uranium concentrates exceeded demand and
it cost less to purchase from inventoried uranium stocks than to mine and
mill. A total of 14.5 million pounds of uranium concentrates had been
produced through the mill over its operating life.


Termination of Tennessee Valley Authority Agreements

In 1984 the Company acquired the uranium mill and associated lands
from the partnership, and it also acquired approximately one-half of the
uranium lands it had jointly held and explored with TVA. These lands,
consisting of approximately 2,700 acres of uranium properties, are known
as the Peach properties. In May 1994 when the Company discontinued
business, the Peach properties were the Company's only principal asset.
They were subject to a mortgage held by Cycle Resource Investment
Corporation (CRIC), which commenced foreclosure in November 1995. The
Company subsequently lost title to the Peach properties as a result of
that foreclosure and the transfer of its equity of redemption.

In 1984 TVA also placed approximately $3.8 million cash in a $4.1
million reclamation bond fund with the Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) to assure the DEQ and the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) that the reclamation obligations of TVA, the
Company and the partnership for the mill site would ultimately be
performed. The Company began reclamation of the land at the mill site in
1984. TVA also entered into a management agreement with the Company
under which, in exchange for management fees, the Company closed the
mining operations, returned leased mining equipment, and sold the other
mining equipment for TVA's account. The Company's entire financial
obligation to TVA for the Company's cost of acquiring and exploring its
interests in the uranium properties was eliminated.

Status of Uranium Business

After the Tennessee Valley Authority terminated its mining
activities in 1982 that were conducted through the Company's partnership
called Federal American Partners, the Company has ceased to be engaged in
mining or milling uranium. The Company identified significant quantities
of uranium resources in the ground among its uranium properties, but
market prices were never adequate thereafter to enable the properties to
be economically mined. The market for uranium remained low, and it was
still not economically feasible to mine the Company's uranium properties
at those prices. Imports of foreign uranium at low prices, especially
from Russia and Canada, and excess inventories of uranium were the
primary factors that dampened prices to a low of approximately $7.15 per
pound in 1991. In 1993 and 1994, spot prices for short-term deliveries
of uranium were approximately $9.50 per pound. In efforts to generate
working capital, the Company, during the fourth quarter of 1993, offered
its mineral properties for sale. No purchase offers that exceeded the
CRIC debt against the properties were received. Therefore, in May 1994
the Company discontinued all its business operations due to lack of
operating capital. For a more complete discussion of the uranium
properties formerly held by the Company, see Item 2, Properties.


Reclamation of Mill Site and Tailings Ponds

Based upon the Company's determination in 1988 that use in the
future of its uranium processing mill would not comply with the revised
licensing requirements of the NRC, the Company began demolition of the
mill in 1988 and completed that work in 1989. Before the Company's
discontinuance of operations in 1994, the Company had undertaken
substantial reclamation work on the mill site as required by the NRC and
the DEQ. The mill and associated buildings were dismantled and the
building materials were buried in one of the two adjacent tailings ponds
where the processed ores produced by the mill (mill tailings) were
impounded after milling. The mill tailings in the two impoundments were
graded by earth moving equipment into mounds covering approximately 40
and 80 acres respectively. A cover of native earth was placed over the
mounds of mill tailings, and the tailings piles were allowed to settle
and compact naturally. The reclamation work is not complete and includes
filling and shaping the side slopes of the tailings piles to such a grade
as to preclude erosion of the soil cover that would allow erosion of the
tailings, placing a final cover of earth over the tailings to limit
emission of radon gas into the atmosphere to meet Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) standards, applying erosion protection to the
piles and associated drainages, and revegetating and fencing the site.

Byproduct Material Disposal

Starting in 1990 the Company shifted most of its efforts to a
developing industry of byproduct material disposal. Byproduct material
consists of waste generated from ores processed by others for their
uranium or thorium content. Federal regulations require the generators
of these low level radioactive materials to dispose of them in licensed

In part because the Company's mill site was undergoing reclamation
work to stabilize the mill tailings, which are low level radioactive
materials, the NRC initially granted permission in the fall of 1990 for
the Company to accept byproduct materials totaling 1,100 cubic yards from
four generators under four specific waste disposal contracts. After the
NRC authorized receipt of the initial byproduct material, the NRC amended
the Company's license in September of 1991 to authorize it to receive and
dispose of an additional 12,500 cubic yards of material from other

The material terms of the disposal contracts that were completed by
the Company required the generator of the byproduct materials to deliver
them to the Company's mill site. The byproduct material was placed on
the surface of the mill tailings impoundment number one, compacted and
covered with an interim cover of native soils. The addition of the
byproduct materials reduced the volume of earthen fill material that
ultimately must be placed on the mill tailings to meet the reclamation
design requirements.


The income received on account of past disposal contracts generated
revenues for the Company of $322,624, $318,814, and $120,352 from
operations in 1993, 1992, and 1991, respectively. These contracts were
completed, and there were no disposal revenues in 1994 or thereafter.

During May 1994 the Company notified the NRC and the DEQ that it was
discontinuing all business operations and would be unable to perform
under the approved reclamation plan. All byproduct disposal activities,
which had been conducted as part of the approved reclamation work, were
discontinued at that time.

Abandonment of Efforts to License Commercial Byproduct Disposal

During 1993 the Company abandoned its efforts to obtain new licenses
from the NRC and DEQ to establish a commercial byproduct disposal
business near its mill site that was undergoing reclamation. In order to
complete the environmental studies required for the new licenses,
continue to pursue its license applications, and take other steps for
opening such a business, the Company sought to raise $5 million to $8
million through private placements of its common stock. When this effort
proved unsuccessful in 1993, the Company terminated further efforts to
enter the commercial byproduct disposal business.

Termination of Byproduct Disposal and Discontinuance of Business

The Company did not realize adequate revenues from its byproduct
disposal business commenced in 1990 to fund its operations. Since 1991
the Company relied for a large part of its operating capital upon loans
by Cycle Resource Investment Corporation (CRIC), holder of approximately
30 percent of the Company's outstanding stock. The Company was unable to
obtain additional loans from CRIC or any other source after 1993. The
Company's efforts to raise capital by placement of its common stock were
unsuccessful. The Company was not able to obtain joint ventures or
long-term supply contracts for exploitation of its uranium properties in
the future when market prices for uranium were expected to be higher.

In efforts to repay its loan to CRIC and to raise additional capital
to continue its reclamation work over the next several years as required
by law, the Company in 1993 offered its uranium properties for sale.
Through May 1994, several prospective buyers expressed interest in
purchasing the uranium properties, but no purchase offers were received
that were greater than the CRIC debt. The uranium properties could not
be sold under those circumstances.

Due to the lack of a sale of its uranium properties and limited
operating capital, the Company was compelled to discontinue all business
operations during May 1994. At the time the Company discontinued
business operations, it was unable to continue required reclamation work


at the level required by law. The DEQ declared the Company in default of
its reclamation obligations and began reclamation bond forfeiture
proceedings against the Company. These proceedings resulted in
forfeiture of the bond fund of $3,213,255 to the State of Wyoming in
October 1994. The Company expects that reclamation of the mill site will
ultimately be performed by the DEQ to the extent of the available funds.
The state of Wyoming has assumed certain NRC license obligations under
conditions that limit its ultimate liability. The Company will continue
to be the licensee and responsible for all NRC license monitoring
requirements. By statute the DEQ may hold the company liable for any
reclamation costs incurred by the DEQ in excess of the forfeited bond
amount. The total reclamation cost for which the Company remains
obligated will not be known for several years until reclamation work is

Financial Information About Industry Segments

In 1991 the Company entered into the business of uranium byproduct
material disposal. Between 1982 and that time, the Company's only
Business was winding down its former mining operations with the
partnership and TVA and maintaining its uranium properties with the
intent of eventually producing uranium concentrate.

Before it discontinued its business operations in May 1994, the
Company had no foreign operations or export sales. It had not segregated
its business activities into geographic areas within the United States
except to the extent that its operations were located within Wyoming.

Potential Unasserted Reclamation Liabilities

The Company's reclamation work and its discontinued byproduct
materials disposal business activities were and are highly regulated by
the NRC and Wyoming DEQ, which have licensing authority and jurisdiction.
The Company's reclamation fund of $3,213,255 was declared forfeited by
the DEQ in 1994 and acquired by the DEQ to be applied to the reclamation
costs of the mill site. Even though the Company discontinued its
business operations in May 1994, it remains liable for completion of the
reclamation and the cost of any reclamation work that is not funded by
the bond fund and other funds of the Company transferred to the state of


As of December 31, 2003, the Company had no employees.


Item 2. Properties
- ------- ----------

The Company has no property holdings. The Peach properties
previously held by the Company consisted of unpatented mining claims
located on the public domain of the United States in the Gas Hills area
of central Wyoming. The Company had been unable to mine the properties
or sell them to another uranium producer because of the continued low
market price for uranium.

The Peach properties, which were previously the Company's major
asset, were subject to a mortgage given to secure a loan made by Cycle
Resource Investment Corporation (CRIC). The Company was unable to pay
the loan, and in 1995 CRIC instituted foreclosure against the Peach
properties. The foreclosure sale was held in November 1995, and CRIC
was the high bidder at the foreclosure sale, bidding the principal loan
amount of $2,031,200 plus interest and costs. In 1996, before the end of
the Company's right to redeem the properties from foreclosure for a total
redemption price of approximately $3,000,000, which would have finally
terminated all interest of the Company in the Peach properties, the
Company transferred its interest in the properties, including its right
to redemption, for approximately $146,000.

Item 3. Legal Proceedings.
- ------- -----------------

There are no legal proceedings pending against the Company.

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.
- ------- ---------------------------------------------------

No matters for decision were submitted to a vote of shareholders
during the year ended December 31, 2003.

Item 5. Market For Registrant's Common Equity and Related
Stockholder Matters.
- ------- -------------------------------------------------

Through January 1994 the common stock of the Company was traded
over-the-counter on the NASDAQ national market system. Effective
February 1, 1994 the Company's common stock began trading on the NASDAQ
small cap market under the symbol ANUC. Effective May 9, 1994 the
Company's common stock was delisted and removed from the NASDAQ small cap
market. Trades between market makers may occur on the over the counter
bulletin board. The range of high and low sales prices of the stock for


each calendar quarter period during the past three years through May
9,1994, as quoted by NASDAQ, are given in the following table. The over-
the-counter market quotations reflect inter-dealer prices, without retail
mark-up, mark-down, or commission, and may not necessarily represent
actual transactions.

Price Ranges (closing bid)
For Calendar Years Ended December 31
2003 2002
----------- ------------
Low High Low High
---- ---- ---- ----
First Quarter ..... Unknown Unknown
Second Quarter ..... Unknown Unknown
Third Quarter ..... Unknown Unknown
Fourth Quarter ..... Unknown Unknown

(a) The low and high prices for the stock on January 31, 2004 were
unknown since there have been no reported trades.

(b) Based solely upon the number of record holders, the
approximate number of stockholders of the common stock of the Company as
of January 31, 2004 was 1716.

(c) No dividends have been declared with respect to the common
stock during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001.

The Company has not sold or issued or modified any of its securities
within the three years from 2001 through 2003.


Item 6. Selected Financial Data.
- ------- -----------------------

Year Year Year Year Year
Ended Ended Ended Ended Ended
December December December December December
31, 2003 31,2002 31, 2001 31, 2000 31, 1999
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------
($000's are omitted except per share amounts)


Revenue From
Operations $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-

Net Income (Loss) $ (18) $ (17) $ (6) $ 5 $(58)


Working Capital (1) $ 66 $ 69 $ 87 $ 93 $ 46
Total Assets $ 66 $ 83 $ 87 $ 96 $101
Total Liabilities $-0- $ 14 $-0- $-0- $-0-
Obligations $-0- $-0- $-0- $-0- $-0-
Common Stockholders'
Equity (Deficit) $ 66 $ 70 $ 87 $ 93 $101


Income (loss) from
Operations $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Dividends Paid Per
Common Share $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-

(1) Exclusive of assets held for sale.

(2) The weighted average number of shares of common stock
outstanding during the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, and
1999 were 7,696,739 during all five years.

Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations.
- ------- -------------------------------------------------


(See, in addition to Selected Financial Data, the financial
statements of the Company referred to in Item 14)

Discontinuation of Operations

The Company's efforts to sell its mining properties, starting in
1993, were unsuccessful, preventing it from raising operating capital
necessary to continue in business. As a result, the Company discontinued
business operations in May 1994. Inability to sell its properties and
lack of capital and revenues deprived the Company of operating capital.
The Company determined to discontinue operations during May 1994 and to
liquidate its miscellaneous property and to pay a portion of its current
liabilities and other expenses associated with an orderly closing of
business operations. These financial statements have been prepared on a
liquidation basis.

Results of Operations

The Company applied, under the Title X federal program administered
by the (DOE), for reimbursement of some of the expenses of reclamation
work it has previously performed to clean up its mining and milling site.
The Company's claims are for approximately $901,000 of which the Company
received $14,842, $13,518, $107,380, $45,671, $115,670, $119,676, $175,555,
and $229,707, during 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996 and 1995,
respectively. Under the prevailing law and agreements with the Wyoming
DEQ, and under the terms of the license and order of the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission that requires the Company to continue to monitor
the site, the funds and any future funds that may be received under this
program will be applied by the Wyoming DEQ and the Company to reclamation
and ongoing monitoring and maintenance obligations over the next several
years. None of the money will be applied to claims of creditors, and no
funds will be available for distribution to shareholders because the
reclamation obligations are projected to exceed any of the funds that
become available. The DEQ has notified the Company that the reclamation
bond may be deficient by as much as $3 million. The DEQ has statutory
authority to sue the Company for the bond deficiency. The DEQ has
entered into an agreement with the Company providing that the state will
not bring a deficiency action in court if the Company transfers Title X
funds to the state to be applied to the deficiency and used by the state
to perform reclamation. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which had
asserted a right to the funds based on its 1984 contract with the
Company, released the Company from such claims due to an agreement
between TVA and the state. The agreement between the Company and DEQ
provides that the Company and DEQ will use the DOE Title X funds
primarily toward monitoring and reclamation of the mill site in
accordance with the NRC reclamation plan.

During 1995 CRIC foreclosed upon the Company's Peach properties for
non-payment of its $2,031,200 loan. The loan plus accrued interest


totaled approximately $3,000,000 at November 28,1996, the end of the one
year redemption period the Company had to reacquire the properties.

General and administrative expenses decreased approximately 1%
and 12% during 2003 and 2002 respectively. These expenses are
expected to remain at this level of activity in the future years to come.

In December 1993, the Company determined that its decision to sell
its primary uranium properties rather that hold the properties for future
potential development required greater consideration be given to
in-ground market values and the Company's financial position. The
Company determined its range of potential loss for the mineral properties
to be from approximately $3 million to approximately $7 million. Because
of the Company's continuing process to solicit bids for its mineral
properties, the lack of an active market for in-ground uranium reserves,
and uncertainties as to the ultimate intent of the major shareholder,
management was unable to determine at that time whether any amount in
that range provided a better estimate than any other amount. Therefore,
in accordance with the requirements of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. (Statement) 5, Accounting for Contingencies, a $3 million
property impairment was recognized during 1993 which represents a 31%
reduction in the mineral property valuation at December 31, 1993. In
March 1994, after the Company's efforts to sell the uranium properties
failed, the uranium properties were written down to the amount of the
CRIC notes, for which the uranium properties were collateral. Management
determined that a $4,200,000 write-down in the carrying value of the
Company's uranium properties was warranted. The valuation of the uranium
properties at approximately $2.2 million equaled the $2.2 million debt
obligations to CRIC. CRIC commenced foreclosure upon the properties
during 1995. During 1996 the Company sold its redemption rights for
approximately $146,000 since it had no way of repaying the outstanding

On August 31, 1994 the Company abandoned, through non-payment of the
$100 per claim annual rental fees due on that date, 500 mining claims
with a remaining book value of zero. During December 1993 and March
1994, mineral property impairments of $3 million and $4.2 million,
respectively, for the remaining mining claims were recorded. After 1994
the Company no longer had any property holdings.

Reclamation reimbursements of $14,842, $13,519, $107,380, $45,671,
$115,670, $119,721, $175,555 and $229,707 were received from the DOE during
2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

During 1994 the Company discontinued operations due to the lack of
operating capital. For financial reporting purposes the Company has
offset its $219,000 contractual obligations towards incompleted byproduct
disposal contracts and $173,000 obligation to third parties for payments
they made to the Wyoming DEQ upon the reclamation bond forfeiture.


These liabilities totaling $392,000 were recognized as income
because the Company has no means to repay the obligations under
liquidation basis accounting. The remaining Company cash deposits are
being utilized to maintain compliance as long as possible with the NRC
license requirements. The state of Wyoming declared the Company in
default of its reclamation obligations when the Company terminated its
business operations in May 1994. Subsequently the reclamation bond fund
of $3,213,255 was acquired by the DEQ through forfeiture proceedings.
The bond fund had been funded in the full amount fixed by the DEQ, and
approved by the NRC, as the entire cost of completing the required
reclamation work and performing under the Company's license. The
reclamation requirements have been changed and the amount required to
perform the reclamation under the new requirements increased. By state
of Wyoming statute, the Company is liable for any cost overruns, none of
which exist at this time. The Company expects to be able to continue in
compliance with the licensing requirements through 2003.

The Company's working capital at December 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001
was $65,548, $83,853, and $87,000, respectively. The working capital will
be used for ongoing general and administrative costs incurred by the

During the past three years the Company has relied upon the payment
of funds from the DOE Title X reclamation reimbursements to continue the
required ongoing reclamation and monitoring obligations of the Company.

On August 24, 1993, the Company reached an agreement with Cycle
Resource Investment Corporation (CRIC), a stockholder, for CRIC to
increase its total loans to $2,031,200. The Company was not able to
repay the notes on August 31, 1993 when due. On January 20, 1994, the
payment date for this $2,031,200 debt plus approximately $143,000 in
accrued interest was extended to June 30, 1994. CRIC foreclosed upon the
Company's Peach properties in the approximate amount of $2,750,000 during
1995. Since the Company was not able to sell the properties prior to the
extended due date of the notes on June 30, 1994, and had no other funds
to continue as a going concern, the Company was unable to prevent
foreclosure of the Peach properties. The remaining Company cash deposits
are being utilized to maintain compliance, as long as possible, with the
NRC license monitoring requirements. During 1996 the Company sold its
redemption rights related to the Peach mineral properties for
approximately $146,000.

Income Taxes

See Note 2 to Financial Statements included in Item 14 herein.

Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk.

The Company has no investments in market risk-sensitive investments
for either trading purposes or purposes other than trading purposes.


Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.
- ------- -------------------------------------------

See Item 14 of this report.

Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants
on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.
- ------- ---------------------------------------------

Due to the Company's discontinuance of business operations in 1994,
the Company dismissed its independent auditors, Mitchell - Finley and
Company, on January 26, 1995.


Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant.
- -------- --------------------------------------------------

The following table sets forth certain information concerning
directors and executive officers of the Company:

Name and All Positions First Became
Currently Held With A Director/
the Corporation Age Officer
- --------------- --- -----------
William C. Salisbury, President 56 1993
Director 1993

Dennis A. Eckerdt, Secretary 55 1994
Chief Financial Officer 1991
Director 1992

The executive officers of the Company serve at the pleasure of the
Board of Directors and do not have fixed terms.

Business Experience of Directors and Officers

The principal occupations of each officer for at least the past five
years are as follows:

William C. Salisbury was appointed President of the Company in
August 1993. He served in that office until August 1995 when he became
the Secretary and Treasurer of the Company. He was re-appointed


President during 1996. He is currently self-employed as a consultant
providing and management, environmental and regulatory services to the
Company and other natural resources companies. From October 1991 until
his appointment as President, he was Vice President of the Company, and
from October 1990 to October 1991 he was manager of special projects for
the Company. From July 1983 to October 1990 he was a self-employed
consultant providing land management, environmental and regulatory
services to the Company and other natural resource companies. From
November 1970 to July 1983 he was manager of land and contracts for the
Company. He was appointed to the Board of Directors in August 1993.

Dennis A. Eckerdt became President of the Company in August 1995.
He resigned as President during 1996 and was re-appointed as
Secretary/Treasurer. He was previously the Chief Financial Officer since
November 1991. He is currently a self-employed financial consultant in
Lakewood, Colorado. Previously he was employed as a General Manager of a
Denver Colorado Corporation from February 1997 through May 1998. From
July 1995 through January 1997 he was employed as Controller for a
Boulder Colorado Corporation. Prior to July, 1995, he was self-employed.
Prior to his self-employment, he was Controller for Centennial Media
Corporation and Denver Directory Company from November 1988, through
August 1991. From November 1985, to November 1988, he was employed as
Controller for Video Exchange, Inc. From February 1972, to November
1988, he held various accounting titles and positions with the Company
including Controller and Chief Financial Officer. He was also a Director
of the Company from 1984 through 1988 and was re-appointed to the Board
of Directors in August 1992.

The Company's executive officers and directors are required to file
reports of ownership and changes in ownership of the Company's securities
with the Securities and Exchange Commission as required under provisions
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Based solely on the information
provided to the Company by individual directors and executive officers,
the Company believes that during the last fiscal year all directors and
executive officers have complied with applicable filing requirements.

Item 11. Executive Compensation.
- -------- -----------------------
Cash Compensation

The following table shows all cash compensation paid or to be paid
by the Company or any of its subsidiaries, as well as other compensation
paid or accrued during the fiscal years indicated to the Chief Executive
Officer and the four other highest paid executive officers of the Company
as of the end of the Company's last fiscal year whose salary and bonus
for such period in all capacities in which the executive officer served
exceed $100,000. There were no payments to said officers exceeding
$100,000 during the past three years.



Long Term Compensation
Annual Compensation Awards Payouts
------------------- --------------------- ----------------

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
Other Restricted All
Annual Stock LTIP Other
Name and Principal Compen- Award Options/ Payouts Compen-
Position Year Salary Bonus($) sation($ ($) SARs ($) sation($)
- ------------------ ---- ------ -------- --------- --------- ------- ------- --------
William C.
Salisbury(1) 2003 -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
President 2002 -- --- --- --- --- --- ---
2001 -- --- --- --- --- --- ---

* Contributions to the Company's money purchase pension plan
established to provide retirement benefits to employees. The plan was
terminated in 1994.
(1) President from August 1993 until August 1995 then from May 1996
to the present time.

The executive officers of the company serve at the pleasure of the
Board of Directors and do not have fixed terms. Executive officers
generally are elected at the annual director meeting immediately
following the annual stockholder meeting. Any officer elected or
appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by the Board whenever
in its judgment the best interests of the Company will be served thereby
without prejudice, however to contractual rights, if any, of the person
so removed. The Company's policy is to pay employees, upon termination
of employment by the Company, severance pay equal to one week of their
salary for each full year of employment. The officers are not employees
of the company. There are no family relationships among the directors.
There are no arrangements of understandings between any director and any
other person pursuant to which that director was elected.

Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
and Related Stockholder Matters.
- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------

The following table shows beneficial ownership of shares of the
Company's outstanding common stock as of the record date (i) by all
persons, insofar as is known to the Company, owning more than 5% of such
stock and (ii) by each director, each director nominee, each of the


executive officers named in the tables under "Executive compensation" and
all directors and executive officers as a group:

Amount and
Nature of
Percent of Name of Positions and Beneficial
Title of Class Beneficial Owner Offices Held Ownership Class
- -------------- ---------------- ------------ --------- -----

Common Stock William C. Salisbury President 2,897,096 36.4%

Common Stock Dennis A. Eckerdt Secretary 0 0%

Common Stock All directors and Officers and 2,897,096 36.4%
executive officers as Directors
a group (2 persons)

*Less than one percent

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions
- -------- ----------------------------------------------

Cycle Resource Investment Corporation (CRIC), a wholly owned
subsidiary of NUKEM, Inc., loaned the Company a total of $2,031,200 for
operating capital. The loan was evidenced by notes due June 30, 1994
with interest at three percent over the prime rate. The notes were
considered paid in full upon foreclosure of the Peach properties by CRIC
in 1995.

Salt Ridge Energy, Inc., which is wholly owned by Mr. Salisbury, was
paid $10,000, $10,000 and $10,000 during 2003, 2002 and 2001 for site
monitoring work, reclamation obligations, and general and administrative
fees for managing the Company's activities.

Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on
Form 8-K.
- -------- -------------------------------------------------------

(a) The following documents are filed as a part of this


1. Financial Statements:
- Balance Sheets, December 31, 2003 (unaudited),
December 31, 2002, (Unaudited) and December 31, 2001
- Statements of Operations and Retained Earnings
(Accumulated Deficit) for the years ended December
31, 2003 (Unaudited), 2002, (Unaudited), and 2001
- Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended
December 31, 2003 (Unaudited), 2001 (Unaudited), and
2001 (Unaudited).
- Notes to Financial Statements for the years ended
December 31, 2003 (Unaudited), 2002 (Unaudited), and
2001 (Unaudited).

All other schedules are omitted because of the absence of the
conditions under which they are required or because the required
information is included in the financial statements or notes thereto.

(b) Reports on Form 8-K.

A report on Form 8-K was filed on January 27, 1995, reporting the
Company's dismissal of its independent auditors due to the Company's
discontinuance of business operations in 1994.

(c) Exhibits.

Number Description
Page No.
- ------- -----------
EX-3.(i).1 Restated Articles of Incorporation, dated October 28,
1991 (incorporated herein by reference from the
exhibits to Registrant's report filed on Form 10-Q
dated September 30, 1992).

EX-3.(ii).1 Bylaws, dated August 15, 1980 (incorporated herein by
reference from the exhibits to Registrant's report
filed on Form 10-Q dated October 10, 1980).

EX-3.(ii).2 Amendment to Bylaws, dated December 7, 1994 incorporated
herein by reference from the exhibits to Registrant's
Report filed on Form 8-K dated January 27, 1995.



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(b) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this
report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly


By: /s/ William C. Salisbury
William C. Salisbury, President
Date: March 30, 2004

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of
the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Dennis A. Eckerdt
Dennis A. Eckerdt, Secretary,
Treasurer and Director
Date: March 30, 2004

By: /s/ William C. Salisbury
William C. Salisbury, President,
and Director
Date: March 30, 2004


BALANCE SHEETS DECEMBER 31, 2003 (Unaudited), 2002 (Unaudited), and 2001

December 31, December 31, December 31,
2003 2002 2001
NOTES (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
----- ----------- ----------- -----------

Cash and cash equivalents $ 65,549 $ 83,853 $ 86,939
----------- ----------- -----------
Total current assets 65,549 83,853 86,939
----------- ----------- -----------
TOTAL $ 65,549 $ 83,853 $ 86,939
=========== =========== ===========

- ------------------------------------
Trade accounts payable $ -0- $ 13,518 $ -0-
----------- ----------- -----------
Total current liabilities -0- 13,518 -0-
----------- ----------- -----------


- ------------------------------------

December 31, December 31, December 31,
2003 2002 2001
NOTES (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
----- ----------- ----------- -----------

Common stock (7,696,739
shares standing) 314,080 314,080 314,080
Additional paid-in capital 13,304,849 13,304,849 13,304,849
Retained earnings
(accumulated deficit) (12,924,254) (12,919,469) (12,902,865)
Less cost of common stock
held in treasury (629,126) (629,126) (629,126)
----------- ----------- ------------
Stockholders' equity (deficit) 65,549 70,334 86,938
----------- ----------- -----------
TOTAL $ 65,549 $ 70,334 $ 86,938
=========== =========== ===========

See notes to financial statements.


FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003 (Unaudited), 2002 (Unaudited), and
2001 (Unaudited)

Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended
December December December
31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2001
NOTES (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
----- ---------- ----------- -----------


Total revenues from
discontinued operations -0- -0- -0-
----------- ---------- ------------
General and administrative 18,933 19,200 21,811

Reclamation 1 -0- 13,518 -0-
----------- ----------- ------------

Total discontinued operating
expenses 18,933 32,718 21,811

Reclamation Reimbursement 13,518 14,842 13,519
Interest income 629 1,074 1,794
Other Income -0- 198 -0-
----------- ------------ ------------
NET INCOME (LOSS) (4,786) (16,604) (6,498)

(Accumulated Deficit):
Beginning of period (12,919,469) (12,902,865) (12,896,366)
----------- ------------ ------------
End of period ($12,924,255) $(12,919,469) $(12,902,865)
=========== ============ ============

OPERATION PER SHARE $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-

DISCONTINUED OPERATION PER SHARE $ (0.00) $ (0.01) $ (0.01)
----------- ------------- ------------

NET INCOME (LOSS) PER COMMON SHARE $ (0.00) $ (0.00) $ (0.01)
=========== ============ ============

SHARES OUTSTANDING 1 7,696,739 7,696,739 7,696,739
=========== ============ ============

See notes to financial statements.


(Unaudited), 2002 (Unaudited), AND 2001 (Unaudited)

Year Year Year
Ended Ended Ended
December December December
31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2001
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
---------- ----------- -----------

Net income (loss) $ (4,786) $ (16,604) $ (6,498)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss
to net cash used by operating

Decrease (increase) in Assets:
Other assets -0- -0- -0-

Increase (decrease) in Liabilities:
Other liabilities (13,518) 13,518 -0-
----------- ------------ ------------
Net cash from operating
activities (18,304) (3,086) (6,498)
---------- ---------- ------------

CASH EQUIVALENTS (18,304) (3,086) (6,498)
BEGINNING OF PERIOD 83,853 86,939 93,437
----------- ----------- ------------
PERIOD $ 65,549 $ 83,853 $ 86,939
=========== =========== ============

Interest paid $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-
=========== =========== ============
Issuance of stock for ESOP
contribution $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-
=========== =========== ============
Issuance of stock for stock bonus $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-
=========== =========== ============

See notes to financial statements.


(Unaudited), 2002 (Unaudited), AND 2001 (Unaudited)


Liquidation Basis of Presentation
- ---------------------------------

The accompanying unaudited 2003, 2002 and 2001 financial statements
have been prepared on a liquidation basis, which recognized the
realization of assets and the satisfaction of a portion of the
liabilities during 2003, 2002 and 2001. The statements of operations and
retained earnings and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2003,
2002 and 2001 are unaudited. In the opinion of management, all
adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered
necessary for a fair presentation have been included.

As of December 31, 2003 the Company's current assets exceed current
liabilities by approximately $65,549. The Company's current assets are
reserved for general and administrative expenses, site reclamation and
mill site monitoring.

For financial reporting purposes the Company has offset its $219,000
contractual obligations towards uncompleted byproduct disposal contracts
and $173,000 obligation to third parties for payments they made to the
Wyoming DEQ upon the reclamation bond forfeiture. These liabilities
totaling $392,000 were recognized as income during 1995 because the
company has no way of repaying the obligations under liquidation basis
accounting. The remaining Company cash deposits are being utilized to
maintain compliance with the NRC license requirements as long as

Per Share Amounts
- -----------------

Per share amounts are computed on the weighted-average number of
shares outstanding during the respective periods. Shares under option
and warrants have been disregarded because their effect is

Major Customer
- ----------------

The Company had no customers in 2003, 2002 and 2001.

Statement of Cash Flows
- -----------------------
For purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, the Company considers
all highly liquid debt instruments purchased with an original maturity of
three months or less to be cash equivalents.


Reclamation of Mill Site and Tailings Ponds
- -------------------------------------------

Liabilities for estimated reclamation costs are recognized and
charged to operations for remedial activities when the cleanup becomes
probable and the cost can be reasonable estimated. Based upon the
Company's determination that use in the future of its uranium processing
mill would not comply with the revised licensing requirements of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Company began demolition of the
mill in 1988 and completed that work in 1989. Since then the Company has
undertaken substantial reclamation work on the mill site as required by
the NRC and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The
mill and associated buildings have been dismantled and the building
materials buried in one of the two adjacent tailings ponds where the
processed ores produced by the mill (mill tailings) were impounded after
milling. The mill tailings in the two impoundments have been graded by
earth moving equipment into mounds covering approximately 40 and 80 acres
respectively. A cover of native earth has been placed over the mounds of
mill tailings, and the tailings piles are being allowed to settle and
compact naturally. The remaining reclamation work consists of filling
and shaping the side slopes of the tailings piles to such a grade as to
preclude soil erosion and exposure of the tailings, placing a final cover
of earth over the tailings to limit emission of radon gas into the
atmosphere to meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards,
applying erosion protection to the piles and associated drainages, and
revegetating and fencing the site.

When the Company discontinued business operations, the DEQ began
reclamation bond forfeiture proceedings against the Company. These
proceedings resulted in bond forfeiture in October 1994. The reclamation
of the mill site will now be performed by the DEQ to the extent of the
available funds. The Company continues to be responsible for all NRC
license requirements until such time as the license is terminated or
transferred to another responsible entity by the NRC. The state of
Wyoming has indicated that it will not assume the NRC license, but will
consent to certain reclamation obligations. By statute the DEQ may
recover reclamation costs in excess of the bonded amount from the
Company. The total reclamation cost will not be known for several years
but the State has notified the Company that a potential $3 million cost
overrun may exist and the Company remains liable for any costs in excess
of the reclamation deposit.


The Company adopted Statement 109, Accounting for Income Taxes, as
of January 1, 1993. There was no cumulative effect of this change in
accounting for income taxes. Prior years' financial statements have not
been restated to apply the provisions of Statement 109.


At December 31, 2003 the Company had approximately $10.4 million of
net operating loss carryovers which expire during 2005 through 2017. The
future utilization of net operating loss carry-overs are subject to rules
and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service which could prevent
utilization of the net operating loss and carry-overs.


The Company's authorized common stock consists of 25,000,000 shares
of $.04 par value common stock. Changes in common stock issued and
outstanding during the years ended December 31, 2001, 2002 and 2003 were
as follows:

Common Stock
Held in
Issued Treasury (at cost) Additional
------------------ ---------------- Paid-in
Shares Amount Shares Amount Capital
------ ------- ------ ----- -----------

Balance, December 31, 2001 7,852,183 $314,080 155,444 $(629,126) $13,304,849
--------- ------- ------- --------- -----------
Balance, December 31, 2002 7,852,183 $314,080 155,444 $(629,126) $13,304,849
--------- ------- ------- --------- -----------
Balance, December 31, 2003 7,852,183 $314,080 155,444 $(629,126) $13,304,849
========= ======== ======= ========= ===========

Redeemable Preferred Stock
- --------------------------

The Company's authorized preferred stock consists of 15,000,000
shares of $1 par value preferred stock with a liquidation value of $10.00
per share. There were no outstanding preferred shares during the periods
ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001.

Stock Warrants
- -------------
The Company had warrants outstanding for the purchase of 49,020
shares of common stock, exercisable at $0.875 per share, which expired on
August 26, 1995.


Employee Stock Ownership Plan
- ------------------------------

The Company had an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) for the
benefit of its employees. Contributions to the Plan were made at the
Company's discretion. On March 6, 1992 the Board of Directors resolved
to terminate the ESOP and replace it with a money purchase plan. The
money purchase plan received approval by a vote of the shareholders on
June 17, 1992. During the year ended December 31, 1992, the Company made
contributions to the Plan of 5,272 shares of the Company's common stock.
At December 31, 1994 the Plan held 4,235 shares of the Company's common
stock for the account of prior participating employees that cannot be
located. On December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 the common stock had
relatively no market value.

Non-qualified Stock Options
- ---------------------------

There were no options exercised during the three years ended
December 31, 2003 and there were no outstanding options under this Plan
at December 31, 2003.

1992 Incentive Stock Option Plan
- --------------------------------

As of December 31, 2003 there were no stock options outstanding
under the 1992 Incentive Stock Option Plan.

1992 Stock Option Plan In Lieu of Directors Fees
- ------------------------------------------------

This plan was terminated by the Board of Directors on January 13,
1994 because the extremely low price of the Company's common stock
resulting in the granting of options in amounts which were considered
excessive by the Board of Directors.

Money Purchase Pension Plan
- ---------------------------

During 1992 the Company adopted a Money Purchase Pension Plan
(herein "Plan"), with a plan year ending each December 31, whereby the
Company contributed to all participants. The Company accrued
contributions of $11,705, for 1994. The Money Purchase Pension Plan was
terminated in 1994 upon termination of employment of all of the Company's


Employment Agreements
- ---------------------

The Company had no employment contracts with any employees at
December 31, 2003.