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                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  FOR THE QUARTERLY PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2003

                          Commission file number 1-9447

                           KAISER ALUMINUM CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        DELAWARE                                     94-3030279
(State of incorporation)                (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

             5847 SAN FELIPE, SUITE 2500, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77057-3268
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (713) 267-3777
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

      Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes  /X/   No  /  /

      Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer (as
defined by Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).  Yes /  /   No /X/

      At July 31, 2003, the registrant had 80,186,095 shares of Common Stock

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                            (In millions of dollars)

                                                                                      June 30,       December 31,
                                                                                        2003             2002
                                                                                   --------------   ---------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                       $        83.9    $         78.7
      Trade, less allowance for doubtful receivables of $11.0                              111.6             103.1
      Other                                                                                 38.5              46.4
   Inventories                                                                             227.1             254.9
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                                44.2              33.5
                                                                                   --------------   ---------------
      Total current assets                                                                 505.3             516.6

Investments in and advances to unconsolidated affiliates                                    77.4              69.7
Property, plant, and equipment - net                                                       983.1           1,009.9
Other assets                                                                               536.9             629.2
                                                                                   --------------   ---------------

      Total                                                                        $     2,102.7    $      2,225.4
                                                                                   ==============   ===============
Liabilities not subject to compromise -
   Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable                                                             $       145.2    $        130.6
      Accrued interest                                                                       3.5               2.9
      Accrued salaries, wages, and related expenses                                         44.6              46.7
      Accrued postretirement medical benefit obligation - current portion                   60.2              60.2
      Other accrued liabilities                                                             49.0              64.2
      Payable to affiliates                                                                 41.7              28.1
      Long-term debt - current portion                                                       1.1                .9
                                                                                   --------------   ---------------
        Total current liabilities                                                          345.3             333.6

   Long-term liabilities                                                                    81.8              86.9
   Long-term debt                                                                           42.4              42.7
                                                                                   --------------   ---------------
                                                                                           469.5             463.2

Liabilities subject to compromise                                                        2,722.7           2,726.0

Minority interests                                                                         122.8             121.8
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholders' equity (deficit):
   Common stock                                                                               .8                .8
   Additional capital                                                                      539.6             539.9
   Accumulated deficit                                                                  (1,508.9)         (1,382.4)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                                          (243.8)           (243.9)
                                                                                   --------------   ---------------
      Total stockholders' equity (deficit)                                              (1,212.3)         (1,085.6)
                                                                                   --------------   ---------------
        Total                                                                      $     2,102.7    $      2,225.4
                                                                                   ==============   ===============

   The accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements are an
                       integral part of these statements.

          (In millions of dollars, except share and per share amounts)

                                                                      Quarter Ended             Six Months Ended
                                                                        June 30,                    June 30,
                                                                ------------------------    ------------------------
                                                                   2003         2002           2003         2002
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------

Net sales                                                       $    358.4   $    386.3     $   697.8   $     756.9
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------

Costs and expenses:
   Cost of products sold                                             366.6        362.5         719.9         702.7
   Depreciation and amortization                                      18.1         22.5          37.4          45.0
   Selling, administrative, research and development, and
      general                                                         27.4         29.3          52.0          70.5
   Non-recurring operating charges (benefits), net                     (.7)         7.5            .6           9.1
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------
      Total costs and expenses                                       411.4        421.8         809.9         827.3
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------

Operating loss                                                       (53.0)       (35.5)       (112.1)        (70.4)

Other income (expense):
   Interest expense (excluding unrecorded contractual
      interest expense of $23.7 for both quarters and
      $47.4 and $36.5 for the six-month periods, respectively)        (2.7)        (2.5)         (5.3)        (16.0)
   Reorganization items                                               (7.4)        (6.5)        (14.8)        (16.1)
   Other - net                                                         (.4)          .4          (1.7)          2.5
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes,
   minority interests and discontinued operations                    (63.5)       (44.1)       (133.9)       (100.0)

Benefit (provision) for income taxes                                    .3         (6.4)         (4.4)        (14.4)

Minority interests                                                     2.0          1.4           3.9           2.9
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------

Loss from continuing operations                                      (61.2)       (49.1)       (134.4)       (111.5)
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------

Discontinued operations:
   Loss from operations of curtailed Tacoma facility                   (.2)        (1.3)         (1.6)         (3.0)
   Gain from sale of Tacoma facility                                    -            -            9.5            -
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------
Income (loss) from discontinued operations                             (.2)        (1.3)          7.9          (3.0)
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------

Net loss                                                        $    (61.4)  $    (50.4)    $  (126.5)  $    (114.5)
                                                                ===========  ===========    ==========  ============

Earnings (loss) per share - Basic/Diluted:
   Loss from continuing operations                              $     (.76)  $     (.61)    $   (1.68)  $     (1.38)
                                                                ===========  ===========    ==========  ============
   Income (loss) from discontinued operations                   $       -    $     (.02)    $     .10   $      (.04)
                                                                ===========  ===========    ==========  ============
   Net loss                                                     $     (.76)  $     (.63)    $   (1.58)  $     (1.42)
                                                                ===========  ===========    ==========  ============

Weighted average shares outstanding (000):
   Basic/Diluted                                                    80,186       80,604        80,248        80,663

   The accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements are an
                       integral part of these statements.

                           COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS)
                            (In millions of dollars)

                     For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2003

                                               Common     Additional     Accumulated    Comprehensive
                                                Stock       Capital        Deficit      Income (Loss)       Total
                                             ----------- ------------  -------------- ----------------- ------------
BALANCE, December 31, 2002                   $       .8  $     539.9   $    (1,382.4) $         (243.9) $  (1,085.6)

   Net loss                                          -            -           (126.5)            -           (126.5)
   Unrealized net increase in value of
      derivative instruments arising during
      the period (including net increase in
      value of $1.6 for the quarter ended
      June 30, 2003)                                 -            -              -                  .6           .6
   Reclassification adjustment
      for net realized gains on
      derivative instruments included in
      net loss (including net realized gains
      of $.2 for the quarter ended June
      30, 2003)                                      -            -              -                 (.5)         (.5)
   Comprehensive income (loss)                       -            -              -               -           (126.4)

   Restricted stock cancellations                    -           (.6)            -               -              (.6)
   Restricted stock accretion                        -            .3             -               -               .3
                                             ----------- ------------  -------------- ----------------- ------------
BALANCE, June 30, 2003                       $       .8  $     539.6   $    (1,508.9) $         (243.8) $  (1,212.3)
                                             =========== ============  ============== ================= ============

                     For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2002

                                               Common     Additional     Accumulated    Comprehensive
                                                Stock       Capital        Deficit      Income (Loss)       Total
                                             ----------- ------------  -------------- ----------------- ------------
BALANCE, December 31, 2001                   $       .8  $     539.1   $      (913.7) $          (67.3) $    (441.1)

   Net loss                                          -            -           (114.5)            -           (114.5)
   Unrealized net decrease in value of
      derivative instruments arising
      during the period prior to
      settlement                                     -            -              -               (12.1)       (12.1)
   Reclassification adjustment for
      net realized gains on derivative
      instruments included in net loss
      (including net realized gains of $6.5
      for the quarter ended June 30, 2002)           -            -              -               (14.9)       (14.9)
   Comprehensive income (loss)                                                                               (141.5)

   Incentive plan and restricted stock
      accretion                                      -            .6             -               -               .6
                                             ----------- ------------  -------------- ----------------- ------------
BALANCE, June 30, 2002                       $       .8  $     539.7   $    (1,028.2) $          (94.3) $    (582.0)
                                             =========== ============  ============== ================= ============

   The accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements are an
                       integral part of these statements.

                            (In millions of dollars)

                                                                                               Six Months Ended
                                                                                                   June 30,
                                                                                               2003         2002
                                                                                            -----------  ----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net loss                                                                                 $   (126.5)  $  (114.5)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash (used) provided by operating
      Depreciation and amortization (including deferred financing costs of $2.5 and $1.7,
        respectively)                                                                             39.9        46.7
      Non-cash charges for restructuring charges in 2003; restructuring charges and
        reorganization items in 2002                                                                .8        11.4
      Gain on sale of Tacoma facility in 2003 and real estate in 2002                             (9.5)       (4.0)
      Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates, net of distributions                       (8.4)       (6.9)
      Minority interests                                                                          (3.9)       (2.9)
      (Increase) decrease in trade and other receivables                                           (.6)        5.9
      Decrease in inventories                                                                     27.8        28.1
      (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and other current assets                           (10.3)       34.2
      Increase in accounts payable and accrued interest                                           16.9        26.2
      Increase (decrease) in payable to affiliates and other accrued liabilities                  22.4       (29.5)
      Decrease in accrued and deferred income taxes                                              (35.8)       (2.0)
      Net cash impact of changes in long-term assets and liabilities                              31.9        13.0
      Other                                                                                        6.0        (4.6)
                                                                                            -----------  ----------
        Net cash (used) provided by operating activities                                         (49.3)        1.1
                                                                                            -----------  ----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Net proceeds from dispositions:  primarily Tacoma facility and interests in office
      building complex in 2003; miscellaneous real estate in 2002                                 75.1        20.3
   Capital expenditures                                                                          (19.2)      (19.9)
                                                                                            -----------  ----------
        Net cash provided by investing activities                                                 55.9          .4
                                                                                            -----------  ----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Incurrence of financing costs                                                                  (1.4)       (7.5)
                                                                                            -----------  ----------
        Net cash used by financing activities                                                     (1.4)       (7.5)
                                                                                            -----------  ----------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the period                             5.2        (6.0)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                                  78.7       153.3
                                                                                            -----------  ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                                  $     83.9   $   147.3
                                                                                            ===========  ==========

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
   Interest paid, net of capitalized interest of $.7 and $.6, respectively                  $      2.0   $     2.3
   Income taxes paid                                                                              40.2        15.6

   The accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements are an
                       integral part of these statements.

                   (In millions of dollars, except prices and
                               per share amounts)


Kaiser Aluminum Corporation ("Kaiser" or the "Company"), its wholly owned
subsidiary, Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation ("KACC"), and 24 of KACC's
subsidiaries have filed separate voluntary petitions in the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the "Court") for reorganization
under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the "Code"); the Company,
KACC and 15 of KACC's subsidiaries (the "Original Debtors") filed in the first
quarter of 2002 and nine additional KACC subsidiaries (the "Additional Debtors")
filed in the first quarter of 2003. The Original Debtors and Additional Debtors
are collectively referred to herein as the "Debtors" and the Chapter 11
proceedings of these entities are collectively referred to herein as the
"Cases." For purposes of this Report, the term "Filing Date" shall mean, with
respect to any particular Debtor, the date on which such Debtor filed its Case.
None of KACC's non-U.S. joint ventures are included in the Cases. The Cases are
being jointly administered. The Debtors are managing their businesses in the
ordinary course as debtors-in-possession subject to the control and
administration of the Court.

Original Debtors. During the first quarter of 2002, the Original Debtors filed
separate voluntary petitions for reorganization. The wholly owned subsidiaries
of KACC included in such filings were: Kaiser Bellwood Corporation, Kaiser
Aluminium International, Inc., Kaiser Aluminum Technical Services, Inc., Kaiser
Alumina Australia Corporation (and its wholly owned subsidiary, Kaiser Finance
Corporation) and ten other entities with limited balances or activities.

The necessity for filing the Cases by the Original Debtors was attributable to
the liquidity and cash flow problems of the Company and its subsidiaries arising
in late 2001 and early 2002. The Company was facing significant near-term debt
maturities at a time of unusually weak aluminum industry business conditions,
depressed aluminum prices and a broad economic slowdown that was further
exacerbated by the events of September 11, 2001. In addition, the Company had
become increasingly burdened by asbestos litigation (see Note 7) and growing
legacy obligations for retiree medical and pension costs. The confluence of
these factors created the prospect of continuing operating losses and negative
cash flow, resulting in lower credit ratings and an inability to access the
capital markets.

The outstanding principal of, and accrued interest on, all debt of the Original
Debtors became immediately due and payable upon commencement of the Cases.
However, the vast majority of the claims in existence at the Filing Date
(including claims for principal and accrued interest and substantially all legal
proceedings) are stayed (deferred) during the pendency of the Cases. In
connection with the filing of the Original Debtors' Cases, the Court, upon
motion by the Original Debtors, authorized the Original Debtors to pay or
otherwise honor certain unsecured pre-Filing Date claims, including employee
wages and benefits and customer claims in the ordinary course of business,
subject to certain limitations. In July 2002, the Court also issued a final
order authorizing the Company to fund the cash requirements of its foreign joint
ventures in the ordinary course of business and to continue using the Company's
existing cash management systems. The Original Debtors also have the right to
assume or reject executory contracts existing prior to the Filing Date, subject
to Court approval and certain other limitations. In this context, "assumption"
means that the Original Debtors agree to perform their obligations and cure
certain existing defaults under an executory contract and "rejection" means that
the Original Debtors are relieved from their obligations to perform further
under an executory contract and are subject only to a claim for damages for the
breach thereof. Any claim for damages resulting from the rejection of an
executory contract is treated as a general unsecured claim in the Cases.

Generally, pre-Filing Date claims, including certain contingent or unliquidated
claims, against the Original Debtors will fall into two categories: secured and
unsecured. Under the Code, a creditor's claim is treated as secured only to the
extent of the value of the collateral securing such claim, with the balance of
such claim being treated as unsecured. Unsecured and partially secured claims do
not accrue interest after the Filing Date. A fully secured claim, however, does
accrue interest after the Filing Date until the amount due and owing to the
secured creditor, including interest accrued after the Filing Date, is equal to
the value of the collateral securing such claim. The amount and validity of
pre-Filing Date contingent or unliquidated claims, although presently unknown,
ultimately may be established by the Court or by agreement of the parties. As a
result of the Cases, additional pre-Filing Date claims and liabilities may be
asserted, some of which may be significant.

In October 2002, the Court set January 31, 2003 as the last date by which
holders of pre-Filing Date claims against the Original Debtors (other than
asbestos-related personal injury claims and certain hearing loss claims) could
file their claims. Any holder of a claim that was required to file a claim by
such date and did not do so may be barred from asserting such claim against any
of the Original Debtors and, accordingly, may not be able to participate in any
distribution in any of the Cases on account of such claim. Because the Company
has not had sufficient time to analyze the proofs of claim to determine their
validity, no provision has been included in the accompanying financial
statements for claims that have been filed. The January 31, 2003 bar date does
not apply to asbestos-related personal injury claims, for which the Original
Debtors reserve the right to establish a separate bar date at a later time. A
separate bar date for certain hearing loss claims, which was originally set for
June 30, 2003, has been extended to September 30, 2003.

Additional Debtors. On January 14, 2003, the Additional Debtors filed separate
voluntary petitions for reorganization. The wholly owned subsidiaries included
in such filings were: Kaiser Bauxite Company, Kaiser Jamaica Corporation, Alpart
Jamaica Inc., Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical of Canada Limited and five other
entities with limited balances or activities.

The Cases filed by the Additional Debtors were commenced, among other reasons,
to protect the assets held by these Debtors against possible statutory liens
that may arise and be enforced by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
("PBGC") primarily as a result of the Company's failure to meet a $17.0
accelerated funding requirement to its salaried employee retirement plan in
January 2003 (see Note 10 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the
Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 for additional
information regarding the accelerated funding requirement). From an operating
perspective, the filing of the Cases by the additional Debtors had no impact on
the Company's day-to-day operations.

In connection with the Additional Debtors' filings, the Court authorized the
Additional Debtors to continue to make payments in the normal course of business
(including payments of pre-Filing Date amounts), including payments of wages and
benefits, payments for items such as materials, supplies and freight and
payments of taxes. The Court also approved the continuation of the Company's
existing cash management systems and routine intercompany transactions
involving, among other transactions, the transfer of materials and supplies
among affiliates.

In March 2003, the Court set May 15, 2003, as the last date by which holders of
pre-Filing Date claims against the Additional Debtors (other than
asbestos-related personal injury claims and certain hearing loss claims) could
file their claims.

All Debtors. The Debtors' objective is to achieve the highest possible
recoveries for all creditors and stockholders, consistent with the Debtors'
abilities to pay, and to continue the operations of their businesses. However,
there can be no assurance that the Debtors will be able to attain these
objectives or achieve a successful reorganization. While valuation of the
Debtors' assets and pre-Filing Date claims at this stage of the Cases is subject
to inherent uncertainties, the Debtors currently believe that it is likely that
their liabilities will be found in the Cases to exceed the fair value of their
assets. Therefore, the Debtors currently believe that it is likely that
pre-Filing Date claims will be paid at less than 100% of their face value and
the equity of the Company's stockholders will be diluted or cancelled. Because
of such possibility, the value of the Common Stock is speculative and any
investment in the Common Stock would pose a high degree of risk.

Under the Code, the rights of and ultimate payments to pre-Filing Date creditors
and stockholders may be substantially altered. At this time, it is not possible
to predict the outcome of the Cases, in general, or the effect of the Cases on
the businesses of the Debtors.

Two creditors' committees, one representing the unsecured creditors and the
other representing the asbestos claimants, have been appointed as official
committees in the Cases and, in accordance with the provisions of the Code, will
have the right to be heard on all matters that come before the Court. In July
2003, the Debtors asked the Court to approve the appointment of a committee of
salaried retirees (the "1114 Committee") with whom the Debtors can discuss
necessary changes, including the modification or termination, of certain retiree
benefits (such as medical and insurance) under Section 1114 of the Code. The
Debtors expect that the appointed committees, together with the legal
representative for potential future asbestos claimants that has been appointed
in the Cases, will play important roles in the Cases and the negotiation of the
terms of any plan or plans of reorganization. The Debtors are required to bear
certain costs and expenses for the committees and the legal representative for
potential future asbestos claimants, including those of their counsel and other

The Debtors anticipate that substantially all liabilities of the Debtors as of
the date of the Filing will be resolved under one or more plans of
reorganization to be proposed and voted on in the Cases in accordance with the
provisions of the Code. Although the Debtors intend to file and seek
confirmation of such a plan or plans, there can be no assurance as to when the
Debtors will file such a plan or plans, or that such plan or plans will be
confirmed by the Court and consummated.

As provided by the Code, the Original Debtors had the exclusive right to propose
a plan of reorganization for 120 days following the initial Filing Date. The
Court has subsequently approved several extensions of the exclusivity period for
all Debtors, the most recent of which was set to expire July 31, 2003. A motion
to extend the exclusivity period through October 31, 2003, was filed by the
Debtors in late July 2003. By filing the motion to extend the exclusivity
period, the period is automatically extended until the September 22, 2003 Court
hearing date. As the Debtors' motion to extend the exclusivity period through
October 31, 2003 was agreed with by the creditors' committees in advance of the
filing, the Debtors expect the motion to be approved by the Court. Additional
extensions are likely to be sought. However, no assurance can be given that such
future extension requests will be granted by the Court. If the Debtors fail to
file a plan of reorganization during the exclusivity period, or if such plan is
not accepted by the requisite numbers of creditors and equity holders entitled
to vote on the plan, other parties in interest in the Cases may be permitted to
propose their own plan(s) of reorganization for the Debtors.

The Company expects that, when the Debtors ultimately file a plan of
reorganization, it will reflect the Company's strategic vision for emergence
from Chapter 11: (a) a standalone going concern with manageable leverage,
improved cost structure and competitive strength; (b) a company positioned to
execute its long-standing vision of market leadership and growth in fabricated
products specifically with a financial structure that provides financial
flexibility, including access to capital markets, for accretive acquisitions;
(c) a company that delivers a broad product offering and leadership in service
and quality for its customers and distributors; and (d) a company with continued
presence in those commodities markets that have the potential to generate
significant cash at steady-state metal prices. The Company's advisors have
developed a preliminary timeline that, assuming the current pace of the Cases
continues, could allow the Company to emerge from Chapter 11 in 2004. While no
assurances can be given in this regard, the Company's management continues to
push for an aggressive pace in advancing the Cases. Continued sales of non-core
assets and facilities that are ultimately determined not to be an important part
of the reorganized entity are likely. In light of the Company's stated strategy
of market leadership and growth in fabricated products and to further the
Company's ultimate planned emergence from Chapter 11, the Company has determined
that it is appropriate to explore the possible disposition of one or more of its
commodity assets. The Company, through its financial advisor, has been in
contact with a number of parties with possible interest in the commodity assets
and has provided a number of parties certain information pursuant to
confidentiality agreements. While no commodity asset sales are currently
imminent, it is possible that one or more sales may occur in late 2003 or the
first half of 2004. Any sale of assets would be subject to various prior
approvals including, but not limited to, approvals by the Company's Board of
Directors, the Court and the DIP Facility lenders and no assurances can be given
that acceptable offers will be received for any assets or that any assets will
ultimately be sold. The Company's strategic vision is subject to continuing
review in consultation with the Company's stakeholders and may also be modified
from time to time as the Cases proceed due to changes in such items as changes
in the global markets, changes in the economics of the Company's facilities or
changing financial circumstances.

Financial Statement Presentation. The accompanying consolidated financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with AICPA Statement of Position
90-7 ("SOP 90-7"), Financial Reporting by Entities in Reorganization Under the
Bankruptcy Code, and on a going concern basis, which contemplates the
realization of assets and the liquidation of liabilities in the ordinary course
of business. However, as a result of the Cases, such realization of assets and
liquidation of liabilities are subject to a significant number of uncertainties.

Financial Information. Condensed consolidating financial statements of the
Debtors and non-Debtors are set forth below:

                                  JUNE 30, 2003

                                           Original     Additional                      Elimination
                                            Debtors       Debtors       Non-Debtors       Entries      Consolidated
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Current assets                           $      365.3  $       28.1   $       111.9  $          -     $       505.3
Investments in subsidiaries and
   affiliates                                 1,428.0         205.0              .1         (1,555.7)          77.4
Intercompany receivables (payables), net       (990.4)        897.6            92.8             -               -
Property and equipment, net                     583.6          18.3           381.2             -             983.1
Deferred income taxes                           (81.9)         81.9             -               -               -
Other assets                                    528.7            .4             7.8             -             536.9
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
                                         $    1,833.3  $    1,231.3   $       593.8  $      (1,555.7) $     2,102.7
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

Liabilities not subject to compromise -
   Current liabilities                   $      244.8  $       23.5   $        90.5  $         (13.5) $       345.3
   Long-term liabilities                         77.4          16.4            30.4             -             124.2
Liabilities subject to compromise             2,722.7           -               -               -           2,722.7
Minority interests                                 .7           -             104.3             17.8          122.8
Stockholders' equity (deficit)               (1,212.3)      1,191.4           368.6         (1,560.0)      (1,212.3)
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
                                         $    1,833.3  $    1,231.3   $       593.8  $      (1,555.7) $     2,102.7
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

For condensed consolidating balance sheets of the Debtors and non-Debtors as of
December 31, 2002, see Note 1 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in
the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002.

                       FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2003

                                           Original     Additional                      Elimination
                                            Debtors       Debtors       Non-Debtors       Entries      Consolidated
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net sales                                $      324.7  $       12.1   $        25.4  $          (3.8) $       358.4
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Costs and expenses -
   Operating costs and expenses                 371.8           4.9            39.2             (3.8)         412.1
   Non-recurring operating charges
      (benefits), net                             (.7)         -                -               -               (.7)
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
                                                371.1           4.9            39.2             (3.8)         411.4
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Operating income (loss)                         (46.4)          7.2           (13.8)            -             (53.0)
Interest expense                                 (2.6)          -               (.1)            -              (2.7)
All other income (expense), net                  (7.3)         (3.6)             .3              2.8           (7.8)
Benefit (provision) for income tax and
   minority interests                             (.8)         (2.0)            5.1             -               2.3
Equity in income of subsidiaries                 (4.1)          -               -                4.1            -
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations        (61.2)          1.6            (8.5)             6.9          (61.2)
Discontinued operations                           (.2)          -               -               -               (.2)
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net income (loss)                        $      (61.4) $        1.6   $        (8.5) $           6.9  $       (61.4)
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

                       FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2002

                                           Original     Additional                      Elimination
                                            Debtors       Debtors       Non-Debtors       Entries      Consolidated
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net sales                                $      350.9  $       11.1   $        50.0  $         (25.7) $       386.3
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Costs and expenses -
   Operating costs and expenses                 378.2           7.9            53.9            (25.7)         414.3
   Non-recurring operating charges                7.5           -               -               -               7.5
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
                                                385.7           7.9            53.9            (25.7)         421.8
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Operating income (loss)                         (34.8)          3.2            (3.9)            -             (35.5)
Interest expense                                 (2.1)          -               (.4)            -              (2.5)
All other income (expense), net                  (5.7)         (2.8)            (.1)             2.5           (6.1)
Benefit (provision) for income tax and
   minority interests                             (.9)         (4.5)             .4             -              (5.0)
Equity in income of subsidiaries                 (5.6)          -               -                5.6            -
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations        (49.1)         (4.1)           (4.0)             8.1          (49.1)
Discontinued operations                          (1.3)          -               -               -              (1.3)
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net income (loss)                        $      (50.4) $       (4.1)  $        (4.0) $           8.1  $       (50.4)
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2003

                                           Original     Additional                      Elimination
                                            Debtors       Debtors       Non-Debtors       Entries      Consolidated
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net sales                                $      627.6  $       24.5   $        59.1  $         (13.4) $       697.8
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Costs and expenses -
   Operating costs and expenses                 726.2          12.3            84.2            (13.4)         809.3
   Non-recurring operating charges
      (benefit), net                               .6           -               -               -                .6
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
                                                726.8          12.3            84.2            (13.4)         809.9
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Operating income (loss)                         (99.2)         12.2           (25.1)            -            (112.1)
Interest expense                                 (4.9)          -               (.4)            -              (5.3)
All other income (expense), net                 (18.3)         (4.4)             .7              5.5          (16.5)
Benefit (provision) for income tax and
   minority interests                            (2.6)         (7.2)            9.3             -               (.5)
Equity in income of subsidiaries                 (9.4)          -               -                9.4            -
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations       (134.4)           .6           (15.5)            14.9         (134.4)
Discontinued operations                           7.9           -               -               -               7.9
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net income (loss)                        $     (126.5) $         .6   $       (15.5) $          14.9  $      (126.5)
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2002

                                           Original     Additional                      Elimination
                                            Debtors       Debtors       Non-Debtors       Entries      Consolidated
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net sales                                $      686.7  $       23.0   $       104.3  $         (57.1) $       756.9
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Costs and expenses -
   Operating costs and expenses                 753.4           7.7           114.2            (57.1)         818.2
   Non-recurring operating charges                9.1           -               -               -               9.1
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
                                                762.5           7.7           114.2            (57.1)         827.3
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Operating income (loss)                         (75.8)         15.3            (9.9)            -             (70.4)
Interest expense                                (15.2)          -               (.8)            -             (16.0)
All other income (expense), net                 (13.1)         (5.6)            -                5.1          (13.6)
Benefit (provision) for income tax and
   minority interests                            (3.7)        (10.4)            2.6             -             (11.5)
Equity in income of subsidiaries                 (3.7)          -               -                3.7            -
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations       (111.5)          (.7)           (8.1)             8.8         (111.5)
Discontinued operations                          (3.0)          -               -               -              (3.0)
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net income (loss)                        $     (114.5) $        (.7)  $        (8.1) $           8.8  $      (114.5)
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2003

                                           Original     Additional                      Elimination
                                            Debtors       Debtors       Non-Debtors       Entries      Consolidated
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net cash provided (used) by:
   Operating activities                  $      (62.7) $        (.8)  $        14.2  $          -     $       (49.3)
   Investing activities                          70.3           (.1)          (14.3)            -              55.9
   Financing activities                          (1.4)          -               -               -              (1.4)
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash
   equivalents                                    6.2           (.9)            (.1)            -               5.2
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
   of period                                     75.5           2.1             1.1             -              78.7
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
   period                                $       81.7  $        1.2   $         1.0  $          -     $        83.9
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2002

                                           Original     Additional                      Elimination
                                            Debtors       Debtors       Non-Debtors       Entries      Consolidated
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net cash provided (used) by:
   Operating activities                  $      (19.1) $         .3   $        19.9  $          -     $         1.1
   Investing activities                          15.8           (.3)          (15.1)            -                .4
   Financing activities                          (7.5)          -               -               -              (7.5)
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash
   equivalents                                  (10.8)          -               4.8             -              (6.0)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
   of period                                    151.6           1.4              .3             -             153.3
                                         ------------- -------------  -------------- ---------------- --------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
   period                                $      140.8  $        1.4   $         5.1  $          -     $       147.3
                                         ============= =============  ============== ================ ==============

Classification of Liabilities as "Liabilities Not Subject to Compromise" Versus
"Liabilities Subject to Compromise." Liabilities not subject to compromise
include: (1) liabilities incurred after the Filing Date of the Cases; (2)
pre-Filing Date liabilities that the Debtors expect to pay in full, including
priority tax and employee claims and certain environmental liabilities, even
though certain of these amounts may not be paid until a plan of reorganization
is approved; and (3) pre-Filing Date liabilities that have been approved for
payment by the Court and that the Debtors expect to pay (in advance of a plan of
reorganization) over the next twelve-month period in the ordinary course of
business, including certain employee related items (salaries, vacation and
medical benefits), claims subject to a currently existing collective bargaining
agreement, and postretirement medical and other costs associated with retirees
(however, see note (2) to the table below).

Liabilities subject to compromise refer to all other pre-Filing Date liabilities
of the Debtors. The amounts of the various categories of liabilities that are
subject to compromise are set forth below. These amounts represent the Company's
estimates of known or probable pre-Filing Date claims that are likely to be
resolved in connection with the Cases. Such claims remain subject to future
adjustments. Further, the Debtors currently believe that it is likely that
pre-Filing Date claims will be paid at less than 100% of their face value and
the equity of the Company's stockholders will be diluted or cancelled.

The amounts subject to compromise at June 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002
consisted of the following items:

                                                                                    June 30,         December 31,
                                                                                      2003               2002
                                                                                 ---------------   ----------------
Items, absent the Cases, that would have been considered current:
   Accounts payable                                                              $         48.5    $          47.6
   Accrued interest                                                                        44.0               44.0
   Accrued salaries, wages and related expenses(1)                                        159.0               59.0
   Other accrued liabilities (including asbestos liability of $130.0 - Note 7)            143.7              150.6
Items, absent the Cases, that would have been considered long-term:
   Accrued pension benefits                                                               287.7              362.7
   Accrued postretirement medical obligation(2)                                           665.0              672.4
   Long-term liabilities(3)                                                               544.6              559.5
   Debt (Note 5)                                                                          830.2              830.2
                                                                                 ---------------   ----------------
                                                                                 $      2,722.7    $       2,726.0
                                                                                 ===============   ================

(1)     Accrued salaries, wages and related expenses represent estimated minimum
        pension contributions that, absent the Cases, would have otherwise been
        payable. Amounts for the period ended June 30, 2003 include
        approximately $100.0 associated with estimated special liquidity and
        other payments that were not made. As previously disclosed, the Company
        does not currently expect to make any pension contributions in respect
        of its domestic pension plans. See Note 10 of Notes to Consolidated
        Financial Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended
        December 31, 2002 for additional information about non-payment of
        pension contributions.
(2)     In July 2003, the Debtors asked the Court to approve the appointment of
        the 1114 Committee with whom the Debtors can discuss necessary changes,
        including the modification or termination, of certain retiree benefits
        (such as medical and insurance) under Section 1114 of the Code.
        Separately, the Debtors have begun discussions with the appropriate
        union representatives to discuss modifications or termination of hourly
        retiree benefits pursuant to collective bargaining agreements. The
        Company has continued to report the current portion of accrued
        postretirement medical obligations as liabilities not subject to
        compromise, but this treatment is subject to change depending on the
        actions of the aforementioned discussions and specific actions by the
(3)     Long-term liabilities include environmental liabilities of $22.7 at June
        30, 2003 and $21.7 at December 31, 2002 (Note 7) and asbestos
        liabilities of $480.1 at June 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002 (Note 7).

The classification of liabilities "not subject to compromise" versus liabilities
"subject to compromise" is based on currently available information and
analysis. As the Cases proceed and additional information and analysis is
completed or, as the Court rules on relevant matters, the classification of
amounts between these two categories may change. The amount of any such changes
could be significant. Additionally, as the Company evaluates the proofs of claim
filed in the Cases, adjustments will be made for those claims that the Company
believes will probably be allowed by the Court. The amount of such claims could
be significant.

Reorganization Items. Reorganization items under the Cases are expense or income
items that are incurred or realized by the Company because it is in
reorganization. These items include, but are not limited to, professional fees
and similar types of expenses incurred directly related to the Cases, loss
accruals or gains or losses resulting from activities of the reorganization
process, and interest earned on cash accumulated by the Debtors because they are
not paying their pre-Filing Date liabilities. For the quarter and six-month
periods ended June 30, 2003 and 2002, reorganization items were as follows:

                                                                      Quarter Ended             Six Months Ended
                                                                        June 30,                    June 30,
                                                                ------------------------    ------------------------
                                                                   2003         2002           2003         2002
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------
Professional fees                                               $      7.6   $      7.2     $    15.2   $      10.9
Accelerated amortization of certain deferred
   financing costs                                                      -            -              -           4.5
Interest income                                                        (.3)         (.7)          (.5)         (1.1)
Other                                                                   .1           -             .1           1.8
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------
                                                                $      7.4   $      6.5     $    14.8   $      16.1
                                                                ===========  ===========    ==========  ============

As required by SOP 90-7, in the first quarter of 2002, the Company recorded the
Debtors' pre-Filing Date debt that is subject to compromise at the allowed
amount. Accordingly, the Company accelerated the amortization of debt-related
premium, discount and costs attributable to this debt and recorded a net expense
of approximately $4.5 in Reorganization items during the first quarter of 2002.

Trust Fund. During the first quarter of 2002, KACC paid $5.8 into a trust fund
in respect of potential liability obligations of directors and officers.


This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q should be read in conjunction with the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002.

Going Concern. The interim consolidated financial statements of the Company have
been prepared on a "going concern" basis which contemplates the realization of
assets and the liquidation of liabilities in the ordinary course of business;
however, as a result of the commencement of the Cases, such realization of
assets and liquidation of liabilities are subject to a significant number of
uncertainties. Specifically, the interim consolidated financial statements do
not present: (a) the realizable value of assets on a liquidation basis or the
availability of such assets to satisfy liabilities, (b) the amount which will
ultimately be paid to settle liabilities and contingencies which may be allowed
in the Cases, or (c) the effect of any changes which may occur in connection
with the Debtors' capitalizations or operations of the Debtors as a result of a
plan of reorganization. Because of the ongoing nature of the Cases, the
discussions and consolidated financial statements contained herein are subject
to material uncertainties.

Principles of Consolidation. The Company is a subsidiary of MAXXAM Inc.
("MAXXAM"). MAXXAM and one of its wholly owned subsidiaries together own
approximately 62% of the Company's Common Stock, with the remaining
approximately 38% publicly held. The Company operates through its subsidiary,

The accompanying unaudited interim consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP")
for interim financial information and the rules and regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, these financial statements do
not include all of the disclosures required by GAAP for complete financial
statements. In the opinion of management, the unaudited interim consolidated
financial statements furnished herein include all adjustments, all of which are
of a normal recurring nature unless otherwise noted, necessary for a fair
statement of the results for the interim periods presented.

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires the use
of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities known to exist as
of the date the financial statements are published, and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Uncertainties with respect to
such estimates and assumptions are inherent in the preparation of the Company's
consolidated financial statements; accordingly, it is possible that the actual
results could differ from these estimates and assumptions, which could have a
material effect on the reported amounts of the Company's consolidated financial
position and results of operations.

Operating results for the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30, 2003, are
not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the year
ending December 31, 2003.

Earnings per Share. Basic earnings (loss) per share is computed by dividing net
income (loss) by the weighted average number of shares of Common Stock
outstanding during the period including the weighted average impact of the
shares of Common Stock issued during the year from the date(s) of issuance.
However, earnings (loss) per share may not be meaningful, because as a part of a
plan of reorganization, it is likely that the interests of the Company's
existing stockholders will be diluted or cancelled.

Derivative Financial Instruments. Hedging transactions using derivative
financial instruments are primarily designed to mitigate KACC's exposure to
changes in prices for certain of the products which KACC sells and consumes and,
to a lesser extent, to mitigate KACC's exposure to change in foreign currency
exchange rates. KACC does not utilize derivative financial instruments for
trading or other speculative purposes. KACC's derivative activities are
initiated within guidelines established by management and approved by KACC's and
the Company's boards of directors. Hedging transactions are executed centrally
on behalf of all of KACC's business segments to minimize transaction costs,
monitor consolidated net exposure and allow for increased responsiveness to
changes in market factors.

See Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 and Note 8 for additional information
regarding derivative financial instruments.


The classification of inventories is as follows:

                                                                  June 30,        December 31,
                                                                    2003              2002
                                                               ---------------  ----------------
Finished fabricated aluminum products                          $         22.7   $          28.1
Primary aluminum and work in process                                     72.3              71.2
Bauxite and alumina                                                      53.1              72.9
Operating supplies and repair and maintenance parts                      79.0              82.7
                                                               ---------------  ----------------
      Total                                                    $        227.1   $         254.9
                                                               ===============  ================

Substantially all product inventories are stated at last-in, first-out ("LIFO")
cost, not in excess of market. Replacement cost is not in excess of LIFO cost.


Future Power Supply and its Impact on Future Operating Rate. During October
2000, KACC signed a new power contract with the Bonneville Power Administration
("BPA") under which the BPA, starting October 1, 2001, was to provide KACC's
operations in the State of Washington with approximately 290 megawatts of power
through September 2006. The contract provided KACC with sufficient power to
fully operate KACC's Trentwood facility (which requires up to an approximate 40
megawatts), as well as approximately 40% of the combined capacity of KACC's Mead
and Tacoma aluminum smelting operations which have been curtailed since the last
half of 2000.

As a part of the reorganization process, the Company concluded that it was in
its best interest to reject the BPA contract as permitted by the Code. As such,
with the authorization of the Court, the Company rejected the BPA contract on
September 30, 2002. The contract rejection gives rise to a pre-petition claim
(see Note 1). The BPA has filed a proof of claim for approximately $75.0 in
connection with the Cases in respect of the contract rejection. The claim is
expected to be settled in the overall context of the Debtors' plan of
reorganization. Accordingly, any payments that may be required as a result of
the rejection of the BPA contract are expected to only be made pursuant to a
plan of reorganization and upon the Company's emergence from the Cases. The
amount of the BPA claim will be determined either through a negotiated
settlement, litigation or a computation of prevailing power prices over the
contract period. As the amount of the BPA's claim in respect of the contract
rejection has not been determined, no provision has been made for the claim in
the accompanying financial statements. KACC has entered into a rolling
short-term contract with an alternate supplier to provide the power necessary to
operate its Trentwood facility.

In January 2003, the Company announced the indefinite curtailment of the Mead
facility. The curtailment of the Mead facility was due to the continuing
unfavorable market dynamics, specifically unattractive long-term power prices
and weak primary aluminum prices - both of which are significant impediments for
an older smelter with higher-than-average operating costs. The Mead facility is
expected to remain completely curtailed unless and until an appropriate
combination of reduced power prices, higher primary aluminum prices and other
factors occurs. The restart of a portion of KACC's Mead facility would require
the purchase of additional power from available sources. For KACC to make such a
decision, it would have to be able to purchase such power at a reasonable price
in relation to current and expected market conditions for a sufficient term to
justify its restart costs, which could be significant depending on the number of
lines restarted and the length of time between the shutdown and restart. Given
recent primary aluminum prices and the forward price of power in the Northwest,
it is unlikely that KACC will operate the Mead facility in the near future. If
KACC were to restart all or a portion of its Mead facility, it would take at
least three to six months to reach the full operating rate for such operations,
depending upon the number of lines restarted. Even after achieving the full
operating rate, operating only a portion of the Mead facility would result in
production/cost inefficiencies such that operating results would, at best, be
breakeven to modestly negative at long-term primary aluminum prices. See Note 5
of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 2002, for a discussion of the Northwest smelters 2002
impairment charge.

In January 2003, the Court approved the sale of the Tacoma facility to the Port
of Tacoma. The sale closed in February 2003. See Note 9 for additional
discussion on the sale of the Tacoma facility.


Debt consists of the following:

                                                                          June 30,       December 31,
                                                                            2003             2002
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------
   Post-Petition Credit Agreement                                      $         -      $         -
   8 1/4% Alpart CARIFA Loans due 2007                                           22.0            22.0
   7.6% Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds due 2027                              19.0            19.0
   Other borrowings (fixed rate)                                                  2.5             2.6
Unsecured (reflected as Liabilities Subject to Compromise):
   9 7/8% Senior Notes due 2002, net                                            172.8           172.8
   10 7/8% Senior Notes due 2006, net                                           225.0           225.0
   12 3/4% Senior Subordinated Notes due 2003                                   400.0           400.0
   Other borrowings (fixed and variable rates)                                   32.4            32.4
                                                                       ---------------  --------------
Total                                                                           873.7           873.8

Less - Current portion                                                            1.1              .9
        Pre-Filing Date claims included in liabilities
          subject to compromise (Note 1)                                        830.2           830.2
                                                                       ---------------  --------------
Long-term debt                                                         $         42.4   $        42.7
                                                                       ===============  ==============

Post-Petition Credit Agreement. On February 12, 2002, the Company and KACC
entered into a post-petition credit agreement with a group of lenders for
debtor-in-possession financing (the "DIP Facility"). In March 2003, certain of
the Additional Debtors were added as co-guarantors and the DIP Facility lenders
received super-priority status with respect to certain of the Additional
Debtors' assets. The DIP Facility provides for a secured, revolving line of
credit through the earlier of February 12, 2004 (extended to February 13, 2005
in August 2003 as discussed below), the effective date of a plan of
reorganization or voluntary termination by the Company. Under the DIP Facility,
KACC is able to borrow amounts by means of revolving credit advances and to have
issued for its benefit letters of credit (up to $125.0) in an aggregate amount
equal to the lesser of $300.0 (reduced to $285.0 in August 2003 as discussed
below) or a borrowing base relating to eligible accounts receivable, eligible
inventory and an amortizing fixed asset component, reduced by certain reserves,
as defined in the DIP Facility agreement. The DIP Facility is guaranteed by the
Company and certain significant subsidiaries of KACC. Interest on any
outstanding borrowings will bear a spread over either a base rate or LIBOR, at
KACC's option. As of June 30, 2003, $120.3 was available to the Company under
the DIP Facility (of which $78.8 could be used for additional letters of credit)
and no borrowings were outstanding under the revolving credit facility.

The DIP Facility requires KACC to comply with certain financial covenants and
places restrictions on the Company's and KACC's ability to, among other things,
incur debt and liens, make investments, pay dividends, undertake transactions
with affiliates, make capital expenditures, and enter into unrelated lines of
business. During March 2003, the Company obtained a waiver from the lenders in
respect of its compliance with a financial covenant covering the four-quarter
period ending March 31, 2003. The waiver was of limited duration and would have
lapsed on June 29, 2003. In May 2003, the Company obtained an extension and
modification of the March 2003 limited waiver for the financial covenant through
the four-quarter period ending June 30, 2003 until September 30, 2003 by when it
was contemplated that a formal amendment would be completed. Subsequently,
during June 2003 and August 2003, the Company and the DIP Facility lenders
completed two amendments. The first of the two amendments (the fifth amendment
to the DIP Facility) was necessary in order to permit the Company to take
certain actions necessary to facilitate access by Queensland Alumina Limited
("QAL"), the Company's 20% owned affiliate, to amounts available to QAL under
its existing financing arrangements, thereby reducing the Company's and the
other owners' funding requirements for QAL. The Company's share of such
additional financings at QAL is $43.0. The fifth amendment to the DIP Facility
was approved by the Court in June 2003. The major provisions of the second of
the two amendments (the sixth amendment to the DIP Facility) included: (a) an
extension of the maturity of the DIP Facility to February 2005, (b) an increase
in the eligible borrowing base amount under the DIP Facility by, among other
things, restoring the amortizing fixed assets subcomponent back to the original
$100.0 amount as of August 2003, (c) the incorporation of the May 2003 limited
waiver and also a modification of the financial covenant for periods beginning
June 30, 2003, and (d) a reduction of the commitment amount of the DIP Facility
to $285.0. The sixth amendment was approved on an interim basis by the Court on
August 13, 2003. Absent objections, the interim order will automatically become
final on August 19, 2003. As the motion to approve the sixth amendment was
agreed with the creditors' committees and the asbestos futures representative in
advance of the filing, the Company does not expect any objections and believes
that the sixth amendment will become fully effective. However, absolute
assurances cannot be given in this regard.


The benefit (provision) for income taxes of $.3 and $(6.4) for the quarters
ended June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, and $(4.4) and $(14.4) for the
six-month periods ended June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, relate primarily
to foreign income taxes. For the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30,
2003 and 2002, as a result of the Cases, the Company did not recognize any U.S.
income tax benefit for the losses incurred from its domestic operations
(including temporary differences) or any U.S. income tax benefit for foreign
income taxes. Instead, the increases in federal and state deferred tax assets as
a result of additional net operating losses and foreign tax credits generated in
2003 and 2002 were fully offset by increases in valuation allowances. See Note 9
of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 2002 for additional information regarding the Deferred
Tax Assets and Valuation Allowances.

In March 2003, the Company paid approximately $22.0 in settlement of certain
foreign tax matters in respect of a number of prior periods.


Impact of Reorganization Proceedings. During the pendency of the Cases,
substantially all pending litigation, except certain environmental claims and
litigation, against the Debtors is stayed. Generally, claims against a Debtor
arising from actions or omissions prior to its Filing Date will be settled in
connection with the plan of reorganization.

Commitments. KACC has a variety of financial commitments, including purchase
agreements, tolling arrangements, forward foreign exchange and forward sales
contracts (see Note 8), letters of credit, and guarantees. Such purchase
agreements and tolling arrangements include long-term agreements for the
purchase and tolling of bauxite into alumina in Australia by QAL. These
obligations are scheduled to expire in 2008. Under the agreements, KACC is
unconditionally obligated to pay its proportional share (20%) of debt, operating
costs, and certain other costs of QAL. KACC's share of the aggregate minimum
amount of required future principal payments as of June 30, 2003, was $52.0,
which matured or will mature as follows: $32.0 in July 2003 and $20.0 in 2006.
KACC's share of QAL's debt principal payment in July 2003 was funded with
additional QAL borrowings. During July 2002, KACC made payments of approximately
$29.5 to QAL to fund KACC's share of QAL's scheduled debt maturities. KACC's
share of payments, including operating costs and certain other expenses under
the agreements, has ranged between $95.0 - $103.0 per year over the past three
years. KACC also has agreements to supply alumina to and to purchase aluminum
from Anglesey Aluminium Limited.

Minimum rental commitments under operating leases at December 31, 2002, were as
follows: years ending December 31, 2003 - $15.2; 2004 - $6.2; 2005 - $5.4; 2006
- - $3.1; 2007 - $2.4; thereafter - $3.7. Pursuant to the Code, the Debtors may
elect to reject or assume unexpired pre-petition leases. At this time, no
decisions have been made as to which significant leases will be accepted or
rejected (see Note 1).

Rental expenses were $38.3, $41.0 and $42.5 for the years ended December 31,
2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

KACC had a long-term liability, net of estimated subleases income, on the Kaiser
Center office complex in Oakland, California, in which KACC had not maintained
offices for a number of years, but for which it was responsible for lease
payments as master tenant through 2008 under a sale-and-leaseback agreement. The
Company also held an investment in certain notes issued by the owners of the
building (which were included in Other Assets). In October 2002, the Company
entered into a contract to sell its interests in the office complex. As the
contract amount was less than the asset's net carrying value, the Company
recorded a non-cash impairment charge in 2002 of approximately $20.0. The sale
was approved by the Court in February 2003 and closed in March 2003. Net cash
proceeds were approximately $61.1.

Environmental Contingencies. The Company and KACC are subject to a number of
environmental laws, to fines or penalties assessed for alleged breaches of the
environmental laws, and to claims and litigation based upon such laws. KACC
currently is subject to a number of claims under the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended by the Superfund
Amendments Reauthorization Act of 1986 ("CERCLA"), and, along with certain other
entities, has been named as a potentially responsible party for remedial costs
at certain third-party sites listed on the National Priorities List under

Based on the Company's evaluation of these and other environmental matters, the
Company has established environmental accruals, primarily related to potential
solid waste disposal and soil and groundwater remediation matters. At June 30,
2003, the balance of such accruals was $59.3 (of which $22.7 was included in
Liabilities subject to compromise - see Note 1). These environmental accruals
represent the Company's estimate of costs reasonably expected to be incurred in
the ordinary course of business based on presently enacted laws and regulations,
currently available facts, existing technology, and the Company's assessment of
the likely remediation action to be taken. In the ordinary course, the Company
expects that these remediation actions would be taken over the next several
years and estimates that annual expenditures to be charged to these
environmental accruals will be approximately $8.0 to $12.0 in 2003 and 2004,
$1.0 to $4.0 in 2005 through 2007 and an aggregate of approximately $33.0

However, in furtherance of its reorganization, the Company has been negotiating
a possible multi-site resolution of KACC's environmental exposure at a number of
non-owned sites with various federal and state governmental regulatory
authorities. An agreement in principle has been reached with these parties under
which, among other things, KACC would agree to claims at such sites totaling
$25.5 ($18.2 greater than existing amounts accrued at June 30, 2003 for these
sites) and, in return, the governmental regulatory authorities would agree that
such claims would be treated as pre-Filing Date unsecured claims (i.e.
liabilities subject to compromise). While KACC believes it is likely that the
agreement with the various federal and state governmental regulatory authorities
will be signed during the third quarter of 2003, the agreement will give the
regulatory authorities the unilateral right to withdraw their approval until
after the conclusion of a public notice and comment period. Any agreement would
also be subject to Court approval. Because it is possible that objections raised
during the public comment process or objections made to the Court could result
in a significant modification or termination of the expected agreement, KACC has
not currently recorded any charge for any amounts above existing accruals as
such incremental liability was not believed to be "probable" (which is the
criteria for recognition under GAAP). However, it is possible that the
additional $18.2 (or a different amount) of charges may be required to be
recorded during the second half of 2003.

As additional facts are developed and definitive remediation plans and necessary
regulatory approvals for implementation of remediation are established or
alternative technologies are developed, changes in these and other factors may
result in actual costs exceeding the current environmental accruals. The Company
believes that it is reasonably possible that costs associated with these
environmental matters may exceed current accruals by amounts that could range,
in the aggregate, up to an estimated $33.0 (including the net impact of the
possible multi-site settlement discussed in the preceding paragraph). As the
resolution of these matters is subject to further regulatory review and
approval, no specific assurance can be given as to when the factors upon which a
substantial portion of this estimate is based can be expected to be resolved.
However, the Company is currently working to resolve certain of these matters.

The Company believes that KACC has insurance coverage available to recover
certain incurred and future environmental costs and may pursue claims in this
regard. However, no amounts have been accrued in the financial statements with
respect to such potential recoveries.

Asbestos Contingencies. KACC has been one of many defendants in a number of
lawsuits, some of which involve claims of multiple persons, in which the
plaintiffs allege that certain of their injuries were caused by, among other
things, exposure to asbestos during, and as a result of, their employment or
association with KACC or exposure to products containing asbestos produced or
sold by KACC. The lawsuits generally relate to products KACC has not sold for
more than 20 years. As of the initial Filing Date, approximately 112,000 claims
were pending. The lawsuits are currently stayed by the Cases.

Due to the Cases, holders of asbestos claims are stayed from continuing to
prosecute pending litigation and from commencing new lawsuits against the
Debtors. However, during the pendency of the Cases, KACC expects additional
asbestos claims will be filed as part of the claims process. A separate
creditors' committee representing the interests of the asbestos claimants has
been appointed. The Debtors' obligations with respect to present and future
asbestos claims will be resolved pursuant to a plan of reorganization.

The Company has accrued a liability for estimated asbestos-related costs for
claims filed to date and an estimate of claims to be filed through 2011. At June
30, 2003, the balance of such accrual was $610.1, all of which was included in
Liabilities subject to compromise (see Note 1). The Company's estimate is based
on the Company's view, at June 30, 2003, of the current and anticipated number
of asbestos-related claims, the timing and amounts of asbestos-related payments,
the status of ongoing litigation and settlement initiatives, and the advice of
Wharton Levin Ehrmantraut & Klein, P.A., with respect to the current state of
the law related to asbestos claims. However, there are inherent uncertainties
involved in estimating asbestos-related costs and the Company's actual costs
could exceed the Company's estimates due to changes in facts and circumstances
after the date of each estimate. Further, while the Company does not presently
believe there is a reasonable basis for estimating asbestos-related costs beyond
2011 and, accordingly, no accrual has been recorded for any costs which may be
incurred beyond 2011, the Company expects that the plan of reorganization
process may require an estimation of KACC's entire asbestos-related liability,
which may go beyond 2011, and that such costs could be substantial.

The Company believes that KACC has insurance coverage available to recover a
substantial portion of its asbestos-related costs. Although the Company has
settled asbestos-related coverage matters with certain of its insurance
carriers, other carriers have not yet agreed to settlements and disputes with
carriers exist. The timing and amount of future recoveries from these insurance
carriers will depend on the pendency of the Cases and on the resolution of any
disputes regarding coverage under the applicable insurance policies. The Company
believes that substantial recoveries from the insurance carriers are probable
and additional amounts may be recoverable in the future if additional claims are
added. The Company reached this conclusion after considering its prior
insurance-related recoveries in respect of asbestos-related claims, existing
insurance policies, and the advice of Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe LLP
with respect to applicable insurance coverage law relating to the terms and
conditions of those policies. During 2000, KACC filed suit in San Francisco
Superior Court against a group of its insurers, which suit was thereafter split
into two related actions. Additional insurers were added to the litigation in
2000 and 2002. During October 2001 and June 2003, the court ruled favorably on a
number of policy interpretation issues, one of which was affirmed in February
2002 by an intermediate appellate court in response to a petition from the
insurers. The rulings did not result in any changes to the Company's estimates
of its current or future asbestos-related insurance recoveries. The trial court
may hear additional issues from time to time. Given the expected significance of
probable future asbestos-related payments, the receipt of timely and appropriate
payments from its insurers is critical to a successful plan of reorganization
and KACC's long-term liquidity.

The following tables present historical information regarding KACC's
asbestos-related balances and cash flows:

                                                                                 June 30,           December 31,
                                                                                   2003                 2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------   -----------------   ------------------
Liability                                                                    $          610.1    $           610.1
Receivable (included in Other assets)(1)                                                468.9                484.0
                                                                             -----------------   ------------------
                                                                             $          141.2    $           126.1
                                                                             =================   ==================

(1)   The asbestos-related receivable was determined on the same basis as the
      asbestos-related cost accrual. However, no assurances can be given that
      KACC will be able to project similar recovery percentages for future
      asbestos-related claims or that the amounts related to future
      asbestos-related claims will not exceed KACC's aggregate insurance
      coverage. As of June 30, 2003 and December 31, 2002, $9.6 and $24.7,
      respectively, of the receivable amounts relate to costs paid. The
      remaining receivable amounts relate to costs that are expected to be paid
      by KACC in the future.

                                                                                Six Months
                                                                                   Ended              Inception
                                                                               June 30, 2003           To Date
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------   -----------------   ------------------
Payments made, including related legal costs                                 $          -        $           355.7
Insurance recoveries                                                                     15.1                260.2
                                                                             -----------------   ------------------
                                                                             $          (15.1)   $            95.5
                                                                             =================   ==================

During the pendency of the Cases, all asbestos litigation is stayed. As a
result, the Company does not expect to make any asbestos payments in the near
term. Despite the Cases, the Company continues to pursue insurance collections
in respect of asbestos-related amounts paid prior to its Filing Date.

Management continues to monitor claims activity, the status of lawsuits
(including settlement initiatives), legislative developments, and costs incurred
in order to ascertain whether an adjustment to the existing accruals should be
made to the extent that historical experience may differ significantly from the
Company's underlying assumptions. Additional asbestos-related claims are likely
to be asserted as a part of the Chapter 11 process. Management cannot reasonably
predict the ultimate number of such claims or the amount of the associated
liability. However, it is likely that such amounts could exceed, perhaps
significantly, the liability amounts reflected in the Company's consolidated
financial statements, which (as previously stated) is only reflective of an
estimate of claims through 2011. KACC's obligations in respect of the currently
pending and future asbestos-related claims will ultimately be determined (and
resolved) as a part of the overall Chapter 11 proceedings. It is anticipated
that resolution of these matters will be a lengthy process. Management will
continue to periodically reassess its asbestos-related liabilities and estimated
insurance recoveries as the Cases proceed. However, absent unanticipated
developments such as asbestos-related legislation, material developments in
other asbestos-related proceedings or in the Company's or KACC's Chapter 11
proceedings, it is not anticipated that the Company will have sufficient
information to reevaluate its asbestos-related obligations and estimated
insurance recoveries until much later in the Cases. Any adjustments ultimately
deemed to be required as a result of the reevaluation of KACC's asbestos-related
liabilities or estimated insurance recoveries could have a material impact on
the Company's future financial statements.

Labor Matters. In connection with the United Steelworkers of America ("USWA")
strike and subsequent lock-out by KACC, which was settled in September 2000,
certain allegations of unfair labor practices ("ULPs") were filed with the
National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB") by the USWA. As previously disclosed,
KACC has responded to all such allegations and believes that they were without
merit. Twenty-two of twenty-four allegations of ULPs previously brought against
KACC by the USWA have been dismissed. A trial before an administrative law judge
for the two remaining allegations concluded in September 2001. In May 2002, the
administrative law judge ruled against KACC in respect of the two remaining ULP
allegations and recommended that the NLRB award back wages, plus interest, less
any earnings of the workers during the period of the lockout. The administrative
law judge's ruling did not contain any specific amount of proposed award and is
not self-executing. The USWA has filed a proof of claim for $240.0 in the Cases
in respect of this matter. The NLRB also filed a proof of claim in respect of
this matter. The NLRB claim was for $117.0, including interest of approximately
$18.0. Depending on the ultimate amount of any interest due and amount of
offsetting employee earnings and other factors, if the USWA ultimately were to
prevail it is possible that the amount of the award could exceed $100.0. It is
also possible that the Company may ultimately prevail on appeal and that no loss
will occur.

The Company continues to believe that the allegations are without merit and will
vigorously defend its position. KACC has appealed the ruling of the
administrative law judge to the full NLRB. The general counsel of the NLRB and
the USWA have cross-appealed. Any outcome from the NLRB appeal would be subject
to additional appeals in a United States Circuit Court of Appeals by the general
counsel of the NLRB, the USWA or KACC. This process could take several years.
Because the Company believes that it may prevail in the appeals process, the
Company has not recognized a charge in response to the adverse ruling. However,
it is possible that, if the Company's appeal(s) are not ultimately successful, a
charge in respect of this matter may be required in one or more future periods
and the amount of such charge(s) could be significant.

This matter is not currently stayed by the Cases. However, as previously stated,
seeing this matter to its ultimate outcome could take several years. Further,
any amounts ultimately determined by a court to be payable in this matter will
be dealt with in the overall context of the Debtors' plan of reorganization and
will be subject to compromise. Accordingly, any payments that may ultimately be
required in respect of this matter would only be paid upon or after the
Company's emergence from the Cases.

Other Contingencies. The Company or KACC is involved in various other claims,
lawsuits, and other proceedings relating to a wide variety of matters related to
past or present operations. While uncertainties are inherent in the final
outcome of such matters, and it is presently impossible to determine the actual
costs that ultimately may be incurred, management currently believes that the
resolution of such uncertainties and the incurrence of such costs should not
have a material adverse effect on the Company's consolidated financial position,
results of operations, or liquidity.


In conducting its business, KACC uses various instruments, including forward
contracts and options, to manage the risks arising from fluctuations in aluminum
prices, energy prices and exchange rates. KACC enters into hedging transactions
from time to time to limit its exposure resulting from (1) its anticipated sales
of alumina, primary aluminum, and fabricated aluminum products, net of expected
purchase costs for items that fluctuate with aluminum prices, (2) the energy
price risk from fluctuating prices for natural gas, fuel oil and diesel oil used
in its production process, and (3) foreign currency requirements with respect to
its cash commitments with foreign subsidiaries and affiliates. As KACC's hedging
activities are generally designed to lock-in a specified price or range of
prices, gains or losses on the derivative contracts utilized in the hedging
activities generally offset at least a portion of any losses or gains,
respectively, on the transactions being hedged.

2003. The following table summarizes KACC's material derivative positions at
June 30, 2003.

                                                                                  Estimated %
                                                                Notional          of Periods           Carrying/
                                                                Amount of       Sales/Purchases         Market
                Commodity                       Period          Contracts           Hedged               Value
- ----------------------------------------   ----------------   --------------    ---------------      -------------
Aluminum (in tons*) -
      Option contracts                       7/03 to 9/03             54,000          96%            $     3.1

Energy -
   Fuel Oil (in barrels per month):
      Option contracts                       7/03 to 12/03           215,000          93%                   .7

   Natural gas (in mmbtu per day):
      Option contracts                       8/03 to 9/03                 35          (a)                   .2

- -----------------
a)      When the hedges in place as of June 30, 2003 and those placed in July
        2003 (see below) are combined with price limits in the Company's
        physical supply agreement, KACC's exposure to increases in natural gas
        prices has been substantially limited for August 2003 and September 2003
        and approximately 60% of its exposure in October 2003 has been limited.

- -----------------
* All references to tons in this report refer to metric tons of 2,204.6 pounds.

In July 2003, KACC purchased additional option contracts which cap the price
that KACC would have to pay for a portion of its natural gas requirements for
August, September and October 2003. During July 2003, KACC also purchased option
contracts that established a floor for approximately one-third of its product
sales that are linked to October 2003 primary aluminum prices.

The Company anticipates that, subject to prevailing economic conditions, it may
enter into additional hedging transactions with respect to primary aluminum
prices, natural gas and fuel oil prices and foreign currency values to protect
the interests of its constituents. However, no assurance can be given as to when
or if the Company will enter into such additional hedging activities.

As of June 30, 2003, KACC had sold forward substantially all of the alumina
available to it in excess of its projected internal smelting requirements for
the balance of 2003 and a vast majority of such alumina in 2004 and 2005 at
prices indexed to future prices of primary aluminum.

2002. Because the agreements underlying KACC's hedging positions provided that
the counterparties to the hedging contracts could liquidate KACC's hedging
positions if KACC filed for reorganization, KACC chose to liquidate these
positions in advance of the Filing Date. Proceeds from the liquidation totaled
approximately $42.2. A net gain of $23.3 associated with these liquidated
positions was deferred and is being recognized over the period during which the
underlying transactions to which the hedges related are expected to occur. The
net gain upon liquidation consisted of: gains of $30.2 for aluminum contracts
and losses of $5.0 for Australian dollars and $1.9 for energy contracts. As of
June 30, 2003, the remaining unamortized amount was approximately a net loss of


The Company has previously disclosed that, in connection with the development of
a plan of reorganization, it conducted a study of the long-term competitive
position of the Mead and Tacoma facilities and potential options for these
facilities. When the Company received the preliminary results of the study, it
analyzed the findings and met with the USWA and other parties prior to making
its determination as to the appropriate action(s). The outcome of the study and
the Company's ongoing work on developing a plan of reorganization led the
Company to conclude that the Tacoma facility, whose aluminum smelting operations
had been curtailed since the last half of 2000, could not compete with the much
larger, newer and more efficient smelters, generally located outside the United
States. As a result, the Company entered into an agreement, which was approved
by the Court in January 2003, to sell the Tacoma facility to the Port of Tacoma
(the "Port"). Gross proceeds from the sale, before considering approximately
$4.0 of proceeds being held in escrow pending the resolution of certain
environmental and other issues, were approximately $12.1. The Port also agreed
to assume the on-site environmental remediation obligations. The sale closed in
February 2003. The sale resulted in a pre-tax gain of approximately $9.5. In
accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 144, Accounting
for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets ("SFAS No. 144"), the
operating results of the Tacoma facility for the quarter and six-month periods
ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 and the gain from the sale of the Tacoma facility
have been reported as discontinued operations in the accompanying Statements of
Consolidated Income (Loss). The balances and operating results associated with
the Tacoma facility were previously included in the Primary Aluminum business


Non-Recurring Operating (Charges) Benefits, Net. The income (loss) impact
associated with non-recurring operating (charges) benefits, net for the quarter
and six-month periods ended June 30, 2003 and 2002, was as follows (the business
segment to which the item is applicable is indicated):

                                                                      Quarter Ended             Six Months Ended
                                                                        June 30,                    June 30,
                                                                ------------------------    ------------------------
                                                                   2003         2002           2003         2002
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------
Restructuring charges -
   Primary Aluminum                                             $       -    $     (1.7)    $    (1.3)  $      (1.7)
   Bauxite & Alumina                                                   (.1)         (.3)          (.1)         (1.9)
   Fabricated Products                                                             (3.9)                       (3.9)
Product lines exit charge - Fabricated Products                         -          (1.6)            -          (1.6)
Other                                                                   .8           -             .8            -
                                                                -----------  -----------    ----------  ------------
                                                                $       .7   $     (7.5)    $     (.6)  $      (9.1)
                                                                ===========  ===========    ==========  ============

Restructuring charges in 2003 consist of employee benefit costs associated with
approximately 20 job eliminations during the first and second quarters of 2003
resulting primarily from the Primary aluminum business segment's Mead facility's
indefinite curtailment (see Note 4 ). Restructuring charges in 2002 resulted
from initiatives designed to increase operating cash flow, generate cash from
inventory reduction and improve the Company's financial flexibility. These
initiatives resulted in restructuring charges totaling $5.6 for employee
benefits and related costs for approximately 60 positions being eliminated in
the Primary aluminum and Fabricated products business segments during the second
quarter of 2002. All of the positions had been eliminated by the end of 2002.
Restructuring charges for the Bauxite & alumina business segment in 2002
consisted of third party costs associated with cost reduction efforts.

The product line exit charge in 2002 relates to a $1.6 LIFO inventory charge
which resulted from the Fabricated products segment's exit from the lid and tab
stock and brazing sheet product lines.

Other Income (Expense). Other income (expense), other than interest expense, for
the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30, 2003 included approximately
$1.7 of adverse foreign currency exchange impacts associated with a foreign tax
settlement in the first quarter of 2003. Other income (expense), other than
interest expense, in 2002 included a gain of $4.0 for the quarter and six-month
periods ended June 30, 2002 from the sale, in the ordinary course of business,
of certain non-operating property. Proceeds from the sale totaled $4.5.


The amount of power made available to the Company's 90%-owned Volta Aluminium
Company ("Valco") by the Volta River Authority ("VRA") depends in large part on
the level of the lake that is the primary source for generating the
hydroelectric power used to supply the smelter. The level of the lake is
primarily a function of the level of annual rainfall and the alternative
(non-Valco) uses of the power generated, as directed by the VRA. The Company has
previously disclosed that Valco's power allocation was reduced in January 2003
resulting in the curtailment of two of its three operating potlines.

As previously disclosed, the lake level has been at or near a record low level.
Based on the level of the lake and the rate at which it had been declining, the
Company believed that curtailment of Valco's last remaining operating potline
was likely. Accordingly, in May 2003, the Company voluntarily curtailed the last
operating potline. Voluntary curtailment of the last operating potline: (1) may
provide Valco with an opportunity to run a greater number of potlines late in
2003 once the annual rainy season has replenished the lake level and Valco's
2004 power allocation is known (although no assurances can be provided in this
regard) and (2) offers the VRA and the Government of Ghana ("GoG") a
contribution toward conservation of the water supply to improve their ability to
meet Valco's power needs later in the year as well as meet the near-term needs
of the rest of Ghana.

In connection with such curtailments, $12.8 of employee end-of-service benefits
were paid ($5.9 in the second quarter) resulting in $8.1 of charges in the first
six months of 2003 ($3.8 in the second quarter). All charges are included in
Cost of products sold.

Valco has met with the GoG and the VRA and anticipates such discussions will
continue in respect of the current and future power situation and other matters.
Valco has objected to the power curtailments and expects to seek appropriate
compensation from the GoG. In addition, Valco and the Company have filed for
arbitration with the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris against both the
GoG and the VRA. However, no assurances can be given as to the ultimate success
of any such actions. Valco and the Company do not expect the voluntary
curtailment of the last operating potline to have any adverse impact on the
pending arbitrations or negotiations with the VRA and GoG.


The Company uses a portion of its bauxite, alumina and primary aluminum
production for additional processing at its downstream facilities. Transfers
between business units are made at estimated market prices. The accounting
policies of the segments are the same as those described in Note 2 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2002. Business unit results are evaluated internally by management
before any allocation of corporate overhead and without any charge for income
taxes or interest expense. See Note 16 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002.

During the quarter ended June 30, 2003, the Company elected to change its
business segment reporting. Two of the Company's previously reported operating
segments, Flat-rolled products and Engineered products, have been designated as
one business segment, Fabricated products. The previously reported segments were
combined primarily due to a significant integration in the organization and
management of the two segments, as well as the similarity of their economic
characteristics, products, customers and production and distribution processes.
The change in segment reporting is also an outgrowth of the Company's strategic
vision as part of its planning for its ultimate emergence from Chapter 11.
Financial data for prior periods has been restated to conform to the revised
segment reporting.

Financial information by operating segment for the quarter and six-month periods
ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 is as follows:

                                                                   Quarter Ended               Six Months Ended
                                                                     June 30,                      June 30,
                                                            ---------------------------   --------------------------
                                                                2003           2002           2003          2002
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
Net Sales:
   Bauxite and Alumina:
      Net sales to unaffiliated customers                   $     139.9    $     114.9    $     275.5   $     228.5
      Intersegment sales                                             -             9.0           10.3          32.2
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                                                  139.9          123.9          285.8         260.7
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
   Primary Aluminum:
      Net sales to unaffiliated customers                          44.1           64.3           74.9         135.3
      Intersegment sales                                             -              .7             -            2.4
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                                                   44.1           65.0           74.9         137.7
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
   Fabricated Products                                            151.0          172.3          298.0         324.4
   Commodities Marketing (Note 8)                                   1.8           10.5            3.8          21.5
   Minority Interests                                              21.6           24.3           45.6          47.2
   Eliminations                                                      -            (9.7)         (10.3)        (34.6)
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                                            $     358.4    $     386.3    $     697.8   $     756.9
                                                            ============   ============   ============  ============
Operating income (loss):
   Bauxite and Alumina                                      $     (17.9)   $     (12.0)   $     (42.1)  $     (15.2)
   Primary Aluminum (Note 9)                                      (13.8)          (5.6)         (27.4)         (7.0)
   Fabricated Products                                             (1.8)            .7           (6.9)         (5.9)
   Commodities Marketing (Note 8)                                   1.7            8.4            2.9          19.1
   Eliminations                                                    (1.5)           2.4            1.0           2.9
   Corporate and Other                                            (20.4)         (21.9)         (39.0)        (55.2)
   Non-Recurring Operating (Charges) Benefits, Net
      (Note 10)                                                      .7           (7.5)           (.6)         (9.1)
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                                            $     (53.0)   $     (35.5)   $    (112.1)  $     (70.4)
                                                            ============   ============   ============  ============
Depreciation and amortization:
   Bauxite and Alumina                                      $       9.9    $       9.8    $      19.8   $      19.6
   Primary Aluminum                                                 2.2            5.4            4.4          10.7
   Fabricated Products                                              5.8            7.0           11.8          14.1
   Corporate and Other                                               .2             .3            1.4            .6
                                                            ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                                            $      18.1    $      22.5    $      37.4   $      45.0
                                                            ============   ============   ============  ============

           OF OPERATIONS

This section should be read in conjunction with the response to Part I, Item 1,
of this Report.

This section contains statements which constitute "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
These statements appear in a number of places in this section (see, for example,
"Recent Events and Developments," "Results of Operations," and "Liquidity and
Capital Resources"). Such statements can be identified by the use of
forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects," "may," "estimates,"
"will," "should," "plans" or "anticipates" or the negative thereof or other
variations thereon or comparable terminology, or by discussions of strategy.
Readers are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not
guarantees of future performance and involve significant risks and
uncertainties, and that actual results may vary materially from those in the
forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These factors include
the effectiveness of management's strategies and decisions, general economic and
business conditions, developments in technology, new or modified statutory or
regulatory requirements, and changing prices and market conditions. This section
and Part I, Item 1. "Business - Factors Affecting Future Performance" in the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002, each
identify other factors that could cause actual results to vary. No assurance can
be given that these are all of the factors that could cause actual results to
vary materially from the forward-looking statements.


The Company, its wholly owned subsidiary, Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation
("KACC"), and 24 of KACC's subsidiaries have filed separate voluntary petitions
in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the "Court")
for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the
"Code"); the Company, KACC and 15 of KACC's subsidiaries (the "Original
Debtors") filed in the first quarter of 2002 and nine additional KACC
subsidiaries (the "Additional Debtors") filed in the first quarter of 2003. The
Original Debtors and Additional Debtors are collectively referred to herein as
the "Debtors" and the Chapter 11 proceedings of these entities are collectively
referred to herein as the "Cases." For purposes of this Report, the term "Filing
Date" shall mean, with respect to any particular Debtor, the date on which such
Debtor filed its Case. None of KACC's non-U.S. joint ventures are included in
the Cases. The Cases are being jointly administered. The Debtors are managing
their businesses in the ordinary course as debtors-in-possession subject to the
control and administration of the Court.

Original Debtors. The necessity for filing the Cases by the Original Debtors was
attributable to the liquidity and cash flow problems of the Company and its
subsidiaries arising in late 2001 and early 2002. The Company was facing
significant near-term debt maturities at a time of unusually weak aluminum
industry business conditions, depressed aluminum prices and a broad economic
slowdown that was further exacerbated by the events of September 11, 2001. In
addition, the Company had become increasingly burdened by asbestos litigation
and growing legacy obligations for retiree medical and pension costs. The
confluence of these factors created the prospect of continuing operating losses
and negative cash flow, resulting in lower credit ratings and an inability to
access the capital markets. In connection with the filing of the Original
Debtors' Cases, the Original Debtors are prohibited from paying pre-Filing Date
obligations other than those related to certain joint ventures and in certain
other limited circumstances approved by the Court.

Additional Debtors. The Cases filed by the Additional Debtors were commenced,
among other reasons, to protect the assets held by these Debtors against
possible statutory liens that might arise and be enforced by the Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation ("PBGC") primarily as a result of the Company's failure to
meet a $17.0 million accelerated funding requirement to its salaried employee
retirement plan in January 2003. From an operating perspective, the filing of
the Cases by the Additional Debtors had no impact on the Company's day-to-day
operations. In contrast to the circumstances of the Original Debtors, the Court
authorized the Additional Debtors to continue to make all payments in the normal
course of business (including payments of pre-Filing Date amounts) to creditors.

All Debtors. The Debtors' objective in the Cases is to achieve the highest
possible recoveries for all creditors and stockholders and to continue the
operation of their businesses. However, there can be no assurance that the
Debtors will be able to attain these objectives or to achieve a successful
reorganization. While valuation of the Debtors' assets and pre-Filing Date
claims at this stage of the Cases is subject to inherent uncertainties, the
Debtors currently believe that it is likely that their liabilities will be found
in the Cases to exceed the fair value of their assets. Therefore, the Debtors
currently believe that it is likely that pre-Filing Date claims will be paid at
less than 100% of their face value and the equity of the Company's stockholders
will be diluted or cancelled. Because of such possibility, the value of the
Common Stock is speculative and any investment in the Common Stock would pose a
high degree of risk.

As provided by the Code, the Original Debtors had the exclusive right to propose
a plan of reorganization for 120 days following the initial Filing Date. The
Court has subsequently approved several extensions of the exclusivity period for
all Debtors, the most recent of which was set to expire July 31, 2003. A motion
to extend the exclusivity period through October 31, 2003, was filed by the
Debtors in late July 2003. By filing the motion to extend the exclusivity
period, the period is automatically extended until the September 22, 2003 Court
hearing date. As the Debtors' motion to extend the exclusivity period through
October 31, 2003 was agreed with by the creditors' committees in advance of the
filing, the Debtors expect the motion to be approved by the Court. Additional
extensions are likely to be sought. However, no assurance can be given that such
future requests will be granted by the Court. If the Debtors fail to file a plan
of reorganization during the exclusivity period, or if such plan is not accepted
by the requisite numbers of creditors and equity holders entitled to vote on the
plan, other parties in interest in the Cases may be permitted to propose their
own plan(s) of reorganization for the Debtors.

The Company expects that, when the Debtors ultimately file a plan of
reorganization, it will reflect the Company's strategic vision for emergence
from Chapter 11: (a) a standalone going concern with manageable leverage,
improved cost structure and competitive strength, (b) a company positioned to
execute its long-standing vision of market leadership and growth in fabricated
products specifically with a financial structure that provides financial
flexibility, including access to capital markets, for accretive acquisitions,
(c) a company that delivers a broad product offering and leadership in service
and quality for its customers and distributors, and (d) a company with continued
presence in those commodities markets that have the potential to generate
significant cash at steady-state metal prices. The Company's advisors have
developed a preliminary timeline that, assuming the current pace of the Cases
continues, could allow the Company to emerge from Chapter 11 in 2004. While no
assurances can be given in this regard, the Company's management continues to
push for an aggressive pace in advancing the Cases. Continued sales of non-core
assets and facilities that are ultimately determined not to be an important part
of the reorganized entity are likely. In light of the Company's stated strategy
of market leadership and growth in fabricated products and to further the
Company's ultimate planned emergence from Chapter 11, the Company has determined
that it is appropriate to explore the possible disposition of one or more of its
commodity assets. The Company, through its financial advisor, has been in
contact with a number of parties with possible interest in the commodity assets
and has provided a number of parties certain information pursuant to
confidentiality agreements. While no commodity asset sales are currently
imminent, it is possible that one or more sales may occur in late 2003 or the
first half of 2004. Any sale of assets would be subject to various prior
approvals including, but not limited to, approvals by the Company's Board of
Directors, the Court and the DIP Facility lenders and no assurances can be given
that acceptable offers will be received for any assets or that any assets will
ultimately be sold. The Company's strategic vision is subject to continuing
review in consultation with the Company's stakeholders and may also be modified
from time to time as the Cases proceed due to changes in such items as changes
in the global markets, changes in the economics of the Company's facilities or
changing financial circumstances.

Impact of the Cases on Financial Information. In light of the Cases, the
accompanying financial information of the Company and related discussions of
financial condition and results of operations are based on the assumption that
the Company will continue as a "going concern," which contemplates the
realization of assets and the liquidation of liabilities in the ordinary course
of business; however, as a result of the commencement of the Cases, such
realization of assets and liquidation of liabilities are subject to a
significant number of uncertainties. Specifically, the financial information for
the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30, 2003, contained herein does not
present: (a) the realizable value of assets on a liquidation basis or the
availability of such assets to satisfy liabilities, (b) the amount which will
ultimately be paid to settle liabilities and contingencies that may be allowed
in the Cases, or (c) the effect of any changes that may occur in connection with
the Debtors' capitalizations or operations resulting from a plan of
reorganization. Because of the ongoing nature of the Cases, the discussions and
consolidated financial statements contained herein are subject to material


Liquidity/Negative Cash Flow. Cash and cash equivalents increased $5.2 million
during the first six months of 2003. The net increase resulted from cash
generated from investing activities of $55.9 million (see Notes 7 and 10 of
Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements) offset by cash used in
operating activities ($49.3 million) and financing activities ($1.4 million).
The $49.3 million of cash used by operating activities included receipts and
payments that are not typical and/or are non-recurring including: (a)
asbestos-related insurance receipts of $15.1 million, (b) a foreign income tax
payment related to prior periods of $22.0 million and (c) end of service benefit
payments totaling approximately $12.8 million in connection with the Company's
90%-owned Volta Aluminium Company Limited ("Valco") potline curtailments (see

The balance of the cash used in operating activities (approximately $29.6
million during the first six months of 2003) resulted from a combination of
adverse market factors in the business segments in which the Company operates
including (a) primary aluminum prices that were below long-term averages, (b)
weak demand for fabricated metal products in general, but particularly for
engineered products, and (c) higher than average power, fuel oil and natural gas

Cash used in operations during 2002 of $49.6 million also had a number of
non-recurring receipts and payments, and was affected by similar operating
conditions and market factors as those experienced in 2003 (see Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,
Significant Items, Liquidity/Negative Cash in the Company's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002).

Despite the foregoing, the Company's liquidity (cash and cash equivalents plus
unused credit availability under the DIP Facility) has remained strong,
averaging approximately $200.0 million during the first six months of 2003.
Also, during August 2003, the Company and the lenders for the
debtor-in-possession financing (the "DIP Facility") completed an amendment to
the DIP Facility which, among other things, extended the maturity of the DIP
Facility to February 2005 and increased the amount of credit available under the
DIP Facility by, among other things, reinstating the amortizing fixed assets
subcomponent back to $100.0 as of August 2003 (see Note 5 of Notes to Interim
Consolidated Financial Statements for additional discussion of the amendment to
the DIP Facility). However, no assurances can be given that recent improvements
in primary aluminum price and fabricated product demand will be sustained or
that the Company's liquidity will not erode for other reasons.

Valco Operating Level. The amount of power made available to Valco by the Volta
River Authority ("VRA") depends in large part on the level of the lake that is
the primary source for generating the hydroelectric power used to supply the
smelter. The level of the lake is primarily a function of the level of annual
rainfall and the alternative (non-Valco) uses of the power generated, as
directed by the VRA.

During late 2000, Valco, the Government of Ghana ("GoG") and the VRA reached an
agreement, subject to Parliamentary approval, that would provide sufficient
power for Valco to operate at least three and one-half of its five potlines
through 2017. However, Parliamentary approval was not received and, in March
2002, the GoG reduced Valco's power allocation forcing Valco to curtail one of
its four operating potlines. Valco's power allocation was further reduced in
January 2003 resulting in the curtailment of two additional operating potlines.

As previously disclosed, the lake level has been at or near a record low level.
Based on the level of the lake and the rate at which it had been declining, the
Company believed that curtailment of Valco's last remaining operating potline
was likely. Accordingly, in May 2003, the Company voluntarily curtailed the last
operating potline. Voluntary curtailment of the last operating potline: (1) may
provide Valco with an opportunity to run a greater number of potlines late in
2003 once the annual rainy season has replenished the lake level and Valco's
2004 power allocation is known (although no assurances can be provided in this
regard) and (2) offers the VRA and GoG a contribution toward conservation of the
water supply to improve their ability to meet Valco's power needs later in the
year as well as meet the near-term needs of the rest of Ghana.

In connection with such curtailments, $12.8 million of employee end-of-service
benefits were paid ($5.9 million in the second quarter) resulting in $8.1
million of charges in the first six months of 2003 ($3.8 million in the second
quarter). All charges are included in Cost of products sold.

Valco has met with the GoG and the VRA and anticipates such discussions will
continue in respect of the current and future power situation and other matters.
Valco has objected to the power curtailments and expects to seek appropriate
compensation from the GoG. In addition, Valco and the Company have filed for
arbitration with the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris against both the
GoG and the VRA. However, no assurances can be given as to the ultimate success
of any such actions. Valco and the Company do not expect the voluntary
curtailment of the last operating potline to have any adverse impact on the
pending arbitrations or negotiations with the VRA and GoG.

Benefit (Legacy) Cost Matters. The Company has previously disclosed (since the
Filing Date) that pension and retiree medical obligations were significant
factors that would have to be addressed during the reorganization process.

As previously disclosed, the Company does not currently expect to make any
pension contributions in respect to its domestic pension plans during the
pendency of the Cases as it believes that virtually all amounts are pre-Filing
Date obligations. The Company did not make required accelerated funding payments
to its salaried employee retirement plan of $17.0 million in January 2003, $83.0
million in April 2003 or $60.5 million in July 2003 (such amounts are separate
standalone requirements and not additive). As previously disclosed, the Company
has met on several occasions with the PBGC, the government agency that
guarantees annuity payments from defined pension plans, to discuss alternative
solutions to the pension funding issue that would help the Company's emergence
from bankruptcy. These options could include extended amortization periods for
payments of unfunded liabilities or the potential termination of the plans.

Even though the Company is not making contributions to its domestic pension
plans, the Company's 2003 operating results are expected to be adversely
impacted by substantially higher pension-related expenses than those experienced
in 2002 (see Note 10 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the
Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 for further information
regarding higher pension-related expenses in 2003). Before considering any
special pension-related charges that may occur in 2003, pension-related expenses
for 2003 are expected to be approximately $48.0 million, more than $20.0 million
higher than comparable 2002 pension-related expenses. Higher pension-related
expenses during the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30, 2003 adversely
impacted the operating results of all business units.

In July 2003, the Debtors asked the Court to approve the appointment of a
committee of salaried retirees (the "1114 Committee") with whom the Debtors can
discuss necessary changes, including the modification or termination, of certain
salaried retiree medical and insurance benefits under Section 1114 of the Code.

Environmental Matters. In furtherance of its reorganization, the Company has
been negotiating a possible multi-site resolution of KACC's environmental
exposure at a number of non-owned sites with various federal and state
governmental regulatory authorities. An agreement in principle has been reached
with these parties under which, among other things, KACC would agree to claims
at such sites totaling $25.2 million ($18.2 million greater than existing
amounts accrued at June 30, 2003 for these sites) and, in return, the
governmental regulatory authorities would agree that such claims would be
treated as pre-Filing Date unsecured claims (i.e. liabilities subject to
compromise). While KACC believes it is likely that the agreement with the
various federal and state governmental regulatory authorities will be signed
during the third quarter of 2003, the agreement will give the regulatory
authorities the unilateral right to withdraw their approval until after the
conclusion of a public notice and comment period. Any agreement would also be
subject to Court approval. Because it is possible that objections raised during
the public comment process or objections made to the Court could result in a
significant modification or termination of the expected agreement, KACC has not
currently recorded any charge for any amounts above existing accruals as such
incremental liability was not believed to be "probable" (which is the criteria
for recognition under generally accepted accounting principles). However, it is
possible that the additional $18.2 million (or a different amount) of charges
may be required to be recorded during the second half of 2003.

Indefinite Curtailment of Mead Facility. In January 2003, the Company announced
the indefinite curtailment of the Mead facility. The curtailment of the facility
was due to the continuing unfavorable market dynamics, specifically unattractive
long-term power prices and weak primary aluminum prices, both of which are
significant impediments for an older smelter with higher-than-average operating
costs. The Mead facility is expected to remain completely curtailed unless and
until an appropriate combination of reduced power prices, higher primary
aluminum prices and other factors occurs. See Note 4 of Notes to Interim
Consolidated Financial Statements and Note 5 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 for
additional discussion of the Mead curtailment.


As an integrated aluminum producer, the Company uses a portion of its bauxite,
alumina, and primary aluminum production for additional processing at certain of
its downstream facilities. Intersegment transfers are valued at estimated market
prices. The following table provides selected operational and financial
information on a consolidated basis with respect to the Company for the quarter
and six-month periods ended June 30, 2003 and 2002. The following data should be
read in conjunction with the Company's interim consolidated financial statements
and the notes thereto contained elsewhere herein. See Note 16 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2002, for further information regarding segments.

Interim results are not necessarily indicative of those for a full year. Average
realized prices for the Company's Fabricated products segment are not presented
in the following table as such prices are subject to fluctuations due to changes
in product mix.

              (In millions of dollars, except shipments and prices)

                                                                  Quarter Ended               Six Months Ended
                                                                    June 30,                      June 30,
                                                           ---------------------------   ---------------------------
                                                               2003          2002            2003          2002
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
Shipments:  (000 tons)
      Third Party                                                772.7          648.4        1,523.4        1,273.6
      Intersegment                                                  -            51.4           62.5          186.3
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
        Total Alumina                                            772.7          699.8        1,585.9        1,459.9
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
   Primary Aluminum
      Third Party                                                 32.0           46.7           53.6           98.0
      Intersegment                                                  -              .5             -             1.6
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
        Total Primary Aluminum                                    32.0           47.2           53.6           99.6
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
   Fabricated Products (Note 12)                                  42.8           48.3           83.6           90.1
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
Average Realized Third Party Sales Price:
   Alumina (per ton)                                       $       171  $         167    $       171   $        168
   Primary Aluminum (per pound)                            $       .63  $         .65    $       .63   $        .64
Net Sales:
   Bauxite and Alumina
      Third Party (includes net sales of bauxite)          $     139.9  $       114.9    $     275.5   $      228.5
      Intersegment                                                  -             9.0           10.3           32.2
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
        Total Bauxite and Alumina                                139.9          123.9          285.8          260.7
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
   Primary Aluminum
      Third Party                                                 44.1           64.3           74.9          135.3
      Intersegment                                                  -              .7            -              2.4
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
        Total Primary Aluminum                                    44.1           65.0           74.9          137.7
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
   Fabricated Products (Note 12)                                 151.0          172.3          298.0          324.4
   Commodities Marketing (Note 8)                                  1.8           10.5            3.8           21.5
   Minority Interests                                             21.6           24.3           45.6           47.2
   Eliminations                                                     -            (9.7)         (10.3)         (34.6)
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
      Total Net Sales                                      $     358.4  $       386.3    $     697.8   $      756.9
                                                           ============ ==============   ============  =============

Operating Income (Loss):
   Bauxite and Alumina                                     $     (17.9) $       (12.0)   $     (42.1)  $      (15.2)
   Primary Aluminum (Note 9)                                     (13.8)          (5.6)         (27.4)          (7.0)
   Fabricated Products (Note 12)                                  (1.8)            .7           (6.9)          (5.9)
   Commodities Marketing (Note 8)                                  1.7            8.4            2.9           19.1
   Eliminations                                                   (1.5)           2.4            1.0            2.9
   Corporate and Other                                           (20.4)         (21.9)         (39.0)         (55.2)
   Non-Recurring Operating (Charges) Benefits, Net
      (Note 10)                                                     .7           (7.5)           (.6)          (9.1)
                                                           ------------ --------------   ------------  -------------
      Total Operating Income (Loss)                        $     (53.0) $       (35.5)   $    (112.1)  $      (70.4)
                                                           ============ ==============   ============  =============
Net Loss                                                   $     (61.4) $       (50.4)   $    (126.5)  $     (114.5)
                                                           ============ ==============   ============  =============
Capital Expenditures                                       $      10.2  $        10.4    $      19.2   $       19.9
                                                           ============ ==============   ============  =============

The Company's operating results are sensitive to changes in prices of alumina,
primary aluminum, and fabricated aluminum products, and also depend to a
significant degree on the volume and mix of all products sold and on KACC's
hedging strategies. Primary aluminum prices have historically been subject to
significant cyclical price fluctuations. See Notes 2 and 8 of Notes to Interim
Consolidated Financial Statements for a discussion of KACC's hedging activities.

Changes in global, regional, or country-specific economic conditions can have a
significant impact on overall demand for aluminum-intensive fabricated products
in the transportation, distribution, packaging, and other markets. Such changes
in demand can directly affect the Company's earnings by impacting the overall
volume and mix of such products sold. To the extent that these end-use markets
weaken, demand can also diminish for what the Company sometimes refers to as the
"upstream" products: alumina and primary aluminum.

During the six months ended June 30, 2002, the average London Metal Exchange
transaction price ("LME price") per pound of primary aluminum was $.62 per
pound. During the six months ended June 30, 2003, the average LME price was $.63
per pound. The average LME price for primary aluminum for the week ended July
25, 2003 was $.65 per pound.

ENDED JUNE 30, 2002

The Company reported a net loss of $61.4 million, or $.76 of basic loss per
common share, for the quarter ended June 30, 2003, compared to a net loss of
$50.4 million, or $.63 of basic loss per common share, for the second quarter of
2002. For the six months ended June 30, 2003, the Company reported a net loss of
$126.5 million, or $1.58 of basic loss per common share, compared to a net loss
of $114.5 million, or $1.42 of basic loss per common share, for the same period
in 2002. However, basic loss per common share may not be meaningful, because as
a part of a plan of reorganization, it is likely that the interests of the
Company's existing stockholders will be diluted or cancelled.

Net sales in the second quarter of 2003 totaled $358.4 million compared to
$386.3 million in the second quarter of 2002. Net sales for the six-month period
ended June 30, 2003, totaled $697.8 million compared to $756.9 million for the
six-month period ended June 30, 2002.

Bauxite and Alumina. Third party net sales of alumina for the quarter ended June
30, 2003, increased 22% as compared to the same period in 2002, due to a 19%
increase in third party shipments and a 2% increase in third party average
realized prices. For the six-month period ended June 30, 2003, third party net
sales of alumina were 22% higher than the comparable period in 2002 as the
result of a 20% increase in third party shipments and a 2% increase in third
party average realized prices. Third party shipments for the quarter and
six-month period were up primarily due to reduced intersegment requirements
resulting from Valco's 2003 potline curtailments (see "Recent Events and
Developments -- Valco Operating Level" above). The increases in average realized
prices during both periods were due to increases in primary aluminum market
prices to which the Company's third-party alumina sales contracts are linked.

As a result of Valco's potline curtailments discussed above, there were no
intersegment net sales of alumina to the Primary aluminum business unit for the
quarter ended June 30, 2003. Intersegment net sales for the six-month period
ended June 30, 2003, decreased 68% as compared to the same period in 2002
primarily as the result of a 66% decrease in the intersegment shipments due to
the 2003 Valco potline curtailments. In the near-term, absent a restart at
Valco, the only intersegment shipments expected are to the Company's 49%-owned
affiliate, Anglesey Aluminium Limited ("Anglesey"), which shipments typically
occur in the first and fourth quarters of each year.

Segment operating losses (before non-recurring items) for the quarter and
six-month periods ended June 30, 2003 were worse than the comparable periods in
2002. The primary reason for the period-to-period decreases in operating income
were higher energy costs ($10.0 million and $30.0 million during the quarter and
six months ended June 30, 2003, respectively), increases in foreign exchange
rates, and increased pension related expenses. These impacts were only partially
offset by the net increase in shipments and increase in average realized prices
discussed above and improved cost performance. Segment operating loss for the
quarter and six-month periods ended June 30, 2002, discussed above, excluded
non-recurring costs of $.3 million and $1.9 million, respectively, incurred in
connection with cost reduction initiatives.

Primary Aluminum. Third party net sales of primary aluminum decreased 31% for
the second quarter of 2003 as compared to the same period in 2002 primarily due
to a 31% decrease in third party shipments. For the six-month period ended June
30, 2003, third party sales of primary aluminum decreased approximately 45% from
the comparable period in 2002 primarily due to a 45% decrease in third party
shipments. The decreases in third party shipments were primarily due to the 2003
Valco potline curtailment discussed above.

Segment operating losses (before non-recurring items) for the quarter and
six-month periods ended June 30, 2003, were worse than the comparable periods in
2002. The primary reasons for the decreases were the decreases in net shipments
discussed above, increased pension related expenses and charges for
end-of-service benefits associated with the 2003 Valco potline curtailments
discussed above ($3.8 million for the quarter and $8.1 million for the six-month
period). The foregoing were only partially offset by lower depreciation expense,
resulting from the 2002 year-end impairment of the Mead smelter assets ($3.2
million for the quarter and $6.3 million for the six-month period), and
reductions in overhead costs primarily due to the Mead and Valco curtailments.
Segment operating loss for the six-month period ended June 30, 2003, discussed
above, excludes non-recurring restructuring charges of $1.3 million resulting
from the Mead facility indefinite curtailment (see Note 10 of Notes to Interim
Consolidated Financial Statements). Segment operating loss for the quarter and
six-month periods ended June 30, 2002, discussed above, excluded non-recurring
costs of $1.7 million incurred in connection with cost reduction initiatives.

Fabricated Products. Net sales of fabricated products decreased by 12% during
the second quarter 2003 as compared to 2002 primarily as a result of an 11%
decrease in shipments. For the six-month period ended June 30, 2003, net sales
of fabricated products decreased by approximately 8% as compared to the same
period in 2002 primarily as the result of a 7% decrease in shipments. Current
period shipments were lower than the comparable 2002 periods' shipments as a
result of the exit of the can lid and tab stock and brazing sheet products in
the second quarter of 2002 and weaker demand for engineered products offset, in
part, by a modest improvement in demand for general engineering and aerospace
heat-treat products.

Segment operating results for the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30,
2003, were modestly lower than the comparable period in 2002 primarily due to
the volume factors discussed above, increased energy costs (approximately $3.0
million in the quarter and $6.0 million in the six-month period) and increased
pension related expenses. The foregoing were offset, in part, by reductions in
overhead and other operating costs as a result of cost-cutting initiatives.
Segment operating results for the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30,
2002, excluded a $1.6 million non-cash LIFO inventory charge and non-recurring
costs of $3.9 million incurred in connection with cost reduction initiatives
both in the second quarter of 2002.

Commodities Marketing. In 2003, net sales for this segment represents net
settlements with third-party brokers for maturing derivative positions. In 2002,
net sales for this segment primarily represented recognition of deferred gains
from hedges closed prior to the commencement of the Cases. Gains or losses
associated with these liquidated positions were deferred in Other comprehensive
income and are being recognized as income and costs over the original hedging
periods as the underlying purchases/sales occur.

Segment operating income for the quarter and six-month periods ended June 30,
2003, decreased compared to the comparable periods in 2002 due to the prevailing
market prices during 2003 versus the higher prices implicit in the liquidation
of the positions in January 2002.

Eliminations. Eliminations of intersegment profit vary from period to period
depending on fluctuations in market prices as well as the amount and timing of
the affected segments' production and sales.

Corporate and Other. Corporate operating expenses represent corporate general
and administrative expenses which are not allocated to the Company's business
segments. Corporate operating expenses in the quarter and six-month periods
ended June 30, 2003, as compared to the same periods in 2002, were lower
primarily because corporate expenses in 2002 included special pension settlement
charges of approximately $2.9 million and $13.5 million, respectively. Corporate
expenses in 2003 also included an increase in pension-related expenses which was
partially offset by a decrease in payroll-related expenses resulting from 2002
salaried job eliminations. See Note 10 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 for a
discussion of the special pension settlement charges in 2002.

As a result of the filing of the Cases, claims against the Debtors for principal
and accrued interest on secured and unsecured indebtedness existing on the
Filing Date are stayed while the Debtors continue business operations as
debtors-in-possession, subject to the control and supervision of the Court. See
Note 1 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for additional
discussion of the Cases. At this time, it is not possible to predict the effect
of the Cases on the businesses of the Debtors.

Operating Activities. Operating activities used $49.3 million of cash during the
six months ended June 30, 2003. However, cash used in operations for the six
months ended June 30, 2003 included several receipts and payments that are not
typical and/or are non-recurring including: (a) asbestos-related insurance
receipts of $15.1 million, (b) a foreign income tax payment related to prior
periods of $22.0 million and (c) end of service benefits payments totaling
approximately $12.8 million in connection with the Valco potline curtailments.
The balance of the cash used in operations ($29.6 million) resulted from a
combination of adverse market factors in the business segments in which the
Company operates including: (a) primary aluminum prices that are below long-term
averages, (b) weak demand for fabricated metal products in general, but
particularly for engineered products, and (c) higher than average power, fuel
oil and natural gas prices. For the six months ended June 30, 2002, operating
activities provided cash of $1.1 million. However, such amount included the
non-recurring benefit of pre-Filing Date obligations that, absent the Cases,
would have been paid during the period.

Investing Activities. Capital expenditures during the six months ended June 30,
2003 were $19.2 million. The 2003 capital expenditures were incurred to improve
production efficiency and reduce operating costs at the Company's facilities.
Total consolidated capital expenditures are currently expected to be between
$35.0 and $80.0 million per annum in each of 2003 and 2004 (of which
approximately 20% is expected to be funded by the Company's minority partners in
certain foreign joint ventures). The level of capital expenditures may be
adjusted from time to time depending on the Company's price outlook for primary
aluminum and other products, the Company's ability to assure future cash flows
through hedging or other means, the Company's financial position and other

Financing Activities and Liquidity. On February 12, 2002, the Company and KACC
entered into the DIP Facility which provides for a secured, revolving line of
credit through the earlier of February 12, 2004 (extended to February 13, 2005
in August 2003 as discussed below), the effective date of a plan of
reorganization or voluntary termination by the Company. In March 2003, certain
of the Additional Debtors were added as co-guarantors and the DIP Facility
lenders received super priority status with respect to certain of the Additional
Debtors' assets. KACC is able to borrow under the DIP Facility by means of
revolving credit advances and to issue letters of credit (up to $125.0 million)
in an aggregate amount equal to the lesser of $300.0 million (reduced to $285.0
million in August 2003 as discussed below) or a borrowing base relating to
eligible accounts receivable, eligible inventory and eligible fixed assets
reduced by certain reserves, as defined in the DIP Facility agreement. The DIP
Facility is guaranteed by the Company and certain significant subsidiaries of
KACC. Interest on any outstanding borrowings will bear a spread over either a
base rate or LIBOR, at KACC's option.

During June 2003 and August 2003, the Company and the DIP Facility lenders
completed two amendments. The first of the two amendments (the fifth amendment
to the DIP Facility) was necessary in order to permit the Company to take
certain actions necessary to facilitate access by Queensland Alumina Limited
("QAL"), the Company's 20% owned affiliate, to amounts available to QAL under
its existing financing arrangements, thereby reducing the Company's and the
other owners' funding requirements for QAL. The Company's share of such
additional financings at QAL is $43.0 million. The fifth amendment to the DIP
Facility was approved by the Court in June 2003. The major provisions of the
second of the two amendments (the sixth amendment to the DIP Facility) included:
(a) an extension of the maturity of the DIP Facility to February 2005, (b) an
increase in the eligible borrowing base amount under the DIP Facility by, among
other things, restoring the amortizing fixed assets subcomponent back to the
original $100.0 million amount as of August 2003, (c) the incorporation of the
May 2003 limited waiver and also a modification of the financial covenant for
periods beginning June 30, 2003, and (d) a reduction of the commitment amount of
the DIP Facility to $285.0 million. The sixth amendment was approved on an
interim basis by the Court on August 13, 2003. Absent objections, the interim
order will automatically become final on August 19, 2003. As the motion to
approve the sixth amendment was agreed with the creditors' committees and the
asbestos futures representative in advance of the filing, the Company does not
expect any objections and believes that the sixth amendment will become fully
effective. However, absolute assurances cannot be given in this regard.

The Company and KACC currently believe that the cash and cash equivalents of
$85.1 million at July 31, 2003, cash flows from operations, cash proceeds from
the sale of assets that are ultimately determined not to be an important part of
the reorganized entity and cash available from the DIP Facility will provide
sufficient working capital to allow the Company to meet its obligations during
the pendency of the Cases. At July 31, 2003, there were no outstanding
borrowings under the revolving credit facility and there were outstanding
letters of credit of approximately $46.2 million. As of July 31, 2003, $120.4
million (of which $78.8 million could be used for additional letters of credit)
was available to the Company under the DIP Facility and cash and cash
equivalents were approximately $85.1 million.

MAXXAM Inc. ("MAXXAM") and one of its wholly owned subsidiaries collectively own
approximately 62% of the Company's Common Stock, with the remaining
approximately 38% of the Company's Common Stock being publicly held. At this
time, it is not possible to predict the outcome of the Cases, in general, or the
effect of the Cases on the interests of the stockholders. However, it is likely
that all or a portion of MAXXAM's interests will be diluted or cancelled as a
part of a plan of reorganization.

In accordance with the Code and the DIP Facility, the Company and KACC are not
permitted to pay any dividends or purchase any of their common or preference

Critical accounting policies are those that are both very important to the
portrayal of the Company's financial condition and results, and require
management's most difficult, subjective, and/or complex judgments. Typically,
the circumstances that make these judgments difficult, subjective and/or complex
have to do with the need to make estimates about the effect of matters that are
inherently uncertain. While the Company believes that all aspect of its
financial statements should be studied and understood in assessing its current
(and expected future) financial condition and results, the Company believes that
the accounting policies that warrant additional attention include:

   1. The fact that the consolidated financial statements as of (and for the
      quarter and six-month periods ending) June 30, 2003 have been prepared on
      a "going concern" basis in accordance with AICPA Statement of Position
      90-7, Financial Reporting by Entities in Reorganization Under the
      Bankruptcy Code, and do not include possible impacts arising in respect of
      the Cases. The consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in
      this Report do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability
      and classification of recorded asset amounts or the amount and
      classification of liabilities or the effect on existing stockholders'
      equity that may result from any plans, arrangements or other actions
      arising from the Cases, or the possible inability of the Company to
      continue in existence. Adjustments necessitated by such plans,
      arrangements or other actions could materially change the consolidated
      financial statements included elsewhere in this Report. For example,

      a.If the Company were to decide to sell certain assets not deemed a
        critical part of a reorganized Kaiser, such asset sales could result in
        gains or losses (depending on the asset sold) and such gains or losses
        could be significant. This is because, under generally accepted
        accounting principles ("GAAP"), assets to be held and used are evaluated
        for recoverability differently than assets to be sold or disposed of.
        Assets to be held and used are evaluated based on their expected
        undiscounted future net revenues. So long as the Company reasonably
        expects that such undiscounted future net revenues for each asset will
        exceed the recorded value of the asset being evaluated, no impairment is
        required. However, if possible or probable plans to sell or dispose of
        an asset or group of assets meet a number of specific criteria, then,
        under GAAP, such assets should be considered held for sale/disposition
        and their recoverability should be evaluated, for each asset, based on
        expected consideration to be received upon disposition. Sales or
        dispositions at a particular time will be affected by, among other
        things, the existing industry and general economic circumstances as well
        as the Company's own circumstances, including whether or not assets will
        (or must) be sold on an accelerated or more extended timetable. Such
        circumstances may cause the expected value in a sale or disposition
        scenario to differ materially from the realizable value over the normal
        operating life of assets, which would likely be evaluated on long-term
        industry trends.

      b.Additional pre-Filing Date claims may be identified through the proof of
        claim reconciliation process and may arise in connection with actions
        taken by the Debtors in the Cases. For example, while the Debtors
        consider rejection of the Bonneville Power Administration ("BPA")
        contract to be in the Company's best long-term interests, such rejection
        may increase the amount of pre-Filing Date claims by approximately $75.0
        million based on the BPA's proof of claim filed in connection with the
        Cases in respect of the contract rejection.

      c.As more fully discussed below, the amount of pre-Filing Date claims
        ultimately allowed by the Court in respect of contingent claims and
        benefit obligations may be materially different from the amounts
        reflected in the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

      While valuation of the Company's assets and pre-Filing Date claims at this
      stage of the Cases is subject to inherent uncertainties, the Company
      currently believes that it is likely that its liabilities will be found in
      the Cases to exceed the fair value of its assets. Therefore, the Company
      currently believes that it is likely that pre-Filing Date claims will be
      paid at less than 100% of their face value and the equity of the Company's
      stockholders will be diluted or cancelled. Because of such possibility,
      the value of the Common Stock is speculative and any investment in the
      Common Stock would pose a high degree of risk.

   2. The Company's judgments and estimates with respect to commitments and
      contingencies; in particular: (a) future asbestos related costs and
      obligations as well as estimated insurance recoveries, and (b) possible
      liability in respect of claims of unfair labor practices ("ULPs") which
      were not resolved as a part of the Company's September 2000 labor

      Valuation of legal and other contingent claims is subject to a great deal
      of judgment and substantial uncertainty. Under GAAP, companies are
      required to accrue for contingent matters in their financial statements
      only if the amount of any potential loss is both "probable" and the amount
      (or a range) of possible loss is "estimatable." In reaching a
      determination of the probability of an adverse ruling in respect of a
      matter, the Company typically consults outside experts. However, any such
      judgments reached regarding probability are subject to significant
      uncertainty. The Company may, in fact, obtain an adverse ruling in a
      matter that it did not consider a "probable" loss and which, therefore,
      was not accrued for in its financial statements. Further, in estimating
      the amount of any loss, in many instances a single estimation of the loss
      may not be possible. Rather, the Company may only be able to estimate a
      range for possible losses. In such event, GAAP requires that a liability
      be established for at least the minimum end of the range.

      The Company has two potentially material contingent obligations that are
      subject to significant uncertainty and variability in their outcome: (a)
      the United Steelworkers of America's ("USWA") ULP claim, and (b) the net
      obligation in respect of asbestos-related matters. Both of these matters
      are discussed in Note 7 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial
      Statements and it is important that you read this note.

      As more fully discussed in Note 7, we have not accrued any amount in our
      June 30, 2003 financial statements in respect of the USWA ULP matter as we
      do not consider the contingent loss to be "probable." The possible range
      of loss in this matter is in the $100.0 million to $250.0 million range
      based on the proof of claims filed by the National Labor Relations Board
      ("NLRB") and USWA in connection with the Company's and KACC's
      reorganization proceedings. This matter is not currently stayed by the
      Cases. However, as previously stated, seeing this matter to its ultimate
      outcome could take several years. Further, any amounts ultimately
      determined by a court to be payable in this matter will be dealt with in
      the overall context of the Debtors' plan of reorganization and will be
      subject to compromise. Accordingly, any payments that may ultimately be
      required in respect of this matter would only be paid upon or after the
      Company's emergence from the Cases.

      Also, as more fully discussed in Note 7, KACC is one of many defendants in
      personal injury claims by large number of persons who assert that their
      injuries were caused by, among other things, exposure to asbestos during
      their employment or association with KACC or by exposure to products
      containing asbestos last produced or sold by KACC more than 20 years ago.
      It is difficult to predict the number of claims that will ultimately be
      made against KACC or the settlement value of such claims. As of June 30,
      2003, KACC had recorded an obligation for approximately $610.1 million in
      respect of pending and an estimate of possible future asbestos claims
      through 2011. The Company did not accrue for amounts past 2011 because the
      Company believed that significant uncertainty existed in trying to
      estimate any such amounts. However, it is possible that a different number
      of claims will be made through 2011 and that the settlement amounts during
      this period may differ and that this will cause the actual amounts to
      differ materially from the Company's estimate. Further, the Company
      expects that, during its reorganization process, an estimate will have to
      be made in respect of its exposure to asbestos-related claims after 2011
      and that such amounts could be substantial. Due to the Cases, holders of
      asbestos claims are stayed from continuing to prosecute pending litigation
      and from commencing new lawsuits against the Debtors. However, during the
      pendency of the Cases, KACC expects additional asbestos claims will be
      asserted as part of the claims process. A separate creditors' committee
      representing the interests of the asbestos claimants has been appointed.
      The Debtors' obligations with respect to present and future asbestos
      claims will be resolved pursuant to a plan of reorganization.

      The Company believes that KACC has insurance coverage in respect of its
      asbestos-related exposures and that substantial recoveries in this regard
      are probable. At June 30, 2003, KACC had recorded a receivable for
      approximately $468.9 million in respect of expected insurance recoveries
      related to existing claims and the estimate future claims through 2011.
      However, the actual amount of insurance recoveries may differ from the
      amount recorded and the amount of such differences could be material.
      Further, depending on the amount of asbestos-related claims ultimately
      determined to exist (including those in the periods after 2011), it is
      possible that the amount of such claims could exceed the amount of
      additional insurance recoveries available.

      See Note 7 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for a
      more complete discussion of these matters.

   3. The Company's judgments and estimates in respect of its employee benefit

      Pension and post-retirement medical obligations included in the
      consolidated balance sheet are based on assumptions that are subject to
      variation from year-to-year. Such variations can cause the Company's
      estimate of such obligations to vary significantly. Restructuring actions
      (such as the indefinite curtailment of the Mead smelter) can also have a
      significant impact on such amounts.

      For pension obligations, the most significant assumptions used in
      determining the estimated year-end obligation are the assumed discount
      rate and long-term rate of return ("LTRR") on pension assets. Since
      recorded pension obligations represent the present value of expected
      pension payments over the life of the plans, decreases in the discount
      rate (used to compute the present value of the payments) will cause the
      estimated obligations to increase. Conversely, an increase in the discount
      rate will cause the estimated present value of the obligations to decline.
      The LTRR on pension assets reflects the Company's assumption regarding
      what the amount of earnings will be on existing plan assets (before
      considering any future contributions to the plans). Increases in the
      assumed LTRR will cause the projected value of plan assets available to
      satisfy pension obligations to increase, yielding a reduced net pension
      obligation. A reduction in the LTRR reduces the amount of projected net
      assets available to satisfy pension obligations and, thus, causes the net
      pension obligation to increase.

      For post-retirement obligations, the key assumptions used to estimate the
      year-end obligations are the discount rate and the assumptions regarding
      future medical costs increases. The discount rate affects the
      post-retirement obligations in a similar fashion to that described above
      for pension obligations. As the assumed rate of increase in medical costs
      goes up, so does the net projected obligation. Conversely, if the rate of
      increase is assumed to be smaller, the projected obligation will decline.

      See Note 10 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's
      Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 for information regarding
      the Company's pension and post-retirement obligations. Actual results may
      differ from the assumptions made in computing the estimated June 30, 2003
      obligations and such differences may be material.

   4. The Company's judgment and estimates in respect to environmental
      commitments and contingencies.

      The Company and KACC are subject to a number of environmental laws and
      regulations ("environmental laws"), to fines or penalties assessed for
      alleged breaches of the environmental laws, and to claims and litigation
      based upon such laws. KACC currently is subject to a number of claims
      under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability
      Act of 1980, as amended by the Superfund Amendments Reauthorization Act of
      1986 ("CERCLA"), and, along with certain other entities, has been named as
      a potentially responsible party for remedial costs at certain third-party
      sites listed on the National Priorities List under CERCLA.

      Based on the Company's evaluation of these and other environmental
      matters, the Company has established environmental accruals, primarily
      related to potential solid waste disposal and soil and groundwater
      remediation matters. These environmental accruals represent the Company's
      estimate of costs reasonably expected to be incurred on a going concern
      basis in the ordinary course of business based on presently enacted laws
      and regulations, currently available facts, existing technology, and the
      Company's assessment of the likely remediation action to be taken.
      However, making estimates of possible environmental remediation costs is
      subject to inherent uncertainties. As additional facts are developed and
      definitive remediation plans and necessary regulatory approvals for
      implementation of remediation are established or alternative technologies
      are developed, changes in these and other factors may result in actual
      costs exceeding the current environmental accruals.

      An example of how environmental accruals could change is the current
      situation of KACC's Mead smelter. KACC announced the indefinite
      curtailment of the Mead smelter in January 2003. The Mead smelter is
      expected to remain curtailed indefinitely unless and until an appropriate
      combination of reduced power prices, higher primary aluminum prices and
      other factors occurs to make a restart commercially feasible. However, at
      some point in the future, the Company may decide, due to economic
      conditions, foreign competition or other factors, to dispose of the
      facility. If, in connection with such hypothetical disposition the Company
      were required to dismantle, demolish or otherwise permanently close the
      Mead facility, the demolition and environmental remediation costs could be
      significant. While proceeds of a disposition might offset such costs, no
      assurances can be provided that receipts would fully or substantially
      offset the total costs of the environmental remediation costs.

      Another example of how environmental accruals could change is provided by
      the possible multi-site agreement discussed in Note 7 of Notes to Interim
      Consolidated Financial Statements. As a means of expediting the
      reorganization process and to assure treatment of the claims under a plan
      of reorganization that is favorable to the Debtors and their stakeholders,
      it may be in the best interests of the stakeholders for the Company to
      agree to claim amounts in excess of previous accruals, which were based on
      an ordinary course, going concern basis.

In a new regulation issued in January 2003, the Securities and Exchange
Commission adopted amendments to existing rules, which require the Company to
provide explanations of its known contractual obligations in a tabular format
and its off-balance sheet arrangements in a separately captioned subsection of
the Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") section of the Company's
Annual Reports on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Although such
items are already fully disclosed in the Company's Commitments and Contingencies
notes (see Note 7 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Note
12 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company's Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2002), the principle of the amendments is that the
Company should disclose, in a single section, information regarding: (1) its
obligations and commitments to make future payments, such as debt and lease
agreements, and (2) material off-balance sheet arrangements and their material
effects on the Company's financial condition, results of operations, liquidity,
etc. in a tabular format.

The following summarizes the Company's significant contractual obligations at
June 30, 2003 (dollars in millions):

                                                                                 Payments due in
                                                               Less than       2 - 3          4 - 5       More than
           Contractual Obligations                Total         1 Year         Years          Years        5 years
- --------------------------------------------  ------------- -------------- -------------  ------------- ------------
Long-term debt, including capital lease of
   $2.6(a)                                    $       43.5  $         1.1  $        1.0   $       22.4  $      19.0
Operating leases                                      31.3            9.2           9.6            6.6          5.9
                                              ------------- -------------- -------------  ------------- ------------

Total cash contractual obligations            $       74.8  $        10.3  $       10.6   $       29.0  $      24.9
                                              ============= ============== =============  ============= ============

(a)     See Note 5 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for
        information in respect of long-term debt. Long-term debt obligations
        exclude debt subject to compromise of approximately $830.2 million which
        amounts will be dealt with in connection with a plan of reorganization.
        See Notes 1 and 5 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
        for additional information about debt subject to compromise.

The following paragraphs summarize the Company's off-balance sheet arrangements.

KACC owns a 20% interest in QAL, which owns one of the largest and most
competitive alumina refineries in the world, located in Queensland, Australia.
QAL refines bauxite into alumina, essentially on a cost basis, for the account
of its shareholders under long-term tolling contracts. KACC currently sells its
share of QAL's production to third parties. The shareholders, including KACC,
purchase bauxite from another QAL shareholder under long-term purchase
contracts. These tolling and purchase contracts are scheduled to expire in 2008.
Under the agreements, KACC is unconditionally obligated to pay its proportional
share of debt, operating costs and certain other costs of QAL. KACC's share of
the aggregate minimum amount of future principal payments as of June 30, 2003 is
$52.0 million, which matured or will mature as follows: $32.0 million in July
2003 and $20.0 million in 2006. KACC's share of QAL's debt principal payment in
July 2003 was funded with additional QAL borrowings. KACC's share of payments,
including operating costs and certain other expenses under the agreements, has
ranged between $95.0 million and $103.0 million per year over the past three

The Company has agreements to supply alumina to and to purchase aluminum from
Anglesey, a 49.0% owned aluminum smelter in Holyhead, Wales.

As of June 30, 2003, outstanding letters of credit under the DIP Facility were
approximately $46.2 million, all which expire within the next twelve months. The
letters of credit relate to environmental, insurance, trade credit and other
activities. Approximately $15.3 million of the letters of credit are in respect
of the Company's 65% share of the $22.0 million Alpart CARIFA financing (see
Note 5 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements) which are
reflected in the debt maturities table above. As such, that portion of the
letters of credit is duplicative of the obligation reflected in the table above.


The Company's operating results are sensitive to changes in the prices of
alumina, primary aluminum, and fabricated aluminum products, and also depend to
a significant degree upon the volume and mix of all products sold. As discussed
more fully in Notes 2 and 8 of Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial
Statements, KACC historically has utilized hedging transactions to lock-in a
specified price or range of prices for certain products which it sells or
consumes in its production process and to mitigate KACC's exposure to changes in
foreign currency exchange rates. However, because the agreements underlying
KACC's hedging positions provided that the counterparties to the hedging
contracts could liquidate KACC's hedging positions if KACC filed for
reorganization, KACC chose to liquidate these positions in advance of the
initial Filing Date. KACC has only completed limited hedging activities since
the Filing Date (see below). The Company anticipates that, subject to prevailing
economic conditions, it may enter into additional hedging transactions with
respect to primary aluminum prices, natural gas and fuel oil prices and foreign
currency values to protect the interests of its constituents. However, no
assurance can be given as to when or if the Company will enter into such
additional hedging activities.


Alumina and Primary Aluminum. Alumina and primary aluminum production in excess
of internal requirements is sold in domestic and international markets, exposing
the Company to commodity price opportunities and risks. KACC's hedging
transactions are intended to provide price risk management in respect of the net
exposure of earnings resulting from (i) anticipated sales of alumina, primary
aluminum and fabricated aluminum products, less (ii) expected purchases of
certain items, such as aluminum scrap, rolling ingot, and bauxite, whose prices
fluctuate with the price of primary aluminum. On average, before consideration
of hedging activities, variations in production and shipment levels, and timing
issues related to price changes, the Company estimates that during 2003 each
$.01 increase (decrease) in the market price per price-equivalent pound of
primary aluminum increases (decreases) the Company's annual pre-tax earnings by
approximately $5.0 million, based on recent operating levels. The impact on
pre-tax earnings linked to primary aluminum prices is due to the Valco potline

As of July 31, 2003, the Company has option contracts covering substantially all
of the Company's net hedgable volume for the third quarter of 2003 (at a strike
price of approximately $.645 per pound) and approximately one-third of its
October 2003 sales linked to primary aluminum prices (at a strike price of
approximately $.66 per pound).

Foreign Currency. KACC from time to time in the ordinary course of business
enters into forward exchange contracts to hedge material cash commitments for
foreign currencies. KACC's primary foreign exchange exposure is related to
KACC's Australian Dollar (A$) commitments in respect of activities associated
with its 20.0%-owned affiliate, QAL. The Company estimates that, before
consideration of any hedging activities, a US $0.01 increase (decrease) in the
value of the A$ results in an approximate $1.5 million (decrease) increase in
the Company's annual pre-tax operating income.

Energy. KACC is exposed to energy price risk from fluctuating prices for natural
gas, fuel oil and diesel oil consumed in the production process. The Company
estimates that each $1.00 change in natural gas prices (per mmbtu) impacts the
Company's annual pre-tax operating results by approximately $20.0 million.
Further, the Company estimates that each $1.00 change in fuel oil prices (per
barrel) impacts the Company's pre-tax operating results by approximately $3.0

KACC from time to time in the ordinary course of business enters into hedging
transactions with major suppliers of energy and energy related financial
instruments. As of June 30, 2003, KACC held option contracts which capped KACC's
price for fuel oil to $25.00 per barrel for substantially all of its fuel oil
needs in the last half of 2003.

As of July 31, 2003, KACC had option contracts which cap the average price KACC
would pay for natural gas to approximately $5.50 per mcf so that, when combined
with price limits in the physical gas supply agreement, substantially all of
KACC's exposure to increases in natural gas prices during August 2003 and
September 2003 was limited and approximately half of KACC's exposure for October
2003 was limited.


Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures. An evaluation of the
effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company's disclosure controls
and procedures was performed as of the end of the period covered by this Report
under the supervision and with the participation of the Company's management,
including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. Based on that
evaluation, the Company's management, including the Chief Executive Officer and
Chief Financial Officer, concluded that the Company's disclosure controls and
procedures were effective.

Changes in Internal Control. There have been no significant changes in the
Company's internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect
internal controls subsequent to the date of their evaluation. Additionally, no
changes in the Company's internal controls over financial reporting have
occurred during the Company's most recently completed quarter that have
materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the
Company's internal controls over financial reporting.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


Reference is made to Part I, Item 3. "LEGAL PROCEEDINGS" in the Company's Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 for information concerning material
legal proceedings with respect to the Company.


   (a)  Exhibits.

        *4.1    Extension and Modification of Waiver Letter with Respect to
                Post-Petition Credit Agreement, dated May 5, 2003, among Kaiser
                Aluminum & Chemical Corporation ("KACC"), Kaiser Aluminum
                Corporation ("KAC"), the financial institutions party to the
                Post-Petition Credit Agreement, dated as of February 12, 2002,
                as amended, and Bank of America, N.A., as Agent.

        *4.2    Fifth Amendment to Post-Petition Credit Agreement, dated June 6,
                2003, amending the Post-Petition Credit Agreement dated February
                12, 2002, among KACC, KAC, certain financial institutions and
                Bank of America, N.A., as Agent.

        *31.1   Certification of Jack A. Hockema pursuant to Section 302 of the
                Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

        *31.2   Certification of John T. La Duc pursuant to Section 302 of the
                Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

        *32.1   Certification of Jack A. Hockema pursuant to Section 906 of the
                Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

        *32.2   Certification of John T. La Duc pursuant to Section 906 of the
                Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

   (b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

        No Reports on Form 8-K were filed by the Company during the quarter
        ended June 30, 2003.

- ---------------------------
*  Filed herewith.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized, who have signed this report on behalf of
the registrant as the principal financial officer and principal accounting
officer of the registrant, respectively.

                                    KAISER ALUMINUM CORPORATION

                                    By:  /s/ John T. La Duc
                                             John T. La Duc
                                       Executive Vice President and
                                         Chief Financial Officer
                                       (Principal Financial Officer)

                                    KAISER ALUMINUM CORPORATION

                                    By:  /s/ Daniel D. Maddox
                                             Daniel D. Maddox
                                     Vice President and Controller
                                     (Principal Accounting Officer)

Dated:  August 13, 2003